based from the characters created by
This is a little modified fan fiction story about the events
taken place at Silver Millenium. It was written in May 1998 to commemorate
the third anniversary of the my syndication of the title "Sailormoon and the
Roving Sailorettes" in 1995. Sailormoon was what I called the Voltes V of the
new age and Spice Girl of anime.
The whole story was from my idea of what if's on the Sailoret-
tes or senshi, in everybody's terms. I thought of myself that what if Rei's
boyfriend is not really Yuichiro, but another guy. She's the only main con-
cern in my mind. Besides, I thought Amy (Ami), Makoto, and Petunia (Minako)
will never have a boyfriend. I put the narration to a point of view of a
really fictional character named Aranoi, who is totally a product of my ima-
gination. He worked as the royal retainer of the kingdom (same as Toad in Su-
per Mario Bros.) and the only survivor in the Great Battle which killed near-
ly all involved, including Princess Serenity (Serena) and Endymion (Darien).
Also, I used a thirteen-month Silver Millenium calendar in the
story, on which, years have five digits and the months are referring to the
terms, I thought, of word "moon." The days are constant here. This system was
used throughout the story with its Gregorian equivalents in parenthesis. The
words "Matahari" and "Bumi" had no specific dates; but its equivalents are
July 1 of each leap year and December 31 of each year, respectively.
This story includes the prediction of the Star Wars (tm) tri-
logy and the landing of man on the moon. The former is fictious while the
latter is real, but both are etched in everybody's minds.
The format of time was the combination of military time and
cardinal order. The 15th hour, for example, means 3:00 in the afternoon while
fifteen minutes before the 19th hour means 6:30 pm.
This would also be a reworded version on the one I wrote on
paper. This is because of Microsoft Word's politically correct grammar prog-
ram. Every phrase I typed, the program wanted it to rephrase.
In the end of the story, I mentioned Titanic. I included the
phrase "just like Rose in the movie 'Titanic'" because of its ending. Rose
dreamed that she was back in Titanic, meeting Jack again. This was a wish
made by Aranoi.
This is the very first fan fiction story I wrote. I only
thought of this when I was preparing to reconstruct my homepage. My second,
"Bunny and CB Meet Nick Carter" became the first fan-fiction story online,
since I never knew at first that uploading is possible.
So now you know about the fundementals, let's read along.
My name is Aranoi, the Royal Retainer of Queen Serenity. I
survived the five-thousand-year gap to become immortal, including the Great
Battle. But I was dismayed because I didn't help in the Great Battle. But
then again, if I did, I would've have been dead by now. Because of this, I
had to wait for a signal from Sailorpluto to find Princess Serenity, the
heir of the Moon Kingdom. Before I proceeded, I had to find the powers of the
Sacred Animals of the Seven Dimensions of the Earth: Canis Major in the
first, Grus in the Second, Phoenix in the fourth, Monoceros in the fifth, Ur-
sa Major in the sixth, Lupus in the seventh, and Pegasus in the third, Your
dimension. Your dimension, furthermore is getting worse in terms of peace.
Now I'd found her and the others, who died in the Great Battle and the Moon
Healing Escalaton impact, as other persons.
A scholar from outside Silver Millennium told me that a Great
Battle on Earth will ensue. The Battle did not involve the Moon Kingdom,
but the ones involved are Luke Skywalker (tm) and Darth Vader (tm). The Great
Battle will destroy ten of the world's major cities: Tokyo, Los Angeles, New
York, London, Johannesburg, Berlin, Cairo, Moscow, Mumbai (Bombay), and
Beijing, in that order. This will happen in the year 25299 (2201). On 4 Lu-
nette 25595 (April 26, 2567), a new city will rise over Tokyo. Its name will
be Crystal Tokyo. Before that, I will have to try to ressurect Princess Sere-
nity and Endymion, and all the subjects so I can see them in year 26026
(2998). By then, the world will have been a peaceful and happy place.
Now, I'll tell you the real story about what happened. What
you already saw on TV wasn't very accurate. It left out some details. I'll
fill in those for you. But first...
(This was a fictious account of what Serenity did when man
first set foot on the moon in 1969.)
You already know that Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin landed
on the moon, took some experiments, and left, concluding there is no life on
the moon. However, the Princess Serenity actually saw then both, while pic-
king and smelling some flowers. The exact date when she saw them was 6 Tsuki,
24997. Don't be surprised. In Earth terms, the date is equivalent to July 21,
1969. This event actually happened just like in the history books.
You know what those astronuts saw. They saw some craters,
rocks, weightlessness and darkness. They can see the Earth from there. At
least, that's what they saw. Actually, the princess saw the Apollo 11 lunar
module land on the palace grounds. They played golf on the walkway. And the
so-called "moon rocks" were actually pieces of the walkway crumbled away by
time. The two even called the President of the United States, Richard Nixon,
to inform him that they had succeeded. The princess also heard this.
When the two left, the Princess kept what she saw in secret.
She thought the royal scholars never knew that someone from Earth would take
a close look on the moon. She only told this to me because I am one of the
few that she can trust.
Although she saw the astronauts' handsome faces from outside
their helmets, she still had a deep love for Endymion, the general of Queen
Peril's evil forces.
Before we can begin, I'll tell you something that will change
your mind. Did you know that the four Sailor Guardians (or senshi) actually
took this job as a second job? This might confuse you but it's true. I'll ex-
plain! I'm serious! No joke! Cross my heart and hope you'll die! Just kid-
Sailormercury, the one in blue, was actually Amber, a scholar
of Silver Millennium who came all the way from Mercury. She took her studies
very seriously. She was one of the nine scholars who predicted the downfall
of Silver Millennium by evil forces on Matahari, 25000 (July 1, 1972).
Sailormars, the one in red, was actually Princess Rebecca,
princess of Mars, good friend of Serenity, and loving wife of Prince Jacob,
prince of Saturn. He, on the other hand was the son of King Cronus and Queen
Rhea, and twin brother of Princess Jennifer, captain of the Saturn Star Trek.
Jennifer always had her royal mark removed to let nobody recognize her.
Sailorjupiter, the one in green, is actually Marbella, one of
Silver Millennium's best athletes from Jupiter. She could shoot arrows accu-
rately, steadily, and precisely; she's just like Robin Hood. Morever, she al-
ways hit the bull's eye every time. And she was a great fighter, too.
Sailorvenus, the one in orange, is actually Plutonia (no re-
lation to Sailorpluto), an ordinary maiden from Venus. Sometimes, she was the
royal flower decorator. That's all I'll tell about her!
I was looking on the balcony on a beautiful day of 26 Tien,
25000 (June 14, 1972). I happened to see Plutonia holding a flowerpot. She
said that this pot would be used for the Princess's Matahari Refreshment. It
ws done every Matahari (or, should I say, every four years). Plutonia was
very serious about it. I asked her where she arranged the flowerpot. She said
she had done it in the royal dining room. I checked it out. It was clean, as if she
didn't even enter it. Then I found evidence that proved that Plutonia did en-
ter the room. A rejected sunflower was found on a chair. It had 25 petals and
6 sepals. I also found a sign that evil was lurking in the kingdom. A black
matterless ball, with plasma surrounding it, was patched in the middle of the flower. Ins-
tead of telling the Queen first, I told Amber and a companion of hers about
what I salvaged. They looked at it and called seven others. Meanwhile, I told
Her Majesty, the Queen, that she should be ready at all times because Queen
Peril and her whole army would invade the Kingdom. She asked me when. The
scholars will tell when, I answered.
Five hours later, the scholars told me something- I must come
with them to the throne room. When we were at the front of the Queen, we
bowed down our heads. Amber annnounced Queen Peril's army would invade the
kingdom on Matahari, 25000 (July 1, 1972).
When Her Majesty heard this, she became worried that her
daughter, the heir, might get caught up in the battle. Furthermore, she was in love
with Endymion, the General of Queen Peril's army. I'm with her, but I'm wor-
ried about what will happen. The other subjects did not know this and they
were very serious about what they were doing. They didn't even know about the
secret hiding place I'd made. There was nothing special about Matahari to
the other people.
27 Tien (June 15). Jacob and Rebecca came over to visit. They
asked about what had happened during the last few days. They were to attend the
Princess Serenity's Matahari Flower Refreshment. One of the kinds of the
flowers used, sunflowers, were Rebecca's favorites. She couldn't resist having an
arrangement with sunflowers in it. But, at the same moment, Endymion also ap-
peared. Fortunately, his visit had nothing to do with the Dark Kingdom,
which he served.
5 Sràt (June 21). Matahari was nearing. Nothing happening.
14 Sràt (Jane 30), the day before Matahari. Another sign of
evil appeared. Another black matterless ball with sparks was found in Marbel-
la's quiver. Marbella witnessed this also. She even said it was a bad omen.
At last, Matahari (July 1) arrived. It was still the 3rd hour
when I woke up. The Princess's Matahari Flower Refreshment was to happen on
the 9th hour. Some persons woke up at thirty minutes before the 6th hour. But
the only thing I'd done at that time was to wait and see if Amber was cor-
rect. The only things I'd done before that are: (1) Feed Luna and Artemis,
(2) serve the Queen and her daughter their LAST breakfast, and (3) HIDE!
The main event of Matahari was still on the 9th hour, but the
Negaverse started to come in at exactly the 7th hour. Queen Peril began to
comand her army to attack. Her four subjects led her army: Jedyte, Neflite,
Sedyte, and Consyte. They attacked. Our army also attacked. Meanwhile, I hid
myself in a secret hiding place and only I know where it was (it was under the
Queen's throne). I meditated to myself. There were other persons on the Sea of
Serenity. I hoped that they were all right.
Blasts and stone-throws of the opposing armies turned the
battle into chaos. They even burned the Silver Millennium down. I saw Princess
Serenity, defenseless against Queen Peril. Fortunately, Endymion came to pro-
tect her. To me, he betrayed not only his army, but also his superior. Queen
Peril promised him that if he killed the Princess, single-handedly, she would
marry him, and take over not only the moon, but also the Earth. But he refu-
sed. His love to Serenity was more than either China has people or South Af-
rica has diamonds (or the Universe has stars, or something like that). Be-
cause of that, the evil Queen Peril decided to kill TWO BIRDS WITH ONE STONE,
which she did using her power.
The castle was still burning. Even the tip of the main tower
(the one with moon on it) fell [and disappeared]. Five minutes later, the
castle was burnt down, towers and all.
Meanwhile, a spaceship called the Saturn Star Trek was going
towards the moon. The crew who ran it was commanded, of course, by Princess-
Captain Jennifer. Lieutenant Atlas reminded her that the ship, carrying the
last unicorn found on Pluto, was going towards the site of the Great Battle.
Jennifer didn't say anything. Hercules, being the vice-captain, told the con-
trollers to turn back. Since the ship had been hit earlier by a meteorite,
the lieutenant said that the steering system was damaged by the colli-
sion. Commotion broke out, but the princess-captain did not move. It seemed
that she looked like a statue. Sergeant Asteria told her and all of the crew
that there was no choice but to jump. When Jennifer heard this, she told eve-
rybody that they all must jump without her. But Hercules begged her to join them
or she would die. She refused, however. She sensed that someone had died at
the battle. Whoever he was, she should go with him. Some men still begged her
that they would not go on without her. To respond to the situation, she proc-
laimed Hercules the new captain of the Saturn Star Trek. She then said to him
that he must command all of the crew to jump off. He did what she said. What
the crew did not know was that her two cats, Jove, Luna's cousin, amd Juno, Arte-
mms's sister, already jumped off the ship, and then moved towards the battle
Now, the scene all had been waiting for came. I peeked this while
hiding. The Queen Serenity, laying on an altar with Luna and Artemis watching
her, could not believe her daughter had been killed. She did not want
the Negaverse Empire to take over the whole Universe. You all know that evil
minds always wanted to take over the whole world. So she decided to kill,
with one stone, MORE THAN TWO BIRDS! So she decided to activate the Moon Hea-
ling Escalation using the Moon Stick. Actually, I was ready for it. I put on my
helmet and earmuffs, and quickly closed the door, because this would be power-
ful stuff.
By the time the activation completed, it blinded all of the
soldiers of the Negaverse army, made the eyes of the subjects itch, and top-
pled Queen Peril to the ground. The impact made things worse, but it
was the only way to do it. It did defeat the Negaverse Empire, but the impact of
Queen Serenity's power got bigger and wider, just like the atomic bomb did in
Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Jove and Juno saw it just in time and hid behind a
rock to protect them from the impact.
The very first person to feel the impact is Jennifer. While
inside the ship, Jennifer was still standing, waiting for the consequences to come.
When the impact reached the ship, parts of it exploded, even inside. The con-
trol panel in front of her exploded. The explosion sent her against the
wall. Then, the whole ship exploded and crashed near the site of the battle.
The first ones on the ground to be affected were Jacob and
Rebecca. They were strolling along the Sea of Serenity at the time. Suddenly,
the impact came and threw them both against a rock nine meters away, HEAD-
FIRST! Then, they died, still holding each other by the finger.
Plutonia heard the crash of the Saturn Star Trek. She ran to-
wards the castle to report what happened, not knowing it was too late. A
spear, possibly from an enemy, went towards her. It came through her body,
which caused her death.
Marbella was still busy practising her arrows. Since she did not
sense all of the rocks coming toward her, they all hit her, the biggest
one on the head. She, then, fell down on her knees, then lied down, and finally
Amber tried to hide from the impact. But, before she did, the
sharpest piece of glass, broken away from her window, pierced her head, cau-
sing her death.
There were also two unidentified persons who felt the impact. One was a mermaid.
The other was an inactive female navy officer.
When it came, both had been thrown off. The mermaid went through shallow wa-
ter and hit a rock, HEADFIRST. The navy officer went overboard her ship, and
she hit her head on a rock. Both died.
All of these disasters happened in a few minutes of my medi-
tation. And they happened as I meditated.
Then, the Queen decided to call it quits. She told Luna and
Artemis that if they found Princess Serenity, they must give her the Moon
Stick, the one that holds the Holy Silver Crystal. By the way, the crystal
had been remover earlier. The Moon Stick signified a ruler. The Evil Empire
must not obtain it. The fate of the world depends on who possesses it. She
also said something about true love, but I did not remember what it was. Those
were her last words as I peeked from my hiding place. She dropped the Moon
Stick, and died (or was put into a sleep, I guess). Luna and Artemis called back to her
after what happened. Suddenly, they were magically enclosed inside large test
tubes. Jove and Juno also came in and called back, but they also had the same
fate. That's when I popped out of my hiding place. I couldn't believe my eyes.
Everyone was leaving the moon, going towards Earth. My experience was like waking
up from a nightmare. I saw a dead unicorn beside Jennifer's burnt and broken-
into-pieces body. That was because her body was broken into eleven pieces.
Then, all of them were enclosed inside bubbles, and flew towards Earth. I
also saw shooting stars in the sky. I thought they were those who died, in-
cluding the Princess Serenity.
All was gone. Not only was the Matahari Flower Refreshment
in ruins, but also Bumi would never happen.
I am now an immortal, but I'm all alone. I did surivive the
five-thousand years of living, but now I have nothing to talk to. I saw the
whole crew of the Saturn Star Trek on the ruins of the ship. The new Captain,
Hercules saw the princess-captain's royal mark on the ruins. He, Colonel Mar-
cus, and Lieutenant Atlas convinced themselves that their former cap-
tain was really a member of the Royal Family of Saturn. Instead of comforting
them on the loss, I continued to walk on in search of other survivors. By the
12th hour, I finally found Sailorpluto, the external Sailor Guard in black. I
told her everything that happened. Then, I asked her when would be the right time
to find the Princess. She shook her head, then told me to wait until a sign
came out. I then stayed with her until the sign came. And I tell you it was
a LONG stay!
The Princess entered Earth on 23 Buwan 25008 (September 4,
1980) under the name USAGI TSUKINO (Bunny Custodio/Serena). But the sign did
not came until 25023 (1995). But by then, I was searching for the powers of
the Seven Sacred Animals of the Seven Dimensions of the Earth. It will be ve-
ry useful for stronger enemies, now that she's Sailormoon.
Endymion, her love, is now MAMORU CHIBA (Mamuro Solis/
Darien), a.k.a. Tuxedo-mask. He is always there when she needs him. Actually,
both are still together.
Amber is now AMI MIZUNO (Amy Alitaptap/Amy). Nothing is
changed about her. She takes her studying very seriously.
Rebecca is now REI HINO (Rei Roxas/Raye). She's still the
princess's friend; but, because of some arguments, who needs enemies?
Marbella is now MAKOTO KINO ("Macky" Kino/Lita). She may not
use a bow and arrow to fight anymore, but she uses her bare hands and feet.
Plutonia is now MINAKO AINO (Petunia Jaronoca/Mina). Artemis
found her first, before Luna did with Usagi. And she had an experience of
being a hero (Sailor V) even before she joined the pack. Furthermore, she
isn't into flowers anymore.
Rebecca's husband, Jacob, is now Rei's present boyfriend,
JIMMY TSURINI [Saturnaries], the leader of the so-called Saturn Squad, hel-
pers of the Sailorettes, or inners. And, as of now, Rei still doesn't take her
hands off Jimmy, which brings to me the thought that they are still together, wherever
(and whoever) they are.
The parts of Jennifer are now in eleven people. At least
eight, together with the leader, Jimmy, would bring her back to life as Sai-
lor Saturn, the one in purple. Eight of these eleven are the other members of
the Saturn Squad, while the leftover three are former members. They are:
a. Yuko Shimada (Gemma) [then Saturntaurus, now Saturnvirgo],
b. twins Akira and Akiko Shirota (Michaelangelo and Mikhaela [Saturn-
gemini and Saturnscorpio, respectively],
c. Naomi Kameko (Grace) [then Saturncancer],
d. Arachne Hachimoto (Arachne) [then Saturnleo],
e. Naru Osaka (Naru/Molly) [then Saturnvirgo],
f. Umino Nomura (Umino/Melvin) [Saturnlibra],
g. Joji Hiroda (Joji/Georgie) [Saturnsagittarius],
h. Pindy Tsurini (Pindy) [Saturntaurus],
i. Rocky Amano (Rocky) [Saturncancer], and
j. Seiji Nakamoto (Seiji/Simon) [Saturnleo].
The two unknown persons, Sailorpluto later told me, were
really her colleagues, fellow Sailor Guards Sailoruranus, the one in midnight
blue, and Sailorneptune, the one in dark green. The navy officer (Sailorura-
nus) is now Haruka Tenô, and the mermaid (Sailorneptune) is now Michiru
When I finally visited the third dimension, I saw something
out of my expectations --- a girl named Chibiusa (CB/Rini), whose real age
now is -988 years old, or, judging by her looks, 12 years old. She said she
came from the future (no wonder her age is negative). I saw the picture of
her parents. I thought by then that Chibiusa is really Princess Tranquility,
daughter of Serenity and Endymion, who rule Crystal Tokyo.
Oh, by the way. Don't mistake Sailorsaturn (Jennifer) with
two lookalikes, Keiko Yamamori and Hotaru Tomoe. Keiko had nothing to do with
the whole thing, whilst Hotaru was just possessed by Jennifer's spirit to make her
father and all of us believe she is Sailorsaturn. Remember that Sailorsaturn consists of eleven
Well, my story is finished. I wish when I dream, I were in
Crystal Tokyo, meeting everybody again, just like Rose Windsor in the movie
