Super Nintendo Games:
Sailormoon - 1st season, Side-scroller. |
Choose a Sailor Soldier to fight as, then battle against the youma from Sailormoon. |
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Sailormoon R - 2nd season, Side-scroller. |
This game is just like the previous one, but it is drawn a bit better and you have the ability to use Superbombs. Also includes a 1-on-1 fighting game option. |
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Sailormoon S - 3rd season, Puzzle game. |
Use the Luna Ball to destroy the multi-colored hearts in the grid. Get all three Talismans to the bottom of your screen before your opponent does to win. |
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Sailormoon S - 3rd season, Puzzle game. |
Remove the colored bricks from your side of the screen, and put them on your opponent's side. |
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Sailormoon SuperS - 4rd season, Puzzle game. |
Destroy your balloons faster than your opponent. You can transform into a Sailor senshi, perform special attacks, or call Tuxedo Mask for help. |
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Sailormoon SailorStars - 5th season, Puzzle game. |
This game if just like the previous one, but it has the characters from SailorStars, and a puzzle mode. |
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Sailormoon S - 3rd season, Fighting game. |
Pit the Sailor Senshi against one another Street-Fighter style. |
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Sailormoon SuperS - 4th season, Fighting game. |
This game is a lot like the previous one, but represents the SuperS season. |
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Sailor Moon Another Story - 3rd season, RPG. |
Explore Tokyo, and help all 10 scouts work together to defeat the bad guys. This is an independent story that takes place after the S season. |
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FAQ, including walkthrough and cheat codes. |
Panic in Nakayoshi World - Puzzle game. |
Save Nakayoshi World in this Bomberman-style platformer. Features Sailor Moon, Sailor Chibi Moon, and other characters from Nakayoshi magazine. Thanks goes to James for providing this. |
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