. : S C O R P I O : .

Your Sign's Stats...

"I desire"
a "Water" sign
Symbols: The Scorpion, Eagle, Serpent, Phoenix, Dove
Birthstones: Topaz, Opal
Compatible signs: Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, Virgo
Dates: Oct. 24 - Nov. 21

Your Sign's History...

There have been many anthropromorphic variations of Homo Scorpius throughout the ages. This is testimonial to your well-recognized complexity. The scorpion symbolizes a hotheaded warrior who is violently passionate, bluntly sarcastic, egotistical, controlling and manipulative. The soaring eagle symbolizes the calmly intense, focused, determined, intuitive and perceptive Scorpio. The phoenix is the confident and courageous transformer that transcends the personal ego. Like the phoenix, the serpent, from Egyptian origin, represents rebirth throughits periodical shedding of outworn habits, beliefs, and illusions. Finally, the sympathetic and generous dove, a natural healer, is infused with love and generosity.

Your Personality...

The Scorpio is curious, steadfast, and passionate.

Ruled by Pluto, Scorpios are intense people who also possess a kind of sweetness as well. Their sincerity and rare generosity make the Scorpion seem less fearsome.

But don't ever challenge a Scorpion with the intention of hurting him/her, or you might feel that infamous sting.

You have the same sign as:
Julia Roberts
Bill Gates
Leonardo Di Caprio
Whoopi Goldberg
Danny De Vito
Marie Antoinette
Johnny Carson
Madame Curie
Grace Kelly
Sailor Pluto

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