. : C A P R I C O R N : .
"I control" an "Earth" sign Symbol: The Sea-Goat Birthstone: Onyx Compatible signs: Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio Dates: Dec. 22 - Jan. 19
The Sea-Goat is a mythological figure alluding to the evolution of the spirit from the sea of thecollective unconscious to physical materialization. Capricorn's dual nature represents your its duality of choicesoffering you the option of serving humanity, or of scaling the to gain control over other for personal ends.However, Capricorn represents the father figure, and you probably have the welfare of the community or family at heart. You enjoy regulating andmanaging others' affairs and take pride in providing for, directing andprotecting others.
Always improving themselves, Capricorn's advance rapidly though society.
Ruled by Saturn, Goats are ambitious, cautious, and oftentimes romantic.
Authoritative, and to a certain degreestubborn, Capricorn's keep to themselves, and will accomplish great things from behind the scenes; always remaining the real leader.
 | You have the same sign as: Denzel Washington Faye Dunaway Tiger Woods Kirstie Alley Mel Gibson Julia Louis Dreyfus Isaac Newton Nat King Cole Richard Nixon Joan of Arc Edgar Allen Poe Sailor Saturn |  |