. : V I R G O : .
"I Analyze" an "Earth" sign Symbol: The Virgin Birthstones: Agate Compatible signs: Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer Dates: Aug. 23 - Sept. 22
Ancient Egyptians associated Virgo with the goddess Au Set (laterknown as Isis), who, among other things, taught women to grind corn. TheVirgin, symbol of your sign, often holds an ear of grain, alluding to theharvest of late summer. You understand the harvest of hard work, whichentails observation, measuring differences, tabulating details, memorizingdata, and organizing methods of operation. Your love fororder and harmony is revealed in the way you approach life. You functionon a cerebral level, but because you're an earth sign, your mental approachis pragmatic. You want to see results. . . your own personal harvest.
The Virgo will stand out as the loner.
He or she is often a perfectionist, and is capable, cool, and calming.
The Vrigo is also sincere, dependable, and rarely vain.
Though sometimes irritable and impatient, Virgos are usually calm and possess a quick wit.
Virgos are usually deeply independent but may be blind to their faults.
The Virgo, often a very practical person, takes life extremely seriously. Sometimes too seriously.
 | You have the same sign as: Sean Connery Mother Teresa Richard Gere Raquel Welch Keanu Reeves Fiona Apple Sophia Loren Ingrid Bergman Lyndon Johnson Peter Sellers Joseph Kennedy Sialor Mercury |  |