Chibi-Mars as
Luna / DM
Universe as
Malise / Sailor Mirari
Beth as
Twilight as
Adrien / Sailor Irosis
Kitsune as
Yaten / Sailor Star Healer
Carissa as
Setsuna / Pluto
Mirandi as
Sailor Moon
Jupiterose as
Sailor Saturn
Star as
Tresea / Sailor Star Silver
Merry as
Alisha as
Victor / Sunlight
Seiana as
The Sailor Senshi are challenged to a battle at a strange location- inside the mind of a visitor from the 30th century!
*Note: Image 1 is from X TV. I drew Images 2 and 3. Image 4 is from Fantasia. Image 7 is from Gundam X. The rest I found on the internet.
To Luna, Hotaru, Malise, Tresea, Usagi/Serena, Setsuna, Yaten, and Adrien:
All of you are crammed into a monorail-car heading South on the Tokyo Metro. Luckily, there are plenty of seats for everyone, since rush hour just ended. You observe a few business men who must've gotten out late. There are also a handful of junior high students who look like they're just beginning their night on the town.
In short, no one seems to pay particular attention to the group of you . You look out of the railway car's large windows, and you see that it's a lovely, sunny afternoon. It will probably be a nice and quiet night. It seems like it'll be another hour before sunset. Luna gets up from Usagi's shoulder and speaks to everyone. "All right, quick update, folks..."
"We're getting off at the next stop, Shibuya Station. Somewhere around there, we're supposed to meet our contact. I'm not sure who this person is, but Central Control said that we will find a special person from the 30th century... And this person will tell us everything we need to know about the evil Empire we're fighting, and the plans for their next attack on our own century."
Luna pulls out a small photograph and holds it in her mouth. "I didn't bring this out earlier because I didn't want to lose it... anyway, this is what he looks like..."
You wake up. The first thing you notice is that you have pain in your joints, as if you hadn't slept well at all. In fact, you don't really know if you had meant to fall asleep in the first place or if someone knocked you out. At any rate, you wake up.
You look around and discover that you are lying on a bench in the middle of a city park. It's a warm and sunny afternoon . At a small distance from you is a calm lake. Right in front of you is a sidewalk which forms the path around the lake. The path, in both directions, is decorated with small rose gardens .
You've been in this park before, so you're not completely lost. The only thing strange you notice is that there are no pedestrians walking around. There's usually a bunch of people, but right now, there isn't for some reason.
Beth is sitting in a corner of the monorail car, watching everyone vaguely, when she notices a cat get off someone's shoulder snd start talking. Normally, she wouldn't be surprised; the only thing that startles her is that everyone else hears the cat talking too. *That's odd. They aren't wizards, least I don't think so. And they said something about the 30th century and an evil empire. Maybe I'll just listen in.* Almost unnoticeably, she moves to a seat next to the group. Out of the corner of her eyes, Beth looks carefully at the picture Luna's holding.
Yaten looks out the window for a minute watching the scenery passing by. He turns to Usagi. "I hope our contact can help us out. We're going to need it." Yaten crosses his legs and his arms and sighs. He looks over to see Beth. 'She's looking at us as if we're crazy.. Could she be able to understand Luna too?' He thought to himself.
"He looks strange." Usagi says while she's looking at the photograph. When she's finished looking at it she looks out of the window.
Usagi looks out of the window and watches the landscaping pass by for a minute, then she looks at her watch and turns to the others. "maybe we should eat something, I've brought some bread." She grabs her bag and puls out a big lunch box. "Who wants to eat?"
Adrien leans back in her seat. she closes her eyes as she listens to Luna.
"Hmm, interesting. Kitsa mentioned this didn't she." She murmers as if to herself.
Her eyes open momentarily to look at the picture. "Help huh." she snorts and turns back to the window. But not befor looking at the passengers. She grins up at one student. "Hey," he turns and looks at her and moves to the back of the cart.
"Oh, I scared him away." she sighs carlessly. "He might have made a good match. Not that I should start a fight. 'You're here on sailor buisness', she mimicked." She's always telling me that."
For those of you who looked at the snapshot:
You see a lean and pale gentleman. His long jewel-blue hair falls to his shoulders, and his eyes are the colour of tangerines. ^_^.
Beth nods slowly. *Hmmm...May as well keep an eye out for him. And while I'm at it, I think I can find out who these people are.* She quietly pulls an old, thick red-bound book and leafs through it. She whispers, "I want a readout on any and all magical groups or individuals operating in the Tokyo area whose names or titles contain the word 'sailor'." She waits for a minute, then a listing appears. "Sailor Sailor Senshi-bingo! Now let me see. Looks like we have Sailor Moon, Sailor Pluto, Sailor Saturn, Sailor Star Healer, Sailor Twilight, and some people who don't appear on the list. I'll wait and see." Beth buries herself in the information on the Senshi, while at the same time watching and listening carefully to everything around her.
A wave of white hair grazed the sleek, plastic-like outer fabric of a silver windbreaker, blue tips blurring together. Malise turned her head from the gaze of the window, as she sat adjacent to it in a single seat; her eyes, shaded from the tedium of sunlight by that of dark, slateblue tinted sunglasses, resting idly on Luna as she spoke of 'sailor business'.
Scanning the picture of which Luna held in her mouth, Malise brought her right hand up to the silver frame of the shades. Lowering them on her nose just enough so that the crimson rim of her eyes were revealed, as so that the coloring of the man of who's picture was held features were visible clearly. The tangerine eyes of the pale man stuck out immediately, with the veil of the shades and without even as much as a word, the shades returned to obscure her eyes, hand falling back down.
Surely, Luna would explain what relevance the picture, the man in it, has to what they were doing, if it was important - so Malise saw no reason to inquiry and simple abode.
Tresea looked at the picture, as she stroked Mekos ears. "wow...hes ugly..." she blinks realising she said that outloud. she sighs an leans back in her seat an looks around.
Meko takes a closer look at the picture then sits beside Tresea. "Can you please try an at least act a little serius?"
"hmmm...Nah. Id rather just goof off." Reachs into her back pack an pulls out a candy bar. unwraps it takes a bite out of it, chewing it slowley.
Meko sighed an shook his head. "Why couldnt you be like your mother? You just had to take after your father didnt you?"
"of course" Runs her fingers through her jet black hair thats nearly identical to seiyas. infact she looked almost exactly like Sailor Star Fighter, except for the fact her eyes were red like Kakyuus. Looks out the window, wondering when they would get there.
Yaten looked at the photograph, memorizing the face of man on it. 'Tangerine eyes, Jewel blue hair.. gotta remember that.' He stares hard at the photo. He then looks back at Usagi. "I'll eat something. I'm kind of hungry." *Yaten's stomache growls*
"Hmm..he's a strange looking one isn't he?" Setsuna says,"I'm sure he sticks out in a crowd."
*Those tangerine so strange...*
"What in the Seven Moons...?" Jafter puts a hand to his aching head, speaking in his fractured English. He stands, stretching, trying to work out kinks in muscles that probably shouldn't be as sore as they are. Brushing a strand of blue hair from his eyes, he walks toward the rose garden, remarking to a nearby bee
"The roses are beautiful this time of year, no? Is he supposed to be...meeting people? He thinks so...perhaps they are near the gate?"
Leaving the bee to its nectar gathering, he walks toward the entrance to the garden/park.
"Alright here's some bread Yaten." Usagi says while grabs a plastic bag with bread out of the lunch box. She gives it to Yaten.
Then she looks at Tresea who's eating a candy bar. "Do you have another one, I'd like to eat a candy bar too!" she says when she looks at the candy bar.
"By the way, Luna how long is it to Shibuya Station?"
Hotaru reaches into her breast-pocket and takes out a soft triple-ply tissue. She brushes the dust off her nose, folds the tissue back neatly and puts it back in her pocket. She stares out the large windows and sees her face reflected in the window. She then turns to Setsuna.
"Setsuna?", Hotaru sighs. "When will", she pauses....."When will we ever have peace in this world?", she askes Setsuna and breaks down sobbing.
"I'm not sure if we ever will Hotaru...I've seen many wars in my life time and there will probably be many more to come,but hopefully we,as the Sailor Senshi, will be able to defeat anything that comes our way."
*I wish that it could be true Hotaru-chan..I really do* Setsuna thinks to herself.
When Usagi asks how long it is to get there, Luna doesn't really have time to say anything, before the loudspeaker comes on over your heads. Attention passengers. The next stop is Shibuya Station, a bell-like female voice drifts out of the speakers. Luna smiles at Usagi and starts to get up. She puts the curious looking snapshot in Usagi's shirt.
The monorail comes to a pause at the station. Luna hops out and takes a look around. Shibuya actually looks to be a very interesting place. It has large white sidewalks capable of accommodating a large number of travellers. On the left side is the entrance to a local city park, above a small flight of stairs. On the right, you see the arcade which you've heard is a big attraction spot for junior high school students. Straight ahead, the road leads into downtown Shibuya, and you can start to see the long line of night clubs and karaoke bars.
Normally you would expect this avenue to be thronged with people- but right now there is no one here. You wonder if there's even anyone inside the commercial buildings. You notice that the person whom Luna seemed to be talking about is standing right there, at the entrance to the city park.
Victor listens to Luna, smiling softly as he writes some last words into his journal. 'It's such a nice day,' he tells himself, being sure to put that in his entry, still thinking of everything he is writing in his head as he writes it. 'There has been no need to become Sunlight for quite some time. I'm happy it has been so safe. I miss my friends, but I like being here too. It beats having my girlfriend breathing down my neck. I love her a lot, though, so I don't mind...' After a few more words, he closes it and follows out, the journal vanishing.
He notices the guy in the picture standing at the entrance to the park, turning away to study his surroundings. "This is gonna be a great day," he says aloud. "No matter how much business will be envloved."
Beth slips out after the group, careful to stay near them without being part of the group. *Interesting. I wonder why nobody's around.*She quietly walks away from the group towards the strange man. Instead of speaking to him, she heads past him into the park.
" It's kinda creepy here, there's no people out and about. How wierd." It sent shivers up Yaten's spine. " Strange, our contact seems to just be here at the right time.' A puzzled look spread across Yaten's face. "Well, what should we do now Luna?" Yaten asks.
Luna hops onto Yaten's shoulder so she could be heard better.
"Ok yaten, i'll tell you the entire story. the 30th century is those guys who's been bugging us incessantly since the defeat of chaos, kidnapping young girls and the like. So far it's been a pretty intense struggle. Anyhow, Central Control and some other contacts from the silver millenium thought it would be best if we could gain as much information as we can about the enemy. It's a rather important priority to us, since we still don't know where a portal might be located, and therefore we can't stop any new attacks of theirs.... So this person should be able to help us out, at least a little, and maybe even tell us where the portal is:)"
Luna curls into a little fuzzball.
" I get it now. Thanks Luna." ^_^ *Pets luna on her head.* "Well, should we approach him now?"
He tilts his head, listening. Hearing some words he doesn't recognize, he asks his broken translator
Query: What is 'contact'?
Reply: Contact-communication
Guessing from the definition, unclear as it was, these are the people he is supposed to meet. He waves stiffly, looking severely out of place in a lime green sports-jacket and blue jeans.
Hotaru steps off the monorail and follows the group. She studies the area and to her conclusion, Shibuya is a very peaceful place....Alittle too peaceful is what she was really thinking...Hotaru walks with the group until everyone suddenly stopped. Curiosly, she tip-toes to get a better look of the front.
'"Guahh", Hotaru gasped.
Its the man from Luna's photograph. He was more eerie looking in person then he looked in the picture. Hotaru holds on Setsuna's hand.
Tresea an Meko jump off. Tresea stretchs her arms up in the air as if shes reaching for somthing jus beyond her grasp, bending her back as she does it. she yawns an looks around. Meko stretchs an trots beside her.
Adrien stands up and walks out. She blinks against the sunlight and looks around. "Hm, strange." she murmers softly. 'That girl," she look in Beths direction,"she mentioned Twilight-sama earlier. I should keep an eye on her."
Se looks at the rather emty place. "I though it was supposed to be a very popular place. How come no ones here?"
She gasps softly at the man standing infront of them. "He's... he's the one from the photograph. Rather strange looking."
She listens carfuly to Luna. "Silver Millinium? Didn't Negumai say something about that. I really should start paying attention."
She reaches into her pocket and brings out a red braclet.
"Seeing as we're here, I might as well keep this on hand." She says whle slipping it on.
Luna purrs as Yaten pets her.
"I think you should go," Luna responds to Yaten. "But I don't think I'm the best one to approach him... I don't know if they have talking cats in the future, and I might freak him out and then he might shoot me with a laser gun or something^_^..." Luna shrugs.
Tresea bent down to pick Meko. Just then she noticed the guy. She gave a sigh an set Meko on her shoulder. She stratiend her school uniform an walked over to him. she smiled brightly at him, holding her hand out. "Konnichiwa! Are you the guy were supposed to meet?" Waves a hand at the other sailor senshi around her.
Setsuna looks around.
*Hmmm... this is strange...very strange.* She notices Hotaru then looks.
*Oh My God! There he is!*
"Yaten do you want me to go with you?"
" Alright! I'll go. Sure Setsuna. I'm going to need your help." ^_^; 'I can do this, I can do this...' Yaten repeats to himself as he aprroches the man with Setsuna. Yaten approches him. "Hello, I'm Yaten Kau. You're the contact me and my friends here are supposed to meet." Yaten's shaking nervously. He tries to smile and not show that he's afraid. ^_^;
"And I'm Setsuna Meiou." Setsuna says.
"Calm down Yaten...your shaking like nuts!" she whispers into Yaten's ear.
"Gomen Setsuna, I can't help it. This guys scares me!" Yaten Whisper's back. "So, Can you help us sir?" Yaten stops shaking.
Setsuna sweat drops at Yaten.
"Its ok Yaten...he is a little creepy.." She whispers back.
"Please?" She says to the guy.
Tresea tear drops when they walk over too.
guess they must think im to brain dead to do this on my own...never mind the fact that im next in line for the thrown of Kinkomu.
she thinks to herself an sighs.
"I'm glad you came over Tresea. We need your help." Yaten whispers. He smiles and sweatdrops.
Smiles. "No prob Uncle Yaten!" Since she was Seiyas child, she called Yaten an Taiki "Uncle"
She blinked when she saw that he was sweating, she wasnt used to seeing him nervus. he was ussally calm an in control.
"Are you ok Uncle Yaten?" She asked him. "You seem...different..."
"I'm fine, just a little nervous. That's all." Yaten smiled. 'Geez that guy still hasn't said a word... Figures.' "Sir, do you think you can help us out? Please?"
Victor watches everyone go up, arguing to himself back and forth whether to join them or not. "Well..." He brings out his journal once more, writing another passage. 'We're meeting our contact right now,' he wrote. 'I should go up there and hear what he has to say.' Quickly jotting down a rather long poem about how he loves life, he joins the others.
"I don't think you need to be nervous," Victor whispers to Yaten, his hands in his coat pockets. "What's the worse that could happen? Actually, don't answer that. Then you might make me nervous."
Jafter folds his hands politely in front of them, looking rather bemused at the large sweatdrops that appear to spring from their heads. Once they have finished muttering to each other and greeting him--graciously, despite their fear, he thinks approvingly--he speaks, his clear voice with a hint of an untraceable accent deeply apologetic.
"He can't remember...what he is supposed to say. He knows that he is supposed to contact a group of...senshi? You are they? But he doesn't know what he is supposed to tell them."
He pauses, scuffing ill-fitting sneakers in the dirt.
"He doesn't know where the people are either. He is very, very sorry to be of no help."
He blushes slightly, hoping they won't make fun of his limited grasp of their language.
Usagi just stands there looking at the creepy guy of the photograph. *yikes, he's very creepy, much creepier then on the photograph.* she thinks. When teh others are finished wite greeting the guy she steps forward to shake his hand. "Hi," she starts to speek in confident,"I'm Usagi Tsukino." When she has finished she steps afterwards.
'Thanks Victor. I'll be fine now.' ^_^ Yaten whispers back."We are the senshi he's supposed to meet." Yaten answers. "What do you mean he can't remeber? Did something happen to him?" Yaten asks in a kind tone.
'Maybe our enemies got to him first, not only that maybe they got to the people too!' Yaten thinks while tapping his foot.
To BETH: You wander towards the park. Sadly, you don't observe anything of note here. It seems like a perfectly good uninhabited city park- the lake is calm and still. You hear the crinkle of dried leaves sweeping across the sidewalk at your feet.
You might have been able to sense the traces of supernatural activity here, but you're smart enough to know that at this point, you probably wouldn't pick up on anything apart from the strange group of people behind you, next to the train station.
Luna frowns when she hears Jafter's words. "What do you mean you don't know anything...?" And even though it seemed to be the extent of exactly what the foreigner said, Luna looks so curious as to be skeptical at first.
She settles down on Yaten's shoulder and wags her tail as if realizing something. "In that event, we're at an impasse. We're not getting very far like this, are we....?^_^"
Suddenly, at that very moment, an abrupt change seems to overcome Jafter. The sheen of his eyes changes colors, or something to that effect happens- you can't tell exactly. He seems to be taken over by a different being against his will- The fact that his toes start to float a couple inches off the ground, as if he was held by a large invisible hand, being your first clue.
"Soldiers of the Silver Millenium," Jafter says, and although it's in the guise of his voice, it has a different flow and texture, as if it arose from a female speaker.
"I see that got your attention," the voice continues. "My name is Crystal Piranha..."
Beth gives up and returns to the group just in time to hear Jafter start talking. She sits on the top of the stairs and listens quietly. *I may as well just listen until I know what's happening.*
Yaten jumped when he heard the female voice. 'Crystal Piranha.. hmm... this is getting interesting. Wait, he's floating. I don't like this...' "Well Luna, I think things just got really interesting. Should we ask them what we need to know?"
Slowly, he clenches his teeth, trying to fight off the unfamiliar voice. He seems to be succeeding, and sinks an inch or so toward the ground, every muscle taut with the effort. However, the stranger isn't giving up so easily...
Malise arose slowly from her seat on the monorail as the voice upon the speakers announced the arrival to Shibuya, the party's destination. Egressing from the monorail, the zipper of the silver windbreaker resting on her frame created soft clanks as it skimmed the other belonging to the baggy, crimson cargo pants. Black sneakers hidden behind the crimson legs emitted small thumps with the white sidewalk as various metal objects jumbled in the unnecessarily large pockets.
Divergent to the others in the group, Malise lingered and simply stood, almost as a spectator. The discernible tangerine colored eyes of the man, indentical to that of the picture Luna held - even without him speaking broken English there was no doubt that he was the very one in the picture. Now, how Luna attained the picture was definately in Malise's random thoughts, but it wasn't significant, therefore, no reason to concentrate directly on such.
Although not evident to one who merely glanced at her, Malise's senses were attentive to the man. A quick, swift look to Luna almost caused the teen to sigh, almost, but nonetheless was filled with anticipation. The abrupt change of the tangerine eyed man brought a very faint feeling of foreboding, though she probably shouldn't have thought that the man looked 'harmless enough'. Despite the slight feeling, Malise's figure remained the same, shoulders slumped lethargically.
The feminine voice came as a surprise, as one would think. Although, when Jafter sunk a few inches to the ground, the red eyes behind shades flickered slightly with a feel of ampathy in them. Both arms came to her torso, crossing and gripping lightly on the other arm, the sound of plastic rubbing together generating as well. Malise stood where she was, an aloof, dry, impatient air about her.
Miyuki stands there. Her blood red eyes pierced everything they saw.
She looked around seemingly unphased by everything. Her black pants blew in the wind. Her crimson shirt merely fit her eyes. She looked around and saw nothing to her liking.
The voice pauses a moment, as it hesitates and attempts to regain complete control over Jafter. "Sailor Soldiers-" his voice utters brokenly- "I've come to issue you a challenge to battle. If you defeat me-... then you will find the portal to our headquarters. "
"it will take place here. On my grounds..." You notice that the voice seems suprisingly sophisticated and mature, and not at all like the previous Crystal Senshi (who were all crazy^_^).
"Ok your on!" Setsuna says not quite thinking.
*Oh crap..maybe I should have waited to see if any of the other senshi are going to take the challenge..I don't want to be alone..what am I saying.. I've been alone before...protecting the time gate..Hopefully the other Sailor Senshi will join me.*
Victor takes a step back when Jafter goes up, a real confused look on his face. "Wha...?" was muttered from him, as he listened to a female voice come out. "Challenge?" he echoes to himself. 'So much for the peace... I should had seen it coming.' Victor relaxes, waiting to see what the others wanted to do.
"Bring it on!" Yaten's microphone appears on his ear. "Healer Star Power... Make-up!" Yaten transformed into Sailor Star Healer. ^_- "A wandering shooting star piercing through the darkness-- Sailor Star Healer, on stage!!"
Laughs. "buddy you dont know what you just got yourself into!" holds up the star hanging from her neck. "Silver Star Power...Make up!"
Like everyone else when they transform, her skin becomes a million colors. two stars appeared on her body. one on her chest and one on her stomach. the one on her stomach lit up an a circle appeared around her. it lowered its self down to her toes. where it passed, a band around her stomach, tight short black skirt, an long black boots appeared.
the one on her chest glowed now and formed ribbons around her, creating a black top over her chest. she raised her hands above her head an long black gloves appeared.
a final star appeared on her forhead. it shined brightly, blinding all who can see her. when the light cleared you can see a crown like tiara, star earrings and a cat like collar.
she smiled an open her eyes. she stuck her hand out an glaive appeared in her hands. she spun it then stopped in a pose with the glaive behind her.
Meko jumped off her shoulder and flipped in the air. when he landed he turned into a black tiger with silver stripes.
"Through the evil of darkness there comes a shooting star! Sailor Star Silver! Stage on!"
"Well, if we're fighting..." Victor says slowly, closing his eyes. 'Sun Power,' he recites in his mind, a flash of orange light. Once it cleared, he was now Sunlight. Dark mustardish suit, brown hair, and deep orange eyes. Obviously one of the cuter ones in his family ^_^
"Thank God!" Sunlight gasped, taking a deep breath. "If I had to listen to Victor another moment I was going to shoot myself! Let's get this over with." He gets ready to fight.
"Wow! Star Silver, you never told me 'bout Meko Turning into a tiger.." Healer was in awe. Healer shakes her head and focuses on her target. "Taking over someone's body against their will isn't very nice! Why don't you show your true self so me and my friends here can beat you!" Healer yelled in a harsh tone.
Trapped within his own mind, Jafter begins to panic, struggling wildly against the Crystal Senshi, thinking if I don't do something, if I can't regain control...they'll kill me!. His next thought is directed angrily at the force posessing his body. Let go, or you'll hurt. LET GO! Jafter's body convulses and cries out against the pain of being forced to comply with the twisted Senshi's demands.
Malise stared at Jafter, eyelids half lowered; although not visible through the tint of the lenses. The challenge emerging from the sophisticated voice rang into her ears, her eyebrows arched in an almost arrogant fashion. Once again deviating from the rest, her transformation was delayed... accepting a challenge from some random psycho didn't always seem like the best thing to do - yet the senshi muchly did.
A wry grin almost twisted her lips at the situation - inevitable for her. Even though her eyes were nearly riveted upon Jafter, nearly because it wasn't intelligent to keep one's attention on one thing in matters of these, no emotion changed on her facial expression with seeing him in pain. With her eyebrows returned to the normal manner, her arms fell out of eachother; right hand coming up with a simple, quick motion of her wrist, flipping bleached hair behind her shoulder before returning limply to her sides as the other.
Malise closed her redviolet eyes, concealed behind shades, commencing her transformation with ease which comes through experience. The fiery gleam of agate reflected from the spiraling dragon at her feet as she rose in the air a quarter of a meter. It curved around her, traveling from it's starting point to well above her head, leaving a shimmering, reflecting, liquid silver substance in the shape of a pod around her. Putting her right foot down as if the air between it and solid ground was solid matter, she spun on the ball of her foot, heel in the air.
The silver substance washed over her, cascading away to nonexistance. Feet once again meeting with the surface, white sidewalk, eyes fluttered open revealing the once obscured enigmatic gaze. As if Malise, now Mirari, wasn't enough of a deviant, the crimson, black, and silver fuku resting on her figure was certainly not the norm with single legged pants, and a top with interesting sleeves. It wasn't completely out there to receive eyebrows raised in the peculiarality from the others with the fuku, and Mirari didn't care either.
Standing there again, full stature, the look in her eyes seemed to say 'Now what? Hurry it up already, eh?' yet there was a substantial glaze over the shades of red. Half expecting some odd looking entity to spring out of the tangerine eyed man, Jafter, the thought that expectations never get you anywhere tugged at her mind. It seemed quite cowardly though, to challenge one through another channel that is possessing another -- and to fight in the body of the other seemed hardly formidable at all, afterall with all of the retaliation the man showed it wouldn't be full of ease to fight through him anyway. One, or at least Mirari would hope that this Crystal Piranha would be worth the time to stray from that path. Perhaps it was an arrogant thought, but it was in the Senshi's mind nonethless.
Moon crystal power, make up!!! Usagi is transforming too.
When she's finished she yells: "I won't let my friends fight alone, I'm the sailor suited beauty Sailormoon!!"
Sailormoon looks at Star Healer, Star Silver, Sunlight and the others.
The enemy seems to show no response to the successive flashes of light from several transformations.
Ow, The intruder thinks when Jafter psychically smacks her. All right, I'll make this short-
Jafter's eyes rest on Sailor Star Healer and Sailor Star Silver. "I'm not coming out. The invitation is for you to come in," he says almost under his breath. "I'm waiting for you inside his memory of the 30th century. You can get here using Sailor Teleport- And please don't dilly-dally, ne?-... I'd hate to have to do something drastic."
With that, the evil force lets go of you(Jafter). It's a relief not to have that person around, but at the same time you feel quite fatigued.
Gravity comes back to him, and his feet connect heavily with the ground, nearly causing him to topple over. Reeling with surprise, he clings to the gatepost for support, looking nervously around at all the Senshi.
"But...he doesn't remember the 30th century..."
He says quietly, looking at his feet. He looks at the others again, searching their faces for any sign of disgust or hatred.
Healer walks over to Jafter. "You okay there? Do you need any help?" Yaten asks, reaching out a helping hand.^_^
Setsuna quikly transforms,"Pluto Planet Power, Make Up!" She yells and there stands Sailor Pluto.
"Should we teleport now?"
Beth hurries over to Jafter, worried. She smiles reassuringly and steadies him with one hand. "It's all right," she says, using the wizardly Speech for convenience, "You'll be fine. You don't remember anything? Not even who that person was?" She looks off into space, and smiles coldly. "Now I know what I was assigned here for," she whispers, "and why it had to be me. I get the feeling...there's something here only I can put right." She comes back to herself with a jolt. "I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself. My name is Beth Goldstein. It's nice to meet you." She is still addressing only Jafter, seemingly oblivious to everyone else's prescence, although she watches them all out of the corner of her eyes.
Sunlight looks to Beth confused, remembering catching a glimpse of her on the train. Listening silently, trying to make out any of it, he comes closer, looking Jafter over himself.
"They're gonna pay for doing that," he said calmly. "Good thing I can teleport with all of you. I was taught to do it!"
Jafter waves Healer's hand away, shaking his head, and draws slightly away from Beth, surprised when he hears her speaking his language. He has to supress a laugh, for, even when magically translated, his language is a difficult one to speak...he manages to catch her meaning, though.
"No. He remembers his name, Jafter. That is all. He has no memory of her."
He frowns deeply, trying to think...what had happened to him? Giving up for the moment, he shakes his head.
"It is fortunate to teleport now while he is still weakened."
"Where are we waiting for?" Sailormoon asks. "I mean we could better go as soon as possible."
*I'll be glad if this is over.* She thinks.
then she walks to Jafter. "everything alright?" ......
Healer nods. "We should go. Time is of the essence." Healer says, confidently.
Adrien's eyes flicker curiously at Jafters strange actions. "Crystal Pirahna ne? I'm sure it's nothing we can't deal with.
Irosis Star Makeup!"
There is a blinding flash of flames as a column raises up and surrounds her. She lands without a pose and brushes her hair from her eyes. "You know, I'v never understood why you guys waste time doing needless poses."
She looks at Beth. "How do you know about Twilight-sama?" She asks in rather a demanding voice.
"And what or how, I should say, do we teleport? I've never heard of it, so it's a bit new to me."
Luna hops over to stand next to Sailor Irosis. You have to look all the way down to see her.
"To use Sailor Teleport, all of the Sailor Senshi have to say 'Sailor Teleport' at one time. And I know it's possible to take two or three people along with us."
"But I also remember about two years ago- Arty and me, and the other Inner Senshi went inside ChibiUsa's mind to save her from the dream monster... That time Sailor Pluto just transported us there..." Luna sits down and shrugs.
"We have to figure out a way in... anybody got any Ideas?" Yaten turns to the other senshi.
Silver scratches her back an sits on Meko the tiger. "Maybe we can be transported...I mean...last time I checked...the Star Lights cant use sailor teleport" sighs "we can turn into shooting stars but cant you sailor teleport.."
Meko looked over his shoulder at her. "We dont know that for sure..No star lights tried to use sailor teleport.."
"It never kills to try, Right?" Healer asks. "Luna, Do you think it's worth giving it a shot?" Healer looks down towards Luna.
Luna thinks a little. "...It seems to me like ALL Sailor Soldiers should have the power to teleport. You've probably just never tried it before." She smiles reassuringly.
"Still, I think you should all try to do it together though, just in case." Luna says to Healer resolutely.
A layer of wax paper appeared to be plastered to the conjunctiva of Mirari's eyes, resulting in a glazed appearance. Her right arm came limply from beside her side, brushing a few blue-tipped forelocks over the headband, moving them away from her face. 'Sailor teleport?' Haven't tried that before...' her mind wondered, as she really wasn't one of those 'team-ish' people, though, upon hearing what Luna said - she wasn't one to be dependent on others for anything, not even a transportation. Not like she had a choice, sailor teleport seemed to be the only way to enter the memory of the man who didn't know of it.
Red-violet eyes became partially ensconced by Mirari's eyelids, the tips of Mirari's eyelashes meeting slightly. The fabric of the black biker-style gloves stretched on her hands loosened and tightened on the figure of them as fists clenched and unclenched in anticipation. 'Why is it that this Crystal Piranha is such cowardice as to wish us to challenge her in the memory of this... man who has no knowledge of such a memory. Is it not possible to get lost in the walls of memory in the tangerine-eyed man, if he himself cannot find it?' She waived the thoughts off, it would do her no good at the moment. Such inquisitive wonderings were hardly ever answered with a satisfactory answer atleast anyway.
Willing the short ruminations to another dark crevice of her mind, Mirari's gaze wandered, biding 'till the group deciding something amoungst themselves as they seemed to do most of the time; when it was time to embark into another blind adventure.
Irosis hunches down to about eye level with Luna.
"So basicly, we stand here, and shout Sailor Teleportation at the top of our lungs?" She looks around. "Well there is one good thing, no ones around to see us and think we're a bunch of wierdo's. I guesse I could give it a try. Though I do wish Negumai would mention these things to us. All she ever tells us it that 'we'll figure it out as we go along' No explanation or a discription to these things...." she stands there and talks to herself quitley, rambling on about Negumai. "I mean honestly, like that one time......."
sighs. "well ill give it a try.." looks at meko an stands up. "you better change back..."
Meko looked at her an changed back in to his adorable kitty form. jumps an jumps up onto her shoulder. looks at luna. "isnt there more to it then just shouting? from tales I heard about Sailor Planet Power, is that it requires you to use your senshi energy as well.."
Luna turns her head to Star Silver. "Yeah, as far as I can tell, you say it, but then the energy comes to you... Like the first time you used your henshin sequence. Even if you don't know what's going on at first, it'll come to you by the time you finish the phrase. I should know- I had to teach four out of the five Inner Senshi how to henshin. But of course, Sailor Teleport was always a weird little thing..."
Luna sweatdrops because Irosis is right there looking at her.
"Anyway, the worse thing that could happen is that it doesn't work... If you're all ready, I think a count to three would be appropriate."
"Let's just go," Sunlight said tiredly. "The faster we get in there, the faster we can end this and get going. I guess I'll have to be one of the people you bring along. I can't think straight with my head aching." He sighs, rubbing his temples from a newly formed headache.
"Besides, the cat's got a point. The worse that could happen is that it doesn't work, and with so many Sailor's, how could it?"
Beth looks around, slightly bewildered. "I'll just assume you do know what you're talking about. But shouldn't this require more finesse than just going for it? I've never tried to use a direct teleport into someone's mind before. Luna-san, are you sure there's no possibility of harming his mind?" She opens her book to a chapter titled "Traveling:Internal and External". She reads for a bit, then nods. "Ohhhh...I see, now. Let's go!" *I better be ready to look for the kernel once we get in,* Beth adds to herself. *Better safe than sorry.*
"When are we going?" Sailormoon asks.
"I'd rather be back quickly." She adds quick after a few seconds.
She looks around waiting for an aswer.
"All right," Luna teardrops. "It looks like everyone's ready, so I'll count."
Why do I always have to do these things? Can't they see I'm a little cat?^_^;;. However, Luna also feel very used to it, especially after taking care of Usagi for such a long time... She takes a deep breath.
"Okay... On three, everyone say, Sailor Teleport, or your teleportation phrase. One... Two.... "
Mirari stepped forward a foot or two, nothing more to do than to do this 'sailor teleport'. In another, mostly ignored portion of her conscious thought, she was hoping that the others here wouldn't mess anything up.
Her lips pressed together, tiny cracks forming as Luna began counting. Eyelids flickering, pushing eachother away so as the crimson outward ring was almost fully visible, tossing aside the loose look of boredom.
A pink tongue ran lightly over Mirari's lips, resaturating the short fissures in them. Eyes became concealed again as Mirari closed them, awaiting the count of 'three'.
Barely above a mutter to be audible, "Sailor Teleport..."
Irosis straightens and jumps back quickly, realizing tht she's obviously a bit distractive right there in front of Luna. "Sorry. It's just, we've never had to travel to another time. Much less into someone's memory."
She grins. "It won't hurt to try. And by the way it sounds, it'll be pretty easy."
She stands with the others, snapping her eyes shut, and waiting for three.
Sighs taking a deep breath. She closed her eyes and said the words: "Sailor Teleport!" She was bright red, because at that moment she felt like a moron.
"Sailor Teleport!"
Beth mutters under her breath in the Speech, casting her spell. "Activate, standard air displacement, coordinates to track signal of Sailor Moon, activation with movement of signal. Apply."
Sailormoon listens to Luna.
Sailormoon looked arround and closed her eyes.
Sailormoon prepared to say the two words.
(three...)As one all the senshi (including sailormoon) said: "Sailor Teleport!"
To Beth and the Sailor Team:
"Sailor Teleport!!" Those of you who are unfamiliar with the command feel a rush of powerful energy suddenly rush through you. You feel a sense of weightlessness. Then you start to feel yourself transported to the image of the place you have in your mind.
Halfway through, though, you feel something awkward, as if you're not so much being transported by your own power, but by something or someone else. You get sucked in the rest of the way.
To Sunlight, Miyuki, and Jafter: If you have any psychic perception at all, you can feel the incredible energy summoned up by the Sailor Soldiers. But you are not brought in by their power- you are brought in by something else, whether you wanted to go there ot not. It happens too quickly for you to tell exactly what's going on.
You sense something like a rocky landing- but it only lasts for a split second, and the next thing you know, you are on your feet in a new area.
* * *
You open your eyes look around at your new surroundings.
The first thing that's apparent to you is that you are surrounded by a thick fog. It obscures everything that's a couple yards ahead of you with pale gray. Even some of your party members, who are at a greater distance, become hard to delineate, and are tinted white, like ghosts.
You don't see any trees, or any buildings or anything else. There's just nothing. You almost feel a sense of vertigo from not being able to distinguish one direction from another.
Somehow you don't feel like you're in the middle of nowhere though. You suspect that if you were to wander in one direction for a while, you would eventually come across a wall.
Upon looking down, you notice something curious. You are standing on dark-brown soil that's slightly moist. The ground has puddles of water in several places, as if it has rained recently. All of the puddles are perfectly circular, and so smooth that they reflect the sky like round mirrors. You can't tell how deep the puddles might be, nor can you tell what is lying beneath their surface.
It's cold out.
To Jafter: You do not recognize anything. The coldness seems a bit familiar to you, but it could really be any type of nostalgia.
To Beth: You sense yourself signalled to one particular direction. It's very faint, and seems like two or three miles away.
Beth looks around for a moment, confused. Then she smiles cheerfully. "Is everyone here?" She calls out. "I think I know where we should go!"
"Now what? I'm here, without Zolt, ack. We don't know what could have possibly happened here! I could need Zolt's help! And...YEOW!" A dark-skinned boy looked at his finger. A slight bit of blood flowed out of it. Looking sickened, the man attempted to wipe the blood off on a leaf. He then turned his head, feeling an odd burst of power from somewhere nearby. The man blinked, while squeezing his bleeding finger with his other hand, that was also holding a staff. "What the-?"
Dark, mostly black hair waved as the rather slim man walked towards where he felt the power surge. His white chin-length pieces of hair, that remained in front of his ears, also blew around, but not as much. The man's dark eyes glinted because of the slight bit of light that he saw. A black jewel at the bottom of the black staff he was holding also sparkled a little. He peaked his head around the bushes, just in time to see the odd teleportation sequence take place. His eyes widened, and his hand fell from his bleeding finger. Of course, the bleeding was starting to calm down.
"Great...Zolt just had to oversleep...Now I think I need him around. What's going on here? Those people just vanished! It's like some teleporting act." He regained his composure and walked out of the bushes. It wasn't like anyone was there to notice him, anyway. The man looked around, trying not to become nervous. Something weird was going on, but he expected that, right?
"Think Iimesu...What would you do if people teleported? Try to track them down? Wait until it happens to you because you're standing in the same place?" The man, Iimesu, tried to think of something reasonable to do next.
Sunlight looks around slowly, trying to decipher exactly what happened. 'That didn't feel like their power by the end,' he decided, then just tried to shake it off. 'Naw, it had to be... Who else is there?'
The cold air caused him to shiver for a moment before he could get his own warmth back in control. After planting his feet on the moist soil the way he wanted, he looked towards the direction he heard Beth, hoping she did know where she was going, because he sure didn't.
'This is so strange,' Sunlight told himself, beginning to head Beth's direction, or at least what he thought was her direction.
Healer starts to shiver. "It's kinda a little too cold for my senshi suit." She looks around. "This fog is so strange... if we would be attacked now, we'd be pretty much screwed. Maybe that's why that witch made us come here." She looks down at the strange puddles. 'that's weird. puddles aren't normally this circular... This is getting very weird very fast.'
Jafter looks around, apparently bothered by his surroundings, but not by the cold, for he is not shivering at all. Glancing at the puddles, he thinks so this is the inside of my weird place He clasps his hands together, chewing fitfully at his lower lip, not seeming to notice when a tiny trickle of blood drips down his chin. His tangerine eyes have darkened to a nervous brick colour-he is obviously disturbed by the fact that he recognizes absolutely nothing.
"Yup...the star light uniform is not made for this weather." sighs. "Well at least theres no snow...." looks around, fidgeting with her glavie.
Meko jumped off Silvers shoulder an transformed into a tiger. Unlike his owner he had no problem with the weather around them
"If it was snowing, I'd go crazy." Healer remembers the challenge. "Well where is she? Come on out Crystal Piranha.. I'm waiting!" Healer stopped shivering and got into her fighting pose.
Irosis hugged herself and looks around miserably. " I h-hate the cold!!" Indeed, she does look rather peeved about it. "Why couldn't it be a nice warm sunshiny place? And what's with the puddles?" She bends over to inspect one. "Eh? There perfect circles. What if we fell in one, and never stopped falling?" She looks around. "If I poked my finger in it..." she pauses. "Wait, her name's Crystal PIRAHNA. Pirahna's a type of fish. What if these puddles have flesh eating fish in them?!" She jumps away and stares at it almost as if expecting something to jump out and grab her.
The surface of the puddle in front of Sailor Irosis starts to ripple. You hear the sound of waters shifting.
A second later, a form levitates out of the puddle- an entire female form. For a moment, it's almost impossible to figure out what she is- a film of water clings to her skin as it drips down slowly.
Once she is entirely visible, you see what looks like a Sailor Soldier, but her uniform is much different than those you were familiar with. You are struck by her intense beauty- a cold beauty, created from the clash of marble-pale skin against deep, violet eyes. Her fuku is light gray, with darker colored splotches. Her hair, falling over her left eye, looks just like Sailor Neptune's, but it is about half as long. Her hair is also gray.
Her outfit has a unique collar that normally covers her chin, and it covers her mouth when she looks down.
You immediately observe that her weapon is a scythe. Even though it's strapped to her back, you can't miss it because it's about as large as she is.
As soon as she rises from the water, several more reflecting disks appears, but not on the ground- they are floating in midair. Strangely, they appear like the surface of water when on the ground, but look more like mirrors when they're floating. You don't know what the heck they are, and right now you don't really have the time to look at them closely. You worry that it might be difficult to run around with both puddles on the floor and mirrors in the air in random places.
"I'm so glad you've decided to accomodate me," she says. Her real voice is rich and subdued, like the swelling of a typhoon.
"You should admire the conditions I've set up. Now that you're in this imprint of the 30th century, you can probably find the gateway between our two worlds very easily."
"On the other hand, this man's memories of his homeland, I have crafted into my favor. This is a water-territory, which happens to be my element." (You assume, of course, that she's talking about Jafter.) "...But enough. Let's make this quick." Crystal Piranha folds her arms, and turns with a suspicious gaze towards the hyperactive Sailor Star Healer.
'Wait.. she wnats me to attack, with those mirrors.. She could send it right bakc at me! That.. that oooo. I hate her!' Healer points her finger at CP. "Don't think i'm that stupid! I know your plan! You were going to shoot my attack back at me were'nt you?" Healer sound really mad, not only that an very angry look spread upon her face, showing her true emotion. 'There has to be another way.. ' Healer is in deep thought.
Beth looks around, more than a little unnerved. She heads towards the others, snagging Sunlight on her way. She whispers to him, "Listen. I don't know who you are, and I don't have time to find out. There's a source of energy a mile or two that way. At best, if I reach it I can manipulate this place. At worst, it's still something important. Any suggestions?" She stops just out of range of Crystal Piranha's scythe. "Um, you...Star Healer, right? Be a bit careful, okay? A scythe that size can slice you in half. And look out for the mirrors, for the gods' sakes!"
Sailormoon looks to the mirrors. *they are very strange.* She thinks.
Then she looks at CP. a cold feeling comes over her. Sailormoon listens to the ohers and looks at Star Healer. Sailormoon stands ready to fight if something would happen.
Crystal Piranha watches patiently as Sailor Star Healer almost attacks her, and then changes her mind at the last second. "...I don't need to reflect your stupid crappy attacks," CP replies coldly.
She levitates a few paces backwards, and places her feet on the ground.
She unhooks the giant sickle from her back and gestures with it. At her command, you see three forms rise up out of the intermittently placed puddles.
These creatures are shaped like men, but their heads are shaped like those of swordfish- their long nose tapering to a needle point. Their arms reach all the way to their feet, and their hands are a host to vicious claws instead of fingers. You can't tell what they are made out of, but your closest guess is that they're made out of water. When CP commands them, they begin a mad dash towards you!
To SAILOR STAR HEALER: One of the fish-men is running straight at you. Even though its arms are spread out to claw you, its scissor-sharp nose will get to you first. You have only seconds to react before getting impaled on it.
"You have got to be kidding me!" Healer Jumps out of the way. "I''ll get you for that! Here I go... Star Sensitive.. Inferno! " Healer points the attack at the creature. Healer turns towards CP "You called my attack crappy?!?! I wouldn't underestimate me if I were you!"
To BETH and SUNLIGHT: The second beast heads in your direction, scrambling so quickly that its feet are splashing through one other. Even before it reaches, it swipes the air horizontally with its claws. Apparently it has no bone structure, or anything of that nature- as the creature starts to rotate its arms like a windmill around its neck. Then it leans forward and makes to rip you to pieces with its whirlwind.
Beth stands her ground coldly. "Is that all?" She says, then reaches to her bracelet and taps one charm three times. "Initiate," she says in the Speech, "Manual activation." A small rod appears in her hand, like a laser pointer. She points it directly at the creature and says, "Fire." A stream of flame bursts from the tip and heads for the creature.
Sunlight was about to answer Beth when suddenly he found himself trying to not be killed. "Gah!" He took a step back, wondering if Beth's defense would be enough. 'Just go for it,' he ordered himself, taking a step back forward. "Sun Break!" He grunts, trying to hold the power long enough for it to do something.
Sunlight goes back to Beth, speaking rushed. "The best I have is that you get to it, and see what happens. Test a couple ways that might be safer for this guy's mind, and see if it works without you needing to do anything too major. This battle should keep everyone preoccupied long enough to get there, however, I don't know about time to do anything. Really, I know nothing of a person's memory or mind."
To SAILOR MOON: The third fish-man comes at you. However, just before closing in, it leaps into the air! You look up and see the swordfish-man about to descend on you, and you don't suppose that it's for an overzealous hug.
Meanwhile, CP steps back towards the perimeter of the fog. While waiting, she spins her sickle in circles with one hand, by the chain that's attached to it.
Jafter looks flustered indeed, quite at a loss for anything to do. Glancing rapidly about, he leaps from the ground, hovering there and looking for anything he cand do to help. Seeing Sailor Moon in trouble, he heads in that direction, applying energy to keep his feet off the ground, and consequently out of the puddles, which seem to possess some sort of demonic power. Seeing the monster attacking SM, and realizing that he is entirely weaponless, an idea strikes him. Dipping to the ground, he scoops a handful of water from one of the puddles, intending to lob it at the monster's head. If it doesn't have any incredibly detrimental effects, anyway.
Iimesu looked around, slightly clueless about what was going on. Maybe it would have been better just to keep his distance in this case, but it was too late now. Now he was stuck with these people in a weird place. Hey, at least he got his answer--he was to be teleported with everyone else if he stood near them.
He looked around and tried to take in his new, crazy surroundings. And then, he looked forward. Who was that girl in that silver stuff?! Why was she attacking those girls and guys who just were teleported here? This only got more confusing by the minute.
Iimesu came to the conclusion that he needed to find someone that wasn't pre-occupied by this girl here. When looking around, he found no one, though. "Hmmm...Now what? Attack the girl?" Iimesu wasn't a follower. Rather, he was someone who stood up for the weaker ones, the ones that were discriminated, too. There didn't seem to be any side that was any of that here. That idea didn't work too well, did it?
The only way to find out what was going on was to wait for one of the people to notice him, for him to go up to one of them, or to be attacked. Iimesu decided to lean on his little staff and wait for something relevant to happen.
Tear drops an takes a step back. "Ew...their ugly!!!" shakes her head an takes another step back.
Looks at his mistress an tear drops. "Silver please...FOUCUS!!!" Glares at her then at the creatures. hes raver sharp claws unsceathed themselves from his paws that were about the size of a frying pan.
Shakes her head. "Right!" She spun her glavie an points it forward. looks at the monters carfully, picking her target
Sailor Saturn stands there, watching as the battle violently rages on. She sees the fish men running, attacking her teamates. With one hand on her gaive, she flexes her body into an attack stance. She turns to Pluto and nods, signalling her decision. "Hyahhhhhh!!!"
Sailormoon looks at the fish-men in horror. Swiftly, she leaped backwards to avoid his large claws. the long nails of the devil had struck the earth just there where she had been standing seconds ago.
yet again his claws struck towards sailormoon, but yet again she managed to dodge his blows. slowly moving backwards, sailormoon tried to increase the distance between her and her opponent, to get out of reach of his large talons.
suddently, the deamon stepped forward and attacked. His large fists slammed ito the ground where sailormoon had been standing. Only a fast sideroll had saved her.
the devil did not wait and immediately took his chance to heave his hands above his head for a final, all destroying attack...
A stream of fire surges from Beth's wand. It smashes right into the approaching monster. There's an explosion of steam-- the creature halts its onslaught at having at large part of it suddenly vaporized. Around this time, Sunlight's "Sun Break!" pummels into it. The water-demon splashes into pieces. Its droplets rain down to a layer of water on the floor.
To BETH: While you were watching all this, a floating mirror appears behind you. Two giant, aquatic arms reach out from it and suddenly grab you. One reaches around you and grabs your shoulder, while the other one clasps your chin. Before you even know what's happening, you hear an ominous cracking sound- like ice breaking- and the aquatic arms turn into solid GLASS. It's thick glass. Immediately, the arms retract, and try to pull you into the mirror, which now seems more like a pool of water.
Beth screams as the glass appendages draw her toward the mirror. *Stop that! You sound like a stupid fairy-tale princess.* She gets a grip on herself and goes suddenly limp, sliding herself down out of the deadly grasp, no particularly caring whether she breaks a few of the glass fingers in the process. Simultaneously, she aims the laser at each of the arms. "Fire."
To SUNLIGHT: You didn't even notice that you were standing so close to one of those puddles of water. Or perhaps, it appeared there just now. At any rate, a freaky aquatic arm reaches out of it and yanks your ankle, with such abruptness that the rest of you nearly turns upside down.
It's grip is cold and squishy. ...But that's not nearly as alarming as the fact that the fish-man you disintegrated earlier is reforming very quickly. It's a mere couple of feet away from you. By now, its upper half has already regenerated. It starts coming for you by clawing its way over the ground.
"No! Don't!" Sunlight looks at everyone fighting from a half upside down view, beginning to feel a little sick. "Put me down!"
His attention is suddenly drawn away when he hears Iimesu. He looks at him confused, not sure who he was or where he came from. 'I hope he can get some of the heat off us...' At last he remembers what position he was in, cringing at the feel of the arm around him.
Slowly looking up, after hearing small scratching sounds on the ground, Sunlight sees the fish man he just defeated now coming back without half its body revived. "Oh lord!" he shouted alarmed, eyes wide. 'How can I save myself? Heat! Maybe I can boil it away with extreme heat? Better kill two birds with one stone then.'
Sunlight quickly returns to Victor, Victor closing his eyes and muttering, "Violet Raze," under his breath. A large bubble appears around him, forcing the arm off. Victor falls to the ground, stumbling away backwards with the bubble still around. At once he returns to Sunlight, the bubble, at this point, fading.
Sunlight coughs, aiming at the fish-man and puddle with aquatic arm. "Heat Explosion!"
To SAILOR STAR HEALER: The fish-man doesn't swerve from its path. You launch a "Star Sensitive... Inferno!" at that bad boy and nail him right in the face! His head splashes into a million little droplets.
The rest of his body collapses all over your feet. To your right, you see another mer-man with its sights set on you. You're not really sure where this one came from. It begins stalking towards you... Then you find, to your horror, that your feet are encased in solid glass! You can't even turn around to completely face this beast.
Healer looks down and panicks. Healer looks at the monster and panicks. 'It'll impale me if I don't do something!' Healer starts punching the glass as hard as she can. But it looks like she's going to need help...
To SAILOR STAR SILVER: Crystal Piranha notices you and the white tiger. Still spinning the sickle in her hand, she comments idly, "Well, you look like fun... It's been a while since I've hooked something." And then, before she even finishes saying this, she throws her large hook at Meko. Her weapon is attached to her hand by a chain which extends when she throws it.
To SAILOR SATURN: You were in your attack stance, and ready for anything, when a fish-man leaps out of a mirror next to you! He lands right on you, pushing you into the ground! A moment later, you find yourself with a fish-man on top of you. The enemy is unable to claw you since he is holding you down. However, you hear a light cracking sound, as the bluish mutant starts to slowly coalesce into glass.
It took a second for Mirari to realize what was going on after the transport, an odd sensation it was to do that. Being enveloped in the fog, she stood as a spectator to the action, attacking the other senshi. Wheee. Eyes going over Crystal Piranha and her swift movements, as well as the fish-men. How...unique, fish-men that reformed after being hit. The mirrors intruiged her, having a power base of mirrors, though this was not the time.
Even though she probably couldn't care less about these people, some that she didn't even know - she wasn't going to let them have all the fun, now could she?
A slender, partially gloved finger groped around her belt loosely, searching for the pouch of goodies, fingering the explosives with index finger and thumb.You would think that some of the explosives would detonate as she touched them without care for being delicate, but with exeriance she's learned not to do something stupid to do so.
'If one of my solid attacks hit the fish men, it would be just as effective as the others' - however glass could probably break glass...' Although the lust for battle tugged at her, it wouldn't do any good at all to just dive right in impulsively, as much as Mirari felt to. True, she could most probably help out the others, her apparent teammates but didn't seem immediately needed. They could get themselves out of their problems. It wasn't that she was cruel at all, it was simply stoic nature.
Coming to a rather quick decision; 'Glass,' the single word was emitted from her mouth, usually accompanied with 'peripheries' - that word did not come. A sheet glass appeared directly infront of her, left arm moving forward to push it down, resting horizontally. Without removing her flat palm from the shimmering mirror, she lifted her entity on the glass, feet landing in a crouched position before straitening to attain full stature. Being levitated a meter or so from the ground wouldn't save her from the fish men if one were to come to her, but it could possibly buy her some time; hopefully.
Not shortly after mounting the glass, Mirari's right hand swooped into the sleek black pouch, withdrawing around eight spherical explosives. In the same motion, she released the devices towards Crystal Piranha who was 'grappling', if that's what you'll call it, towards the white tiger.
Meko snarls an leaps backwards, dodging the hook. he sinks his nails into the ground as he lands, leaving long deep claw marks in the ground. He charged forward, ducking under her weapon then leaped up at her. at the last second he moved to the side... Silver stood where he had been. she brought her glavie up over her head as she leaped into the air, then brought it slashing down, aiming directly at her head
Irosis watches as the wierd fish men attack the Sailors. "They regenerate! That's not good. And having fire attacks to fight against water well, not much hope there. Still, I suppose I could always try something." She glances around. "Attacks don't bother them much, but would physicle strength do any good? I suppose an attack would be a better thing to do, because then, well i'll never know if I don't try. Irosis Flaming Pheonix!!"
Two columns of fire swirl around her and there's a lound shreiking noise as they take the form of a pheonix and head in the direction of the nearest monster.
Iimesu just watched the odd monster-looking things attack the senshi. They looked quite ugly and nasty! "Ewww...Razor-sharp blade noses!? EEP!" Then Iimesu shook his head, to try and shake the thought out of his head, and then went into a fighting stance, even though he knew it was useless. Someone could come over and just brake his pathetically easy-to-brake bones even if he was ready for them. Iimesu just got out of that pathetic, useless position. It wasn't like someone was going to attack him, anyway, right?
If anything, Iimesu wanted some answers. No one seemed to notice him quite yet--maybe he'd have to make himself noticed. Shouting would be a foolish thing to do. Those weird water-mer-men might come towards him if he did. Eek!
With a sigh, he stepped closer to the crowd. It wasn't like he had anything better to do anyway. Maybe someone would notice him. Iimesu idlely waved his staff, the Nightmare Staff, around, but didn't make a sound himself. He observed the monsters marching towards the senshi, the either on-guard or off-guard senshi. Then Iimesu looked down at the ground and noticed how people were being pulled into puddles, or were just stuck in mirrors. Maybe it would be a good idea to shout...
"HEY!! BIG UGLY MUSHY THINGYS!! OVER HERE!!!" Iimesu cupped his free-hand around his mouth, making a half-circle around it, as he yelled as loud as he could muster.
To STAR SILVER: Your coordinated attack with Meko was a pretty fancy move- Crystal Piranha wasn't expecting the tiger to be smart enough to pull off something like that. But as she snaps her wrist, the chain instantly retracts back into her cuff, and returns the scythe to her hand with lightning speed.
Your glaive slices cleanly through the air, but comes to a jarring halt as it clashes with her own weapon. Blue sparks fly everywhere. You end up in a sword-lock with Crystal Piranha. You see her face up close, and it's really scary looking. Her thick eyelashes are sharpened into talons. And she has fangs, which you otherwise might have thought were cute, but are currently clenched together in savage bloodlust. "Still... too... slow..." she says quietly to you, her lips curling into a slight smile^_^.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see one of the puddles/mirrors moving on the ground towards her. It comes to a stop under her feet-- in a flash, CP sinks down into it, and is gone. You look up just in time to see the spherical explosives, which Mirari had previously thrown in that direction, hurtling towards you.
Not given time to give a cry, throws herself to the side, dodging the attack heading her way. despite the rush, she places one hand on the ground, doing a back flip, an landing perfectly back on her feet. she glares at the spot CP had been. "Coward..."
Meko brought his fangs up into a snarl an looked around. He was mad that their attack hadn't worked, especially since it ussally did
To MIRARI: You observe CP disappear just before the explosives reach her. A moment later, the sound of evil female laughter drifts through the air around you. You can't discern where it's coming from; it just seems to be there. Suddenly, you stumble as the mirror you are standing on turns into a surface of water.
You are fast enough to prevent your completely falling through the interdimensional surface. However, the second your foot enters the wet, invisible space beyond the two-dimensional plane, something on the other side chomps your ankle and doesn't let go. Something big. You feel yourself tugged towards the pool, not so much because the creature wants to pull you in, as much as it's having a good time sinking its teeth into you.
A disgruntled grumble almost escaped Mirari's mouth upon seeing Crystal Piranha disappear into one of the circular puddles; foolish it was though, to expect a few explosives to be able to get her in the beginning. It was cut short by the mirror she stood on dissolving into water, her mind was looking about, taken a bit off focus by the almost disturbing laughter at the moment.
After falling, even from a relatively meager height, it's expected that one would like to be able to regain composure on a solid surface - too bad her leg went through the plane. A wince came to the surface of Mirari's face, however hard the attemption was to restrain it when whatever creature or thing it was griped her ankle.
The combat boot of her free leg dug into the deep, almost russet colored soil forming the ground, trying to hold herself from being pulled down. Both arms went down a bit behind her sides, palms pushing onto the soil, fingers burrowing to get a grip on it.
The blades hanging at her waist seemed to call to the stiff hands in the ground, but even if the intentions of the entity which seized her leg wasn't to drag her in, she wasn't going to if she could help it. Clearing her mind, Mirari closed her eyes once again.
"Glass peripheries..."
To STAR HEALER and IROSIS: The Fish-Faced Blueboy of Doom comes closer and closer to Sailor Star Healer, its bony knuckles dragging along the ground. As it approaches Healer, it rears its twisted claws to sink into its intended victim. And then, it's suddenly fried to a toasty crisp! Sailor Irosis's Flaming Phoenix takes a bite out of crime and suffocates the monster completely, with an eruption of steam and smoke like feathers from a pillow bomb. (Okay... I messed that paragraph up >.<)
Unfortunately, yet another fish-man has arisen from another direction with evil intentions. This slippery fellow jumps into the air at Irosis, spinning with such incredible speed that it becomes like a wheel of water. As it descends, its wavy tendrils crystallize into glass-- and while it's unclear whether the creature's intent is to run her over or spike her to death, it's definitely barreling at her.
And poor Star Healer is still rooted to the spot in a chunk of glass with a crack in it!
"Thankies Irosis.. I owe you one." ^.^ "Star... Sensitive Inferno!" Healer points the attack at the monster that is attacking Irosis.
Irosis hopped into the air and twirled around, landing neatly in some sort of victorious thing."Ha! I gottcha! Aaagh!" she shrieked and covered her head as Healer's attack went soaring over, "Don't mention it." she calls to Healer. She took a few steps back, just in case Healer's attack missed or failed to do something.
To JAFTER and SAILOR MOON: Jafter lobs a thing of water at the fish-man attacking Sailor Moon. It doesn't hurt him- He's made out of water after all, and part of the splash even absorbs into its head- but it did attract the thing's attention. The scary-ass, mutant Needle-Nose ignores Sailor Moon and rushes towards Jafter.
Without bothering for introductions, the fish-man raises its colossal arm into the sky, and swipes its hand down at Jafter, its claws fully extended in order to take off his head.
Sailormoon took her change when the devil looked at Jafter. the very second the devil jumped to Jafter to attack him, she jumped on her feet, meanwhile drawing her cutie moon rod.
"moon princess helation!!!"
To IIMESU: "HEY!! BIG UGLY MUSHY THINGYS!! OVER HERE!!!" Your voice is so loud it echoes through the entire canyon, which you just recently deduced was a canyon from the echo. It also attracts the notice of all the enemies who weren't otherwise occupied. You see fish-men emerge from the puddles next to you. Within seconds, you are surrounded by not one or two, but five angry swordfish-heads, who appear as feisty and restless as if you had just woken them up from sleeping. They brandish their long, sharp noses like swords- but only for a moment before they all begin running at you, leaning forward and with their noses extended! Their goal of course, is to make a penta-shish-kabob out of you...
Iimesu's eyes widened. "YIKES!!! ...I knew that wasn't too smart!" Now this wasn't the time to panic, that would be foolish. At least he knew it was a canyon. Well, it wasn't like he could throw the things or anything though--he wasn't really that strong. Putting up a physical fight wouldn't be a good choice, and that was what these things seemed to want.
Thus, he held the Nightmare Staff up behind him, as if to hit the things away, and started to run as fast as he could...which was not very fast. Iimesu turned around and breathed hard after he ran less then twenty steps. Weakly, he put his hands back over his head, with the Nightmare Staff in them, and pointed the Nightmare Staff, blade-side, at the five swordfish-ugly-heads. "Ummm...Now what..." First, he shifted his aim to the middle one and the two off to the right.
He just needed to see how strong these things actually were. A faint glow emitted from the jewel on the Nightmare Staff, and then it shifted over to the blade-side. Iimesu looked down, and said in a rather whispery voice, "Fragile Nightmare." Then he looked up, with a weird glint in his eye. Before seeing if it even captured the weird things, he turned to the two remaining.
"Nice weird-looking things...YIKES!!!" The worn-out Iimesu started running again, this time, to the right. At least it bought him more time. Now he could think a little bit more. If Fragile Nightmare would only injure them, then what could he use? Virtual Invasion, that was it. Well, he got some more energy back, literally, his breath, he could at least do something.
Iimesu, with a bold look on his face, put his left hand up. It looked like he was about to snap his fingers, but then he made a flicking motion with them. He did this twice. "Ticklish?" Two black sparks came out of his fingers and towards the things. Then he ran again, going towards the original three he attacked.
To BETH and SUNLIGHT: Beth slips out of the ill-fated hold of the glass arms. Now grasping the empty air, the frozen arms fall rigidly to the ground. Beth's fire surrounds the glass remains, but doesn't do much damage, besides causing splits in the glass. The mirror from which the arms protuded fades away.
Sunlight's "Heat Explosion" roasts what was left of the oncoming attacker, finally leaving only a bubbling mess. The aquatic arm coming from the ground is also scorched. It retreats back into the shiny puddle.
There's a short pause in the action. You hear a whooshing sound as Crystal Piranha levitates out of a nearby puddle/mirror. She seems to be in a good mood.
"A good warm-up, isn't it...?" She asks you (Sunlight and Beth) in a tone at once mocking and derisive. She sets her feet on the ground again, while tossing the strands of hair hanging over her right eye. She takes the sickle in her hand and starts idly spinning it again.
Sunlight, now breathing hard, watches as everything attacking him was now over. A sigh of relief was let out, him also realizing Beth was free of disturbances as well.
"Gah!" Sunlight jumps back startled as CP comes out, him settling down once he saw it was "only her". All these mirror and puddle tricks were beginning to not only confuse him like they already had, but irritate him. He was wondering if that was the only way this dimension could attack him.
"I'll say," Sunlight mutters under his breath after hearing CP comment on it being a good warm-up. Then he watches her spin her sickle around. Sort of hypnotized by it, he remains silent, just watching it go 'round and 'round. At last, he shakes his head, holding it; now, his head, a little light headed. 'What exactly is her game?' Sunlight asked himself. 'And why would I let something as simple as spinning that thing around make me dizzy?' He waits for Beth to answer first.
Beth smiles derisively. "Why yes, I agree. I would have felt ever so disappointed if that was all. Mirrors. How...traditional." She males it sound like something silly. "Of course, traditionally witches hate to be caught between mirrors, don't they? Tell me, are the mirrors a piece of the future, or are the part of the seeing magic?" She memorizes the pace of CP's scythe, ready to dodge should it swing at her. She jostles Sunlight and whispers, "Don't let it mesmerize you. Get ready."
Sunlight sweat drops embarrassed, giving a small nod. "I don't know where my head went," he whispered back quickly, then prepared himself for any attacks.
Yet, Sunlight still couldn't help but think about what Beth had said. He didn't realize mirrors could have so many different purposes. It was intriguing, but he kept it back for now, wanting to be ready for anything from CP.
To Iimesu.
The three fish-men to your right don't give up their pursuit on you. However, when you cast your spell, a wooden crate labelled 'Fragile' falls from the sky onto each one of their heads, trapping them inside:). You hear roaring and other horrible sounds as they futilely try to escape, and force the boxes from side to side in their terror. Finally, you hear a dying gurgle-- the crates settle down, and you see water drip out from between the wooden slats into the ground.
There are still two more after you. You cast "Flick" on them. The enemies show a slight reaction, but aren't largely affected , being either too watery or too stupid to be affected by the sensation.
They run after you, and catch up very quickly. The first one runs ahead of you, and suddenly crytallizes itself into a glass wall, which you run into. The remaining fish-man decides to go kamikaze: leaping into the air, it breaks apart into several fragments- like ice splinters, but uncountably numerous as large as umbrella spokes- and they start dropping towards you, pummeling into the ground and unsettling the earth around you.!!!
"OWWWW!!!" Iimesu screamed, after he smashed into the wall. He looked at his left hand, where yet another part of his skin had torn open. Iimesu sighed, knowing that it was hopeless to try to stop the slight bleeding right at this moment. "Owww..."
He stepped forward, just incase the glass wall was going to sprout hands or something. Iimesu pointed the blade-side of the staff at the gerenal area in front of him, then realizing that there was nearly no way to wipe out everything coming at him. Well, actually, there was. He just didn't want to use attacks that would wear him out right now.
Iimesu gulped. How was he going to solve this problem? He dodged the fragments of the old fish-man, but that would only last so long. Iimesu knew he was eventually going to slip. Plus, he needed to stop to take care of his hand. Why did he have to be so weak?
The man closed his eyes and crossed his hands over his chest. Then he breathed in and thrusted them forward, the left hand gripping onto the Nightmare Staff tightly, so now both hands were hanging onto it. A little red spot appeared on the black Nightmare Staff, but then not much appeared afterwards. Iimesu looked briefly relieved. The bleeding was calming down pretty quick.
Iimesu then breathed in. Why couldn't he just do what he nearly always did--stand away from the fight and only step in if he was needed? Well, it was his fault the monsters noticed him anyway. Iimesu was going to solve this problem. After taking one last deep breath, Iimesu charged at the things as they plummetted down to the ground and started to hit them with his Nightmare Staff as hard as he possibly could. Good thing he knew how to handle the Nightmare Staff.
To Sailor Star Healer and Sailor Irosis.
"Star... Sensitive Inferno!" A rocket of energy shoots towards the oncoming enemy. There's a blinding light, for a moment, as Star Healer's attack is reflected in the countless facets of the glass monster- and then there's a brilliant explosion as it cracks into pieces. Dust and small fragments of glass rain down on you. Afterwards, you are able to catch your breath since you don't see anymore fish-men in the immediate vicinity. . Even though you don't recall getting separated from the others, and you know they're closeby, there's so much fog that you cannot see them.
To Mirari.
Upon whispering your attack phrase, a layer of glass shows up above your head, breaks up, and then flies towards your opponent like a blizzard of razor-edged shards. You hear splash upon successive splash as they enter the puddle and stab their target. The loosening of its teeth against your leg is enough to ensure you of the success of your attack. As you are let free, the puddle itself starts to turn light red.
To Sunlight, Beth, Sailor Star Silver, and Mirari.
The whirring of CP's spinning sickle causes a slight breeze in her direction. "That's the question, isn't it," she responds slowly to Beth, although you can't tell whether she agrees with you or is simply taunting you. "The purpose of a mirror is to blur the line between what is real and what is not..."
She grins slyly, and then suddenly seems to come to a decision about something. "I'll kill you one by one, that will be the best," she concludes, "and I'll have my swordfish play with you, in the meantime." Once again, she attacks at the same time while she's talking(that's really annoying), and throws her hook, but not towards any of you. "Void... Net... Entrap!!" She screams.
The huge blade disappears beyond the surface of a mirror, with the chain following it- and it reappears, emerging from a different one- only to disappear into the next one, and so on. It dashes in every direction, and you can't keep your eyes on it. Soon, diagonal chains are criss-crossing the entire area. Furthermore, there are so many chains, that you become entangled in it. Before you know it, there are chains wrapped around your neck, and your wrists. It just happened so fast-- a much shorter time than it took to read all of that.
More swordfish men rise up from the ground and approach you.
You wonder how many of them there are-- no seriously, at first it looked like there was one for every puddle, but now you start to wonder if they are actually beings, or if Crystal Piranha is generating them out of her will. This new set of fishmen aren't as beserk as the previous ones. However, having their prey all tied up in front of them contributes in large part to their air of satisfaction.
Meanwhile, Crystal Piranha takes her hook -a second one, perhaps- and searches for her victim. She sees Sailor Saturn, who's lying face-up on the ground, and trapped underneath a crystalline tower that once was a swordfish-monster. Crystal Piranha licks her lips restlessly, as she holds the blade over Sailor Saturn's face.
Don't do it! a female voice speaks to her. I can see what you're doing, and I'll never forgive you if you kill her--
"I'll do just that," Crystal Piranha replies emotionlessly.
'Uh oh! Looks like everyone's in trouble!' Healer looks down at her glass encased feet. 'what can i do? I'm stuck here untill somebody gets me out.' Healer shakes her head and Looks at CP. "You Leave her alone! It's me you'll want to deal with!" Healer glared at CP and boy was she mad! 'Dang it! I wish I had another attack... The Star Sensitive Inferno is really taking it out of me.' Healer, altough thinking, kept her Glaring eyes on CP.
Gives a yell an struggles against the chains. she manged to hold her glavie up an point it. "Star...Constellation...Magic!" a silver light came from the crystal in her glavie. It grew brighter then shot out in many beams of light. To those resiving it the light looked like they were forming a constellation. The one it formed this time was Leo the lion
Beth gasps in shock. *Oh, great. Just absolutely brilliant. What I wouldn't give for some noon-forged steel...Oh, duh!* She manages to reach her bracelet and taps the charm in the shape of a running shoe. She whispers a set of coordinates, and activates the teleport. She appears(in theory) next to Crystal Piranha. Beth grabs the haft of CP's scythe. "I don't think so." she says.
"Wha...?" Sunlight looks at the chains around him, struggling to get free. He gives a small glance next to him to see Beth was gone already and just let out a sigh, stopping his movement.
*Victor,* he said annoyed. *I need a little help here.* Though he was speaking to him, Victor didn't have the power to speak back; so Sunlight had no idea if he heard him. He had to wait to see if he was given permission to use his power. Once he could feel that extra boost, he would know his request was granted.
Suddenly, a surge of energy ran up him, causing him to smile relieved and close his eyes. "Violet Raze," he whispered, hoping the shield would force the chains off and keep the swordfish men back in the meantime.
Luna runs up to Sailor Star Healer. "Hurry up and get yourself outta there, Yaten... please...." she says worriedly. After that she starts bashing the little crack in the ice with her... head. ^.^
To STAR HEALER: After a short length of time, Luna's efforts pay off. You hear the glass start to crumble under its own weight, and before long, you are able to move your feet again. Luna's head is very sore. "...Go get 'em... Yaten..." she says, right before falling down. ^.^
To SAILOR MOON: When you scream, "Moon Princess Halation!!" a bubble of light forms at the tip of your rod which expands to cover you, Jafter, and the monster in the light. The evil monster is disintegrated by moon power before even having the time to cry out! After attacking you feel invigorated and full of energy instead of weakened. Perhaps you had forgotten how nifty and powerful that attack really was.
To IIMESU: You bash at the remnants of the fish-man that had tried to spike you to death. The fragments and bits of glass that had fallen turn into smaller fragments and bits. But, since it transformed into glass, it doesn't appear to be coming back to life anytime. Before long, (hopefully) you realize that it's stupid to keep hitting the glass, which is motionless. You seem to have eluded the danger. You look around and everything is quiet.
"...violet raze..."
Twin eruptions of light are triggered from inside the net of chains- A bubble forms around Sunlight, which separates the chains from his limbs, just enough so that he could slip out of there. The nearby fish-men are taken aback by this curious power, but are not harmed. Perhaps they even welcome this unexpected phenomenon, because it means their predatory sport can continue...
Star Silver's Constellation attack also gets the job done, but in a much more violent way. As the constellation shoots its rays, the chains burn up and snap. You find yourself re-endowed with the power of mobility. However, the pieces of the (quite heavy) chains remain draped over your shoulders and arms.
Crystal Piranha hovers over Sailor Saturn's prostrate form, her crooked blade forming an ominous shadow over the small girl. CP pauses just for a moment, but you can't tell whether it's from hesitation, or a desire to savor the act of wickedness that she meditates.
"Stop it, Piranha, I swear to God...!"
Beth comes out of nowhere and holds the scythe in place. CP looks at her, surprised that she had escaped so quickly. Then her face turns to rage. Instantly, Crystal Piranha kicks Beth, with such swift and violent reflex, it catches both of them off guard.
CP wrestles the weapon away from her, and hisses- "You insolent Sailor Senshi--!" With that, and probably without even thinking about it, Crystal Piranha raises her blade, and swings it down over Sailor Saturn. It plunges straight through Hotaru's chest! You think you hear, maybe, a small cry issue from her throat- but it is silenced all too quickly. CP's shoes are splattered with blood.
She turns to Beth, a sadistic still illuminating her features. "The next dish on the menu is-- you-" she says with such cold ferocity that it chills your bones. And then she stops suddenly.
"No!! I won't forgive you, Piranha! I won't forgive you! I won't forgive you! I won't forgive you! I won't forgive you! I won't forgive you!!!"
"Nani?" Crystal Piranha asks as the the floating mirrors throught the vicinity start to vanish. The remaining swordfish-men around the arena start to break apart, turning into harmless puddles of water.
As fog fades away, you discover that you are inside a sprawling canyon.
Crystal Piranha looks around, and her subdued rage seems to increase (if that's at all possible.) Her eyes, narrowed into slits, come to rest on Jafter.
Iimesu's left hand let go of the Nightmare Staff, as he let it rest at his side. He then looked around, slightly disturbed by the sudden slience, but yet relieved at the same time. He took a quick look at his left hand, before seeing the cut that appeared on his index finger. Iimesu was relieved to see that there was no more bleeding all-together.
Noticing the other people that were there, he decided to walk over there. It obviously wasn't a good time to actually distract them and ask what was going on, though. So, he decided to keep a little bit of a distance from the core of the action. Iimesu stood near Star Healer, but he didn't say anything to her or the cat that was nearby.
"Odd..." Iimesu looked at Crystal Piranha closely. When his eyes fell on her shoes, he looked like he was going to gag. There was blood all over them. "...And freaky. And scary." He whispered, with a slightly nervous tone to his voice.
At least one good thing happened. Every single one of the swordfish-monsters were now gone, or at least, they were puddles of water. If only that had happened before his problems with the stupid things had started! Iimesu kept his eyes on Crystal Piranha's face, so he didn't have to see her bloody shoes. Where did that blood come from, anyway?
That's when Iimesu took his eyes away from Crystal Piranha's face, and actually looked around. His eyes scanned just about everything, that was, until he froze. What had happened to that poor girl? Iimesu stiffled a scream.
"Shoot...This is more serious then I thought, isn't it? And I already thought this would be a problem..."
Before Mirari had a chance to smile slightly, bleakly, at the color of water changing she was seized by the chains of Crystal Piranha. Seeing the fish-men crumbling into mere puddles as they emerged from, she obviously didn't have to worry about them, now only to get the chains off.
Not too long after both Sunlight and Star Silver burst out of their bindings, the white haired girl's body fell limp in hers. Before commencing attack, the redviolet eyes reflect another red color, the blood of Sailor Saturn's chest. It didn't, it doesn't, matter if she wasn't close with them, nor if she didn't care if they got hurt - but the senshi of destruction's blood splattered on Crystal Piranha's shoes brought an almost sullen rage to Mirari. Whatever brought it on, it was of no significance at this time.
Her mind went to the links bound together, twisting themselves, pinching her flesh; as well as Crystal Piranha. 'Mirari Smite'
Beth stares up at Crystal Piranha in shock. "Who..are you?" she whispers. Pulling herself together, she scrambles to her feet. *Got to find the kernel, got to find it, got to!* She turns to Sunlight, as the only person she really recognizes, and grabs his arm. In a desperate whisper, she says, "We have to get to that energy source, do you understand? She's keeping us here! This is only a memory, a dream. It's not real, it doesn't have to be real! We have to fix the dream, then wake up. Can you help me?" She casts around in her mind for the direction the energy source is now.
Jafter looks around himself amazedly, eyes going back to their original vibrant hue. He turns in a circle-still floating-and examines the sphere of light that surrounded he and Sailor Moon. Coming full circle, he senses CP's eyes on him, and meets her gaze squarely. His expression is a mixture of sorrow and anger.
"SATURN!!! NOOOOOOO!" Yaten's hands are in tight fists, her eyes full of tears. "I'll never forgive you for killing her! Omae wo Korsu, Baka teki!" Healer yelled at the top of her lungs. "Star Sensitive Inferno!" Healer launched her only attack at CP, but this time it was even stronger and bigger.
Sunlight gasps the minute he saw Saturn on the ground, her poor innocent blood shed. He looks up to CP shoes alarmed seeing them splattered with the same liquid. "Saturn..." he whispers sadly, coming closer. He looks as if he is going to be sick, or at least had been cooped up inside his room crying for the past month.
Though he hardly ever had the chance to completely know Saturn, she was always there, and it was hard for him to realize it. He never thought about a day, or chance, where she wouldn't be. In one swift second her life seemed to have came to an end. That is, if, by some weird chance, she still had any life there. He heard so many stories repeated to him about her, every response he gave being an irritated, "leave me alone".
"Whoa!" Sunlight looks at Beth, some of his "cool" coming back to him. He looks from her back to Saturn, speaking confused. "You mean Saturn... isn't... that way?" New hope comes to his eyes. "Calm down a little. I'll help you. Just tell me what to do."
Beth takes a few deep breaths and calms down. "Okay. I need you to help me get there. Once we find it, I can take it from there. I don't think she-Saturn?-is really dead. Remember, we're inside someone's mind. The only danger is if she leaves the dream dead, she stays dead. We can't let whoever we're inside wake up. Are there any teleport spells you can do to get us to the energy itself, or something to destract that...person...long enough?"
To Sailor Mirari:
You command a rain of cold glass shards-- Pelting the small area around you, it doesn't take long for the shards to pierce through the links of the chains that are binding you. You pull yourself free from them, as they start to fall into pieces around you.
To Everyone:
Crystal Piranha whirls around to see Sailor Mirari's attack, a flurry of glass shards, descending on her. A few of them scrape the skin on her face and legs- Immediately, CP hoists herself up using her sickle as a vault- she dodges out of the way, and continues dodging with such effortless dexterity, that you wouldn't believed that it was possible to move in such a way if you hadn't seen it right in front of you. At the first available opportunity, she extends her palm towards the falling shards, and focuses her psychic energy. The remaining glass spikes become water and spray on her head without effect.
CP's eyes shift nervously from Jafter, to Beth, to Sailor Mirari. It seems as though a counterattack is inevitable--
And then Sailor Star Healer's attack- one of her biggest, and deadliest ever!- soars through the air at CP. Crystal Piranha, however, is ready for it. She sweeps the blade of her hook across the ground, and a wall of water springs up vertically in front of her. It looks as though Healer's attack would hit the water- but at the last moment, the wall suddenly vanishes.
"Damn it!!" CP yells just before she gets hit by it. The attack slams into her and sends her skinny frame flying backwards. It hurts her, as much as it would hurt anyone, however, she seems to have a superhuman endurance. When she gets back on her feet, she looks more irritated than anything else.
"Hold on, Sailor Soldiers. There's something I have to do. I'll come back for you later," she promises. Before you can do anything else, CP dives into one of the puddles, and disappears.
You are standing inside a canyon. In fact, it's like a ridge-- two large cliffsides rise up on either side of you. You observe that there is a path to the right, and a path to the left that you can follow.
Even though CP's supernatural fog has disappeared, there is a decent amount of natural fog that obstructs your view of the tops of the surrounding mountains, and also, whatever lies further ahead on the path. There are still puddles of water here and there, but much fewer than when you were battling Crystal Piranha. Now that she's gone, the puddles are no longer supernaturally-powered. You can see that they contain crystal-clear water, and are only a few inches deep.
Iimesu glanced around. That was definitely a little odd, but it was nothing too weird. He looked over to Star Healer, whom he was standing near, and then to everyone else. Iimesu wanted to ask what was going on, but he never knew if they would think he was the enemy in disguise or something. He just sighed. It looked like he didn't have much of a choice.
To make himself noticed, Iimesu walked over to the cat that had fallen over, bent down and poked it. Iimesu scratched his forehead a little, and then shrugged. "Hmmm..." He then stood up and took a look around.
He felt like poking someone so badly, but he didn't. Iimesu knew that it would be a little annoying, and he obviously didn't want to annoy these people. Instead, he looked over to Star Healer, to see if she noticed him. Then he just looked around. Maybe someone would say something to him, and maybe no one would. Oh well.
Iimesu was just glad that he could have a little bit of a break. He leaned on his Nightmare Staff and breathed in a sigh of relief. Of course, he really wasn't feeling that relieved. Another thought just invaded his head. That poor girl! What was her name? They seemed to call her Saturn. Well, what if that same thing happened to one of the other ones there, or maybe even him! Iimesu shivered. Or, what if this Crystal Piranha girl went into their memories and picked out every single person in there...To kill them in the same brutal way?
This wasn't the time to be thinking that way. Right now he just needed to keep his mind on the new settings and what these people wanted to do next. Right.
Silver looked around. She looked up the walls surronding them an then at the paths. "so...umm...which way now?"
Meko looked around. "I dont know.."
"Good question." Beth steps into the middle of the group. "We don't have much time, so I'll be quick. This is a memory. We're inside somebody's head. Nothing that happens in here is real until we leave, got that? If Sailor Saturn is still dead when we do, I'm afraid she'll stay that way. So what we have to do is make sure that doesn't happen. I've been picking up a magical signal from what is quite possibly the only thing that can help us. It's over that way. She'll be back soon, so let's go." Beth turns and heads off in the direction of the signal. Before doing so, she reaches into a pocket and pulls out a wand that could never have fit into it. It's greenish wood, glowing softly.
"His head!" Jafter says indignantly, pointing at himself. "His memory. Do not speak as if he is not even there." He drops back to the ground, with a slight splash, directly into one of the puddles. He looks worn out and frustrated, partially from floating for so long, and also because it is quite stressful to be inside one's own memory and still not remember anything. Shaking his head slightly-and trying to fight off the urge to cry-he stalks after Beth, figuring that following her is as good a plan as any.
Beth smiles apologetically to Jafter. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to talk about you as if you weren't there. I'm just not entirely sure if we're inside your memory at all."
Healer glances over her shoulder at Iimesu. 'how'd they get there?' "'Scuse me? But may I ask who you are?" Healer pics up poor Luna and looks at the Nightmare Staff. "oooo! Cool Staff!" ^.^ Healer smiles, "My name is Sailor Star Healer and this poor cat is Luna." ^_^;
Luna turns her sore head towards Sailor Star Healer and Iimesu. "Well, I'm just glad I've helped," she says smiling gently. "And anything for you, Star Healer... Who's this?" she asks curiously at Iimesu.
Meanwhile, Beth and Jafter venture ahead into the next area. The canyon widens out a bit to create a large clearing. And in this clearing, you find the remains of a rustic town. At some point it was populated with wooden houses and clearings, but now all of them are broken, and smashed apart. Now, they're just large piles of scrap.
You can tell it once was a town, though, because of certain outlying structures- like strange totem-poles, and machines for collecting and distributing water. The other clue are the thin trails of smoke drifting from the destroyed homes, implying that a fire once burned on the hearth just moments before.
The path you're on goes through the small town and continues past it. The signal that Beth is getting is also coming from much past the town.
Beth looks around worriedly. "I don't suppose you remember what this is doing here, do you?" she asks. She reaches out for Jafter and grabs his arm. "C'mon. We don't want to get separated." Beth continues through the town.
Iimesu laughed lightly as he showed Star Healer the Nightmare Staff. "Oh, the Nightmare Staff? It is pretty nifty. Thanks." He gave a little smile and a little wave as well. "I'm Iimesu! Nice to meet 'cha." It felt nice to know who one of these people actually was, and, well, the cat too. Iimesu petted Luna's head a little, right in-between the ears, neck, and upper back. Iimesu didn't mind animals, it was just when they gave him pain. "Hey Luna."
"I would like to ask what's going on here." Iimesu looked down and gave off what sounded like an exasperated sigh. He must have sounded pretty pathetic--coming there and not even knowing what was going on. Iimesu decided to explain the reason why. "My best friend, Zoltan, and I were supposed to be exploring that," he mumbled, motioning to the distance as if referring to somewhere else, "place together. I don't know, I guess something Zoltan found fishy was going on...But he overslept, and I didn't want to bother him, especially since he was sleeping peacefully for once," he turned a little red for some reason, "so I came myself." He breathed in a few times to help his blush disappear, and then continued to talk. Iimesu sounded a little more relaxed. "Turns out that I got sucked in with the people that were teleporting somewhere--apparently into someone's head. So now I'm here. If I'm right, that Crystal Piranha is no good..." He then turned to Saturn's body and flinched, before turning back to Star Healer and Luna. Iimesu really didn't want to look at the horrible sight; it would probably make him gag after a while, anyway.
He fiddled around with his Nightmare Staff as he glanced around at his new settings. Then he looked back at Star Healer and Luna, not wanting them to get the impression that he was rude because he didn't look at them. Iimesu started to pet Luna again, liking the feell of her fur. Besides, it distracted him from the thought of Saturn. An answer to his question might also help out.
Jafter, who had stopped at sight of the ravaged town, started suddenly when Beth grabbed his arm. "Sorry. Yes, you are right." He looked a little dazed, perhaps even in pain. His headache had come back, and with it an irritating feeling, as if the memories that he had lost were just behind what he could see. He bit his lip, glad to feel Beth's hand on his arm-it kept him from feeling so disconnected.
"well... It's a long story... Luna better tell you." Healer smiles and sweatdrops. ^.^; "Nightmare staff.... Sounds like a powerful weapon." Healer smiles. 'it's nice to talk to somebody new.'
Luna sighs. "I think that when we teleported, we accidentally teleported everyone who happened to be closeby at the time."
"It is sort of a long story, and it's Sailor business, but I think you have a right to know... We were zapped inside of Jafter's mind to try to find the portal to the enemy headquarters. And as a challenge from Crystal Piranha, that horrible woman you saw." She shudders and tries not to think about Sailor Saturn.
"I guess it's good that you're here, because it looks like you can defend yourself, and we'll need all the help we can get. If I had known this was going to happen, I would have ensured that more Sailor Senshi were on the mission. As it is, things aren't looking good right now."
Luna looks distraught and meows happily when Iimesu pets her She looks back at Sailor Star Healer and nods in the direction that Jafter and Beth went off to. "You'd better not lose them..."
Sunlight was about to quickly follow Beth, when suddenly he turned to go scope out Saturn. He knelt down beside her, this not being the first time he saw someone this hurt, and sighed. Taking off his jacket, he wrapped it around Saturn, wanting to keep her warm, and to hide her injury that seemed to be making everyone sick; though knowing she was dead at the moment. "I wonder if I should leave her here..." he asked himself.
After listening to the others behind him, he smiled lightly. "Iimesu," he said outloud to himself. "Remember that."
Sunlight got to his feet, quickly chasing after Beth and Jafter. Once he was caught up, he panted, out of breath, and went to Beth's side. "How are we supposed to bring Saturn back to life before we leave?" he asked concerned, then noticed the town. He walked around in a circle in awe. "Whoa... What is this place?" he muttered to himself.
Mirari looked a bit disappointed for some odd reason, whatever it was - it didn't matter, as many things didn't. Her eyes looking over Saturn for a moment before Sunlight covered her in his jacket - The blood, the wound, the fact that she was dead, it didn't bother her really, it was just odd. Almost seeming as if she was doing it absentmindedly while looking about the environment now that some of the fog lifted, she brushed the bits of dirt on her partially gloved hands from holding onto the ground.
While listening, quietly, to what everyone was saying with slight focus, she took note of the darkly-skinned guy's name. 'Iimesu'
Although she didn't care for being told what to do, or following another's word; there didn't seem much else to do but to follow Beth, as reluctant as she was. The thought of disinclination wasn't because she was scared, not at all, merely the fact that it wasn't in her to just do that.
Mirari trudged along, after Jafter, Beth and whoever else was going in that direction, to the right. Her boots dragging along the ground caused some of the dirt to rise up and form brief clouds. She made no effort to dodge the puddles, so any dirt that lay idle on the top of her boots got washed off as water splattered to the sides of them.
When entering the town, her eyes swept over the worn down, diminished architecture, if you could even call it that anymore of the rustic town. Her hand ran over the arm bands on her right arm, looking about. Crystal Piranha had wanted to battle them right? Well, didn't they win a battle? She really didn't see much more of a point of staying here, other than the fact that they had now clue how to get out of this memory, which was apparently pretty bleak. Maybe Jafter, the tangerine-eyed man who didn't appear to know anything more than them, forced amnesia on himself for this memory, it wasn't the most pleasant thing after all, or it didn't seem so.
Iimesu didn't want to sound like a show-off, so he tried to find a nice way to word what he wanted to say to Star Healer. "You'd certainly think it was if it was the main source of your power," Iimesu explained, trying to say that it was one of the only ways he could get his powers to actually work. "Plus, no one else can grab it without it blowing up, so I'm lucky." He gave Star Healer a little grin before looking to Luna and nodding as she was explaining what was going on.
"So that's what's happening..." Iimesu whispered, to himself, making a mental note of what Luna just explained. So apparently Crystal Piranha was from a group of these infamous enemies, all similar to her. Hah. They were definitely enemies on his list, that was for sure. Iimesu grinned at the fact that Luna liked him petting her, and thus, continued.
"Thanks." He smiled at Luna. "As long as they don't try to get in a physical fight with me," he just laughed nervously at that, "I should be fine..."
Iimesu turned to the direction everyone was going, and decided that he should follow, once Star Healer started walking that way. He'd feel better walking next to someone he actually knew in this odd place.
To BETH and JAFTER: As you approach what should be the middle of the town, you are confronted by a large statue lying in the path.
It's two stories tall and made out of cobalt-blue marble. It seems very out of place here, and doesn't share any characteristics with the totem poles you noticed earlier. It looks like a bunch of fish heads all pushed together.
Before you can contemplate it any further, the statue shoots two bursts of energy and zaps both of you! The next thing you know, you're laid out on the ground. You feel as though your energy has been drained. You look up to see the eyes of the statue glowing slightly.
To Everyone else: There's a flash of light. Then you see Beth and Jafter get attacked by a large and weird statue in the middle of the town.
Silver blinks, watching them get attacked by a statue. She looked at Meko. "Should I help them?"
"I dont know.."
"What in the World???" Healer runs towards Beth and Jafter. Healer looks at the statue. "You have got to be kidding me..."
Iimesu found himself grabbing Luna out of Healer's grasp just before she ran off, so he could continue to pet her. He had Luna so she could be laying down on her stomach, or get comfortable in any other position. Of course, Iimesu was careful to flip his Nightmare Staff around, much lower then Luna, so there was no risk of her being hit with the blade-side of the staff. "Who are they?" Iimesu mumbled to himself, watching as he saw what was happening.
Instead of running after Star Healer, he just took a casual pace. Besides, running would wear him out much too easily, and this enemy seemed pretty darn powerful. He didn't want to surprise Luna or get her mad, either. A mad cat could mean a scratched face, and a surprised cat might mean a scratched arm. Neither sounded pretty.
"Kidding what?" Iimesu asked, as he walked next to Star Healer. He looked up at the statue, with a chuckle. "It seems very possible that that could be alive, or something's controlling it to make it seem alive." Iimesu let his eyes wander to Beth and Jafter. They didn't seem okay. Hopefully this wasn't that would kill a person.
Beth groans silently. *Owww. I should have been expecting that. Now what?* She tries to move, and finds she doesn't have the energy. *Hey...waitaminute. Psionic communication should work really well here.*
^Hey, everyone!^ she shouts mentally. ^Get a piece of the buildings between you and the statue, okay? Take it from me, this is highly un-fun.^ *Hmmmm, I'm going to have to drain one of my spells for the energy. Which one, though?* She feels the cool weight of her lucid-dream necklace on her throat, and smiles. *Bingo.* She mutters a phrase, and the necklace comes undone and flows into her hand.
Suddenly, she feels revitalised. Rolling to her feet, she grabs Jafter under the arms and starts dragging him away backwards. ^Jafter, can you try something? If this is your memory, can you try to take you energy from it? It might work...^ Beth keeps Jafter between herself and the statue, not being entirely stupid.
As soon as Sailor Star Healer and Iimesu step within a certain radius of it, the statue acts up again. It glows blue for a second.
You see a gleam of lightning shoot out of it, and it starts to swing towards Star Healer and Iimesu- carving a gash through the ground as it approaches them. The bolt looks significantly more deadly than the previous two energy blasts...
Iimesu's eyes widened. He didn't want to be the dead meat! "I may be used to the lightning, since the climate where I come from consists of a lot of thunderstorms, but that statue seems pretty dangerous!" Iimesu backed up a little bit, hoping that the thing wouldn't continue to advance towards him. Looking alarmed, he jerked his head in Healer's direction. "Healer, back up!!"
The boy glanced around. There had to be something to protect him, beside his Nightmare Staff, which would be stupid to lift up anyway because he was holding Luna, whom he really didn't feel like hitting. Iimesu glanced around. This did look like a town, maybe there was a building to hide behind. That was it! Iimesu backed off towards one of the buildings, so he had a pretty decent place to go run in if the thing continued towards him.
Iimesu wondered what about them going closer to the statue made it react. Maybe it had somewhat of a mechanic brain that told it when something was coming a certain distance from it. Either that or, someone was controlling it, and can only see so far in front of themselves with their cameras. The former idea seemed a little bit more likely.
"So..." He walked over to the side of the building and gently set Luna down, so he could get a better grip on his Nightmare Staff. Iimesu stood in front of Luna, just incase it was going to continue towards him, but he was also ready to interfere if Star Healer didn't move. Iimesu didn't know why, he just felt very protective over them all of the sudden. Maybe it was just his personality, or maybe he had a feeling that this was the weaker side here. Iimesu was trying to figure out exactly why he had the protective feeling in the first place, but he was also keeping his eyes on that statue.
"Healer, move..." Iimesu whispered to himself.
Sunlight stopped from walking a moment to study the town. After watching Jafter and Beth attacked, he was relieve he had. He did gasp anyway in surprise, beginning to run forwards, but not before giving everything one last look. Healer and Iimesu made it there before him as he ran a short distance behind them. He stopped solidly watching the statue go up again. Sunlight covered his eyes from the light a second, his mouth open slightly from confusion.
Looking up as Beth was speaking to everyone, he brought his eyes behind him quickly. "Hmm..." He moves back further from the statue, not wanting to be attacked himself and just waited for more to happen, hoping the more didn't include him. 'I wonder if they're all right,' he told himself. 'I want to go closer but that statue will get me.'
When she heared Beth's voice inside her head she looked around. *What's going on*
she ran to one of the buildings and hid herself. Another flash of light.
Healer runs behind a building to safety. ' I wonder what is up with that statue?'
After there's no one else in the vicinity, the statue calms down a bit. There's a final flare in its eyes, and then the spark dies down. It's not completely gone, but subdued. The statue assumes its former tranquillity, resting tall and still against the gray sky like a monolith.
Since Beth and Jafter backed up, you have a pretty good idea of its range.
Iimesu blinked. He let his hands drop to his side, thus having the Nightmare Staff's blade pointing back towards the ground. "That was it?" Now when he thought about it, he found that a little pathetic. Apparently they needed to find some way to get around it.
"Okay, so it hurts you if you go near it..." He mumbled to himself, scratching his neck because it itched. Iimesu looked at everyone else, before turning around and picking Luna back up. "So we need to find some way around it, right?"
With a slight sigh, Iimesu walked back towards everyone else. A goofy grin formed on his face. "So we need to make some plan to get around it without it noticing us, right?" Then he paused and looked around at everyone. Would they even listen to him? This wasn't like his home--They probably had their own set of leaders and people that they listened to. It was doubtful that they would actually listen to someone they barely even knew.
Iimesu sighed. "Or you could destroy it..." His voice dragged off, as he looked at all the people. Maybe he should shut up. Thus, he did. Iimesu just stood there, not putting Luna down for whatever reason why. Again, he started to pet her.
Beth relaxes. "Phew. That was close. Now we know not to get any closer to it than I am right now. But I think...yeah. Iimesu, was it? We're going to want to get around it. If we assume that there's a sphere of territory around it that causes the statue to attack, we have to find a way to avoid going into that sphere. Does anyone have any ideas?" She looks around, and fiddles with one fo the charms on her bracelet. *It could work..*
"Can any of you fly?" Jafter inquires from the ground in front of Beth. Getting sick of looking up cross-eyed at them all, he turns over onto his stomach to get a better view...and very nearly passes out. He is both disgusted and frightened by the sudden weakness caused by the statue. "What did it do to him?" He wonders aloud.
"I don't have any," Sunlight said disappointed, coming back to rejoin his group. "But I'll do anything to stop all this nonsense." After listening to Jafter, he looks at everyone interested. "Can any of you fly?" he asks.
Healer thinks for a minute. "Once when I was with Kakyuu-Hime and the rest of the Starlights and Eternal Sailor Moon, I did sprout wings..." Healer stared at the ground. "If only I could do it again..."
Iimesu grinned at the fact that Beth noticed him, restated his idea in a different fashion, and asked if anyone had any ideas to get around the statue. That must have met she thought his idea was a good one, and that made him get an even wider grin. At least he was noticed here--something he found very welcoming. When Sunlight asked if anyone could fly, Iimesu paused and looked thoughtful. "Well, I don't know..." Iimesu glanced at his Nightmare Staff for a second. A light bulb seemed to flick on in his head.
"I might be able to fly. My Nightmare Staff might be able to give me a boost." He gave a little grin before looking down at Luna. Cats can't fly, and he was sure that some people there couldn't even try to fly. Iimesu looked around, "Well, what about the people that can't fly?" He motioned his head to Sunlight. "Him for example."
Iimesu looked around and waited to see if anyone had an idea to solve that problem. There was always the picking up thing, and then putting the person down on the other side of the statue, but that would take way too long. They needed a quicker idea.
Luna wagged her tail, still huddled in Iimesu's arms. "That solution seems way too intricate," she says when the idea of flying comes up. "I don't think we need to waste so much power on a stupid statue....Not to mention I hate flying..."
Luna carefully surveys the distance to the statue, which is about a hundred feet, and lifts an eyebrow.
Iimesu nodded when Luna was talking. She did have a point--flying could take a lot of power out of the senshi. For example, Star Healer said that she only did it once before. Did that mean that it was a powerful, draining attack? He laughed a little when hearing Luna mumble. Since he wasn't that far from her at all, since he was holding her, he heard her mumbling about hating flying.
"Well, if Luna thinks it is too much, it probably is..." Iimesu dragged off. It seemed like Luna had a position of authority here, so he thought that most of what Luna said was probably correct. He looked up at the statue, observing it closely. There had to be some way to get around it...Somehow.
Attacking it wouldn't be good. Grant it, it might move towards the attacks, but it would also be moving towards them. If the attacks didn't destroy them, the whole group wouldn't have much time to move at all! So attacking it was out of the question in his mind. They could just walk around it, but there was always the risk of getting to close to it and having it run after them. That wasn't good, either. Then he got an idea. Iimesu looked at the buildings.
"Well, maybe there could be something in those buildings that can help us, or at least, help us get around this thing." Iimesu pointed out, wondering if anyone agreed with him.
Sailormoon looked at the statue from behind the building where she sat. The others sat after an other building not so far away, but she had to run over an open place to get there. she should get close to the statue. Much closer than she wanted.
Beth looks around and laughs. "You know, I think we've all spent much too much time using magic. You're right, it takes too much power. Oh, I'm so stupid!" She reaches down, grabs both of Jafter's hands, and drags him to a standing position. "We haven't seen the simplest answer. Why can't we just walk around it? We should be okay if we run."
Sunlight laughs lightly, looking towards the statue. "That might be crazy enough to work," he said with a smile. "I wonder... How much around we will have to go? You know, to keep out of the boundaries." He sighs, turning to look at the group. "Let's just go and see what happens."
You hear a rasping sound coming from behind you. It immediately awakens your attention. You look aside and notice a person crawling towards Beth and Jafter.
You most likely hadn't noticed him because he was lying as still as a log up until just now. It's an old man, about seventy years old. You know that he's a villager. His dress is dull brown- the same brown as the crushed wood lodgings, in fact. He appears to be seriously injured, but you don't see any blood or wounds from the position where you're at.
You only hear him croak weakly, "J..aft... er....!" and stretch out an arm forwards.
Iimesu's eyes opened just a little wider. "...HUH?!" He nodded his head towards the old man, since he couldn't really point because he was holding Luna, whom he didn't want to put down, and the Nightmare Staff. What was up with that seventy-year-old man? There were no external injuries, but why was he as still as a log just a second ago? Was he DEAD?!
No, there was no reason to assume that. He never saw him before, so maybe that guy wasn't a zombie. Why was he reaching towards Jafter like that? This was Jafter's memory--did he bump into a weird guy like this log-looking man in the past?
"Okay, what should we do now?" Iimesu whispered to himself, trying to think up a plan. "Do you think he'll follow us if we run around the statue? I mean, it would be dumb to attack him..." He commented, speaking a little louder so they could hear him better. Well, Luna could probably hear him in the first place, but that wasn't the point. Iimesu looked over his shoulder at the statue.
Sailormoon decided that she would run to the others. she stood in a starting position when she saw a old man, crawling towards the others. The others saw him too, cause Iimesu nodded at him.
Then he stopped crawling and They just looked at him.
Sailormoon decided that she should run towards them now.
Sailormoon ran to them and stopped beside Iimesu, a little out of breath. She didn't hear the statue do anything. And she relaxed a bit. then she looked better at the old man.
"Um...." Sunlight moved to be next to Iimesu, his eyes wide. He watched the man silently, wondering what to do or what to say. Some man they had all carelessly passed without notice was now crawling towards Jafter and calling his name. He wondered how he knew him. Well, duh. Of course he knew him because this was Jafter's own memory, so everything in here must know Jafter himself, right?
Sunlight listened to Iimesu, giving a shrug. "I don't think we should attack him either; that is, unless he does something. But I also don't think we should leave incase Jafter and Beth couldn't get away. Let's just wait and see how Jafter reacts; if this will bring back anything to him." He pauses, still staring at the man anxiously. "But be sure to still be ready to take action incase that guy does do something."
Jafter frowns, looking confused. He kneels down by the old man, taking his hand. "Here. It's all right." Forgetting that it is a memory and that he most likely can't do anything for the old man, he asks "What happened? Where are you hurt?"
The old man breathes a sigh of relief when Jafter pays attention to him. He seems to break into something like a smile, but a pain inside him is also apparent on his face. He speaks very weakly.
"I'm so grateful you've finally returned... But the most terrible thing happened! This woman came out of nowhere, this, this creature, rather-" he coughs, "She destroyed everything. Indiscriminately... and she put the statues here to ensure we never came back to the town... I... I don't understand what's going on, really- but you... thank goodness-" he adds with a slight tone of hope.
He suddenly has a coughing fit, and it is a while before he can speak again. "The building fell down on top of me," he explains.
Iimesu nodded to Sunlight. "That seems like a good idea." He then turned to the old man and listened closely. Hey, this guy didn't seem all that bad. It sounded like he got attacked by Crystal Piranha, along with whoever else used to live in this now seemingly abandoned city. Iimesu looked over to Jafter. Apparently this man knew Jafter sometime in the past. Like Sunlight said, would it jerk a memory in Jafter's head?
Then his thoughts were interrupted. A building fell on that old guy? Iimesu walked over to the man, and bent down a little bit. "Where does it hurt the most?" He whispered, noticing that this man could be a useful source of information. Iimesu really didn't want a source of information become unconscious because of severe pain or whatever.
Iimesu set Luna down next to him, because he had a feeling about what he might have to do to help this elderly man. Having Luna in his arms would make it very hard.
Beth kneels dwn by the man. "Maybe I can help. Are any bones broken?" She looks around, confused. "Can you-do you know what that woman wanted?"
Mirari watched as the chaotic reign of the statue happened in a moment, as well as the group form -- having discourse on ideas to get past the obstacle of attacking statues. As long as they didn't stand around talking the whole day, she didn't care what the hell they did. Talk was useless, it was thought that mattered after all. Too bad 'talking' was a necessity to share ideas amongst a group, maybe it the future it wouldn't... but again, a useless thought not pertaining to the immediate present. Placing that aside, perhaps for brief contemplation to replace boredom another time.
Walking a bit closer to the group, she comes across a ruin, whatever it was it wasn't deciphered by her mind at first glance -- and it didn't matter. Leaning against it, Mirari closed her eyes for a moment, still listening faintly to what the others were saying.
The old man wheezes for breath, and looks a little overwhelmed when Iimesu, Beth, and Jafter start to pay attention to him.
However, he shakes his head at your requests to help him out. "It doesn't matter... it's no use," he says peacefully. You get the impression that he's withholding telling you about his specific injuries to prevent you from worrying. "I'm not going to get much farther than this. My time is up anyway... Look. The statues are rock on the outside, but behind that, they're glass. You should be able to destroy them with a strong hit... we tried but couldn't get close enough..." he coughs again, and you worry that he won't be able to speak too much longer. "After that you'll find her palace... No one who's gone there has survived, but I hope you could get farther... than we did..."
He closes his eyes and decides to take a break. He rests.
Sunlight comes closer wanting to hear better. "Your time is up?" he says sadly. "I wish we could do something for you..." He stares at the man guilty, as if feeling they could have prevented this in some way.
Suddenly his attitude is spirited, a smile spreading on his as he brings his attention back to the statue. "Glass, huh?" he says quickly. "Good, then there's not much work for us. Let's hurry up and destroy it."
He goes a little closer to the statue, staring at it for a second, then attacking. "Heat Explosion!" His attack goes zooming towards the statue; Sunlight wondering if anyone else will join in.
"Here I come! Star sensitive Inferno!" Healer aims straight at the statue's back.
Iimesu looked down at the man. He sighed. "His time was up? Does that mean he died?" Iimesu looked down and breathed in. This was desperately reminding him of another time, where it seemed like everyone around him was dying. Was it his fault...again?
Nah. It couldn't be, he barely even knew these people. Iimesu stood up and aimed his Nightmare Staff at the statue. If he aimed one of his stronger attacks at the statue, it might just finish it off. Iimesu paid no mind to the fact that anyone else might have wanted to attack the glass statue as well. "Virtual Invasion!!" If this attack would work, the zeros and ones would surround that little glass statue and either finish it off or weaken it extremely.
He bent back down and picked up Luna, once again, of course positioning his Nightmare Staff so the blade was pointing at the ground again. "We should follow the old man's directions, shouldn't we? It will help us get to the palace, and he does seem like a "good guy", if you wish to put it that way." Iimesu looked around at everyone.
Sunlight nodded to Iimesu words, saying simply, "I hope he turns out to be a good guy. Either that or our attacks will most likely come flying back." He starts laughing, but then his laughter fades slowly; Sunlight realizing that wouldn't be funny.
"Heat Explosion!" The first super-violent attack slams into the blue statue at high speed, with enough force to pummel anything standing in the way of its destination. It zaps into that lame hunk of rock and bursts it open. You cracks in the rigid, stone exterior as it gives way.
"Star Sensitive Inferno!"
"virtual Invasion!!"
The next two attacks come into action around the same time, and try to make a sacrifice of the statue to the destruction gods. Star Healer's heat ray combined with a good amount of virtual-power, creates an awesome explosion out of what once was solid, and leaves a great big pile of nothingness... Well, there's like crap there.
When the rock-rubble and the glass-dust clear away, you see that the statue is gone, and the way is opened up for you to continue to the other side of the town. All seems to be clear, as far as your field of vision is concerned (darn mist).
To IIMESU: Luna curls up in your arms, getting comfy ^.^
Whoa. That combination of Healer's and his attacks looked pretty cool. Maybe he should team up with these people more often. It did make the attacks look pretty cool, and work pretty cool, too. But then again, he was the strongest when teamed up with Zoltan, and with Zoltan, it was the only way he could perform one of his team attacks. Hmm.
Iimesu laughed and petted Luna as he looked at Sunlight. "Well, that did work, and it did open up the path. He was probably on our side." He commented, before starting to walk ahead of them, as he continued to pet Luna. It was obvious that he liked cats, that's for sure.
Iimesu looked over his shoulder at everyone else, to see if they were following, or at least, trying to get in front of him. No one seemed to be coming just yet, so he decided to get their attention. "Hey! Are you guys coming!?" He asked, pausing to wait for some of the others to catch up. It wasn't like that would be hard--he wasn't that fast anyway.
Beth stands up slowly. "Just remember; this isn't real-yet, or here, or whatever. Don't think about these things." She brightens up forcibly and turns to the road. "Let's go everyone! It's not far!" She starts walking on the path out of town.
Sunlight follows Iimesu and Beth, giving out a yawn. He never had to use so much energy in less then an hour before. "I'm glad that guy was on our side," he said finally. "That way we know there will probably be other people around here that can help us." He pets Luna in Iimesu arms, smiling lightly. "Cute..." he mutters, beginning to try to see past the mist.
Sailormoon walked up on the path till she stood on the place where the statue first stood.
Iimesu heard what Beth said. She said what was happening wasn't quite real. Did that mean that he never really met any of these people? This was getting a little confusing, but he should have known about this stuff. Okay, so he did actually met these people, it was just that the events that are happening here can possibly be reversed, or changed for the better. It clicked.
He smiled as he heard Sunlight's voice. Iimesu turned his head, so he could hear what Sunlight had to say. "Well, that does seem true." He commented, with a little smile, as he looked down at Luna. Luna certainly seemed to be liking all this petting and being carried around. Iimesu looked a little brighter. Things weren't going that bad.
Then again, at the same time, they were. He'd seen death before, especially in people's nightmares, but this wasn't even where he came from. This was a different group of people, with different relationships and different views on things. It even seemed like they came from another universe, since things were so different.
But, his place was just out of whack, anyway. Iimesu chuckled to himself as he continued his semi-leisurely stroll. "You're right! It doesn't seem that far, Beth." He exclaimed, putting on this big grin that actually looked a little cheesy.
Iimesu noticed that someone else started to follow. He glanced over his shoulder, before getting a little bit of a twisted face. Great. He didn't know somebody else. He saw her earlier, but now when he thought about it, he had no idea who she was. "Who's that?" Iimesu mumbled to himself, referring to Sailormoon.
Mirari sighed and tucked a piece of hair that seemed to be bugging her behind her right ear, out of the way. Another person dead. Whoop-dee-doo.
Spectating the attacks fly, then disintegrate the once-seemingly powerful statue; she probably could have helped, but alas, it wasn't needed, there were enough attacks to do the job. How did that man know that beneath the stone surface was glass? Quite a puzzling thought, if no one was able to destroy it. Another interesting happening.
Mirari shrugged the thought off, the statue was out of the way now to walk to their next obstacle, as it was almost inevitable in her mind that there would be another. Walking past the man on the ground, she followed Iimesu, Beth, Sunlight, and whoever else was going in the direction that they were following before the trek interupted.
With long, quick, and well-placed steps she progressed ahead of them, slightly that is, without a word; it wasn't that she was hurrying though, simply her normal, nonchalant pace.
To Everyone:
"That's Sailor Moon," Luna answers Iimesu. "She the most powerful fighter of the Sailor Senshi, and also the Messiah... she's stronger than she looks," Luna adds, just in case Sailor Moon suddenly klutzes out right in front of them. "I'm her guardian cat^.^"
As you continue following the path, it stops at the edge of a cliff. The sheer side of the cliff goes straight down. You can't judge how far down it goes, because it is obscured by white clouds and more mist. You imagine that it goes down very far, though. The breeze whistles loudly.
Far ahead, you see a palace floating in the sky, made out of pale blue, ultra-shiny material. Even though it's too cloudy to see the sun, it reflects everything so brightly that it's hard to stare at it directly.
In between your location and the palace is a series of floating islands- four of them in all. They're basically just large patches of land, that are suspended in the air, somehow. They're each about forty feet wide. (and no the floating islands don't move, this isn't Mario Brothers^_^)
It seems clear that the only path to enter the palace is by traversing the floating islands. Everything else is just sky. There is no other solid ground, except back the way you came.
Iimesu nodded as Luna answered him. "Ahh, so it is one of those people that are a lot stronger then they look. Okay." He gave Luna a little smile before suddenly coming to a halt. Whoa! It occurred to him that if he continued walking, he'd fall off the cliff. Iimesu backed up a little bit, just incase this cliff didn't support a lot of weight. Then again, this wasn't a cartoon. The cliff wouldn't just break off because there was someone standing on it, correct?
He looked straight ahead, at the floating islands. Apparently they WERE going to have to fly. "How are we going to get over there?!" Iimesu asked, wondering if anyone had any better ideas then flying from island to island. Beside, he didn't want to scare Luna or anything. She did say that she hated flying.
They could always teleport, but that burst of energy he had felt earlier...It was just strong. Teleporting might take too much energy. The only solution he saw was flying over there--even though Iimesu didn't really feel like flying at all. Right now the solid ground seemed pretty welcoming to him.
Beth looks at the drop and gulps. "Umm, I don't know about you guys, but I really don't want to have to do this." She doesn't look any different than usual, but the fixedness of her gaze suggests that she is in fact terrified. "Does anyone know how to get to the islands?" *I can't believe I'm asking...I could firm up the air, couldn't I? But that's scary! See what they're doing first.* She takes a few steps back from the edge to join Iimesu.
Mirari simply stared for a moment at the floating islands. Wonderful. If only there were some high points they could grapple a rope to it and swing like Indiana Jones from floating island to floating island. Whoop.
That wasn't going to happen, whether unfortunate or fortunate that it was so, depended on the person. The white-haired girl bit her lip in thought, eyes misting over.
There had to be a way to get all of them over from the floating islands to ultimately reach the floating palaces. All these things with water and floating might have a connection, and probably did, but Mirari didn't really care to that thought at the moment. They could attempt to jump, but if a jump fell short whoever it was would plummet through the clouds to who knows what.
There's an idea, why doesn't she just jump off the cliff to see what's down there? Maybe there's something that's obscured by the 'clouds' - or just maybe her internal organs would burst from falling at such a height. Either way, it seemed interesting. Daring, but in a rather stupid way. Part of Mirari wanted to do that, but a logical part of her fought that off. Who knows, there could be a magnetic device down there that was allowing the islands and palace to float - she could send a shard of glass down into the now enigmatic cliff. As enticing as it sounded, it didn't seem like going that way would be worth it, the palace was their apparent destination. But what if it was a trick? What if that hag, Crystal Piranha was just waiting for them with some other trick...?
Mirari shook her head, no use to use energy on seeing just if the cliff dropped far or short. 'Wait...' she envisaged something. She had been able to manipulate her attack when they first entered this austere memory to hold herself up above the puddles. What if she tried now? The glass might be able to hold a number of people at a time, but it would take a lot of energy. The only clear risk she could see was if her body couldn't take the stress and the glass disappear/shatter.
Of course, she could just do it for herself, and let the others find out their own way. As much as she hated to admit it, and she wouldn't if you asked her, no matter what her strength was if there were more enemies, the number might overwhelm her without help from these others. She didn't like that thought, and didn't pay heed to it either - just coming to the decision that they needed to get everyone across. Stupid Crystal Piranha, stupid random, slight, insecurities.
Hey, it was worth a try, if the others didn't care -- and if they couldn't think of anything else to do. There was something else though, the sheet of glass would be able to move in the air if Mirari willed enough, but what if she used 'Glass Peripheries' and tried to control the shards to make a bridge, a rather thin one, but a bridge? She would only have to hold them up - not move them after getting them aligned...
In that thought she stayed, having a blank look on her face as if absent from her body - in another place, far away from where ever the hell they were.
At first you don't believe what is happening right in front of you eyes. Small shards of mirrors appear out of nowhere, and start to join together in front of you, to create a bridge that leads straight over the floating islands to the palace. It crystallizes into a large and firm platform, like a ice. Not only that, but there's enough room for you to walk safely without fear of falling off.
Iimesu looked surprised. He watched the bridge develop before his eyes. Hey, that meant that they didn't have to fly. Thank goodness. Iimesu stepped forward. Was he willing to try the bridge? Yes, he was. It was a lot better then flying, and dropping Luna or the Nightmare Staff. Then again, the Nightmare Staff could come back to him, but Luna couldn't...
That was enough thinking! He didn't have to fly anyway! With a laugh, he started to walk on the bridge. At first, he felt a little shakey, and trying to grab onto a rope. There was no rope to grab onto, though, so he had to straighten himself out pretty quickly to save himself. Whoo. That was scary. Hopefully he didn't scare Luna as well.
With a sigh, he continued to walk towards the first island. Iimesu wondered if anyone else was going to follow him, or just stay behind. Wait a minute, those thoughts made him sound like he wasd the leader of these people! Iimesu was not their leader at all. Okay, so he had few excuses if anyone were to ask. It was either, he was holding Luna, that was just his personality, or he felt like going first because he was used to a semi-leadership type position. But he wasn't exactly a leader though, since Zoltan was obviously had the dominating position, but he was, because of his position back where he was from...
He was confusing himself. Besides, it wasn't like anyone would ask him anyway. Iimesu looked ahead. All this thought made him walk almost actually on the first island without really noticing. A grin formed on his face.
Beth stares at the bridge, shaking. Without realizing it, she's making quiet whimpering noises. *Oh, oh, oh, it's scary, too scary! I can't, I can't, I can't!* As she stares fixedly, Beth starts shaking even more violently, and her face turns white.
Irosis stares at the bridge. "Oh gosh, I can't do this..... But I can!" She peers over the edge. "Ermm, I'v never been to fond of heights.... and that IS a looong drop." She turns to Beth. "I'll go across with you... Not that I like heights and all, but if it would make you feel better." She smiles."It would make me feel better anyways." she murmers to herself.
Beth grins shakily. "Glad to know it's not only me," she says. "Okay, let's go and get it over with." Gritting her teeth, she steps out onto the bridge, attempting to not look down and see where she's putting her feet at the same time.
Sunlight watches the bridge appear suddenly, him being relieved it was there. At least they didn't have to fly, or teleport, or anything like that. He looked towards Beth, giving her a look of concern, but assumes Irosis has everything under control. He steps behind them and Iimesu, trying not to look down himself. He didn't care where this came from or what it was made out of. Just as long as it gets them across. 'Please don't disappear,' he thought nervously.
Iimesu reaches halfway across the glass bridge when he sees something in the air and hears a whooshing sound that isn't the wind. Then, to your infinite consternation, you discover a flying enemy out to make kibbles out of the Sailor Team.
From far away, it looks like a giant bat, but before long, you find out it's your run-of-the mill-demon. It's the color of mustard and very human-shaped- Disregarding, of course, the fact that it has two large horns sticking out of its head, and glowing red eyes. Not good. This guy has everything- claws, fangs, and even the tips of its wings are sharp.
When it flaps its huge wings, it sounds like a tent being blown over. The creature discerns its first target- Iimesu- and swoops at him, drool dripping from its crazy-looking jaws.
To IIMESU: A giant bat is coming towards with you with its clawed feet extended. Presumably, to snatch you up and take you someplace. Someplace not fun.
"Dam--DARN IT! This isn't the time to be attacked!!" Iimesu screamed, trying to think as quickly as possible. There was no way he could attack, with Luna in his arms and the Nightmare Staff too, but he didn't want to make one of these other people save him. Thus, he needed to find a way to do something. Just what he could do was the question.
Thinking as quickly as possible, he set Luna down on the bridge and told her to go ahead of him. He then whipped out his Nightmare Staff--well, whipped it towards that bat-thing, anyway. Actually, to him, it looked more like a gargoyle. "Hey! Mister Bat! Unless you want to be stabbed, I'd move!" Iimesu exclaimed, hoping that his rather empty threat would have an effect. He knew it probably wouldn't, so he needed another idea.
He lifted up his fingers and made a flicking motion at it, then ducked a little and ran quicker then a speeding bullet. Well, actually, he ran as quick as he could, which still wasn't that fast, but he thought it was quick enough to pull this stunt.
If this didn't work, he was dead meat. Now he was starting to wonder why he didn't just wait for Zoltan. Either he wouldn't be in this mess, or he would have had someone to help him. Good grief.
"I hope that works..." He whispered, as he dashed towards the next available resting point.
When the demon appears, Beth gasps and stops dead. *Oh, I knew this was a bad idea...* Clenching her teeth, she stares at the bridge ahead, sighting along its length for any gaps or inconsistencies. Seeing none, she gathers up her courage and runs hell-for-leather after Iimesu. As she runs, she taps the flame shaped charm on her bracelet, re-activating the laser. She aims it as best she can and fires off two or three shots at the demon.
Healer saw the demonic bat thing (ooc: Rouge would not like that....) "Kyaa! Hang on!" Healer charges for the bridge. "Star... Sensitive... Inferno!" Healer's attack went towards the monster. After she attacked she had to sit on the ground. 'It's taking too much energy to use it... what can I do? Kakyuu-Hime would know...' Healer panted whilst in deep thought.
Sunlight takes a step back alarmed, watching as the demon came down towards Iimesu. He was about to take action himself until he saw attack after attack go towards the creature. 'They got it, hopefully,' Sunlight told himself, running past and jumping over the fighters towards the end.
Around this time, he was a little back from Iimesu. He wanted to reach the end of this path incase the bridge was destroyed. Pretty selfish of him to think of saving himself, rather then see if the others would need help, and if the bridge were to fall, he would end up feeling guilty for running off and leaving the others to plummet. He always feared of falling to his death, rest assured he wasn't frighten of heights.
With that thought, he stopped in his step, turning to watch what happened with the demon, and to look out for others. He was sure they took care of it, but then again, he figured anything could happen in Jafter's newly awakened memory.
Jafter, still standing at the edge of the bridge and staring into space, comes to himself suddenly, only to notice that while he was busy being horrified and confused, his friends have been attacked. Cursing himself, he runs quickly across the bridge, grabbing Star Healer and ferrying her to the other end. Once finished, he turns to the edge of the bridge and breaks off two chunks of glass, ignoring the pain in his now-bleeding hands. At first he struggles a little to get off the ground, but with a bit of a hop he manages to get in the air, flying up to meet the bat-thing, armed with glass shards. Apparently, Jafter can get fierce and quite protective when threatened.
Crimson eyes reverted in mere moment, mist of power lifting after the bridge formed. Mirari still kept her energy diverted to the bridge, to uphold the series of reflecting shards until everyone got across... She didn't really care, hell, she could probably cause the glass to change back to shards, make the others see what was down there. Cure curiosity, right? But no.
Only obsolete esperance would allow any of the people who are familiar to such missions - for whatever reason they were called that - that there wouldn't be some interference with the acrossing to the palace, floating for who knows why. The demoniac gargoyle bat was enough to show that. Mirari however, was quite puzzled at how to link all of what was going on together. Rather indiscriminate memory, that it was.
Shaking her head slightly as the mirror dug into Jafter's hands as he broke parts of it off to partially raid the creature, Mirari jumped upon the bridge. Only trying to help, eh?
Being the last person on the image-reproducing pathway, it didn't matter what happened to the 'leftovers' behind the girl, right? Just as her right foot lifted off the surface, the glass once underneath shattered, Mirari attempting to make them fly at the bat, just incase it withheld agility to evade the other attacks.
Iimesu runs out of the way moments before the creature attacks the spot where he once was. The monster flies back into the air and turns around, preparing itself for another attack.
Luna obediently runs ahead, and reaches the end of the bridge without too much trouble. She turns back and looks at the others anxiously. "Iimesu don't fall!" she yells in her little cat-voice.
Iimesu casts "Flick" on the bat and it works better than you planned. Apparently its leather hide isn't as impervious as it seems to be. The creature immediately screeches and starts flying around in am unpredictable pattern as it senses a mosquito or something close by it. It bucks and swoops around in a very dangerous fashion, and you hope it doesn't crash into the bridge.
Seconds later, three balls of fire come flying at it from Beth's direction. Unfortunately, due to its erratic behavior, the attacks end up streaming far wide of their target. Even while the sky is lit up by fire, the enemy is suddenly moving too erratically. Either that or it's pretty expert at dodging attacks and pretending like it's not trying to.
Next, the giant bat has "Star Sensitive Inferno" to contend with. Luckily, this attack manages to nail the thing, right in the forehead. There's a mini-explosion and the bat drops out of the sky like a rock. It descends past the impenetrable layer of clouds beneath you.
But it comes back after a moment. singed and angry.
Before it could do anything else, it's face to face with Jafter, levitating in the air and trying to stab it. The bat is still terribly agitated and insane from the Flick attack. Without thinking too much about it, the monster clasps Jafter in its bird-like feet, accidentally clawing you slightly in the process (ow). Then it throws you as strongly as it could in the opposite direction.
Finally, glass shards begin shooting up at the creature like bullets. As soon as it realizes that its once again in danger, the creature backs up and shields its body with its wings. The crystal shards stab through it and get embedded in its wings. You don't know how the creature can continue flying like this- despite what must be pain- but you figure it's either due to the monster's high pain tolerance, or the fact that it's extremely large. Did I mention that it was big? Yeah, it's super big.
The uber-huge bat creature gets mad at everyone and shoots a yellow bolt of lightning out its mouth. It doesn't aim very well, and the lightning bolt doesn't hit any of you. It does, however, strike the bridge head-on. Luckily, the bridge doesn't fall down.
But it cracks. The way an ice-cube cracks when you pour water on it. Several long splits form underneath your feet. You hear them growing wider, slowly. After that, the mustard-colored bat descends on Sailor Star Healer, who has already reached the end of the bridge.
To EVERYONE: The bridge looks like its about to break if it receives any more stress.
To STAR HEALER: You reach the shining blue palace. A wide set of stairs lead up to the double doors that are the entrance. The doors are open. But you don't have much time to contemplate it since there's a giant man-shaped bat right in front of you. It comes towards you and starts swiping at you with its clawed feet.
It tries to scare you into falling off the edge of the cliff.
To JAFTER: You are flying through the air in some random direction.
Beth forgets about pride and screams, long and loud. She recoubles her speed and reaches the end of the bridge while it is only beginning to crack. Once her feet are on solid ground, Beth loses all trace of fear. She turns towards the demon and fires four shots, directly at it.
Silver spins her glaive an hits the ground under her with the edge. "Silver Wings!" The blade on the glaive splits an turns into two silver wings (Kinda like Card Captor Sakura) She climbs on it an flies at the bat. "I dont think so!" She let go of the glaive an pointed her hands at him."
"Silver Sweet, Fireball!!"
Silver fireballs shoot from her hands, aimed at the bat.
Meko sighs an looks at the bridge of glass. He sniffs it an desides not to attempt crossing it in his currnet form. He changed back in to a cat an ran as fast as he could across it
Iimesu just gave Luna a goofy smile as he reached the end of the bridge. This stunt was crazy, but it worked! Whoa! "I've got it!" He exclaimed, before seeing all the chaos he had just started. A nervous laugh managed to wiggle out, "I think..." At the highest speed he could bring himself too, he reached the end of the bridge and well, put his hands on his knees and started to breathe hard. Ack. That was too much. "I'm...Alive...Right?" He asked, in-between gasping breaths.
Well, with one look around, it was easy to tell that he was. He reached one of his hands up and wiped his forehead, while the other one still kept a grip on his knee and Nightmare Staff. This fight was going to bring the end to him at this rate! It was just too much running for him to handle..."Sheesh. Do you people do this all the time?" He asked Luna, after catching his breath. Iimesu straightened himself up and looked downwards at her. Maybe he should wait a little while before picking her up again. "I'd never survive..."
He coughed and mumbled a little comment to himself. "...Probably because I can't run and people have to carry me around because I'm always getting bodily injuries...I've probably set the record for getting the most broken bones..." With a heavy sigh, he looked straight ahead. It seemed as if they had to go into the castle or palace thing now. Wonderful. Just more chances to get hurt.
Iimesu looked ahead at Star Healer. "Well, I guess we need to go in..." He walked ahead, but it took him a few seconds to realize what else was there. "HEALER! HANG ON!!" Iimesu exclaimed, wanting to run towards her to help out. However, he could only take a few steps before breathing hard once again.
Mirari blinked at the bat, such endurance it seemed. Well, regardless of the damage done to it - it was more than a simple nuisance, which anyone could see.
She felt a slight feeling of abhorrence as the bridge cracked under her feet from the spit of lightning from the enraged creature.-Enraged and large creature that for a time she wished wings would ignite from the shards lodged in them, however illogical the thought was, it was there. Wonderful. It's only instinct to get off the bridge and to the other side, right? It appeared to be a fairly reasonable instinct too, why not act on it?
Though... the winged-demon was at the end of the mirror-made pathway. Something had to be done about that, right.
Before starting into a careful sprint, Mirari sweatdropped at Beth screaming. People get frightened easily, don't they? ...Even if Mirari was feeling apprehension, or fear, you couldn't tell. As the combat boots striked the mirrors, at the occasional step you could hear the shattering sound of glass; the bridge still stayed together though.
As she reached the end of the bridge, Mirari came to a somewhat abrupt stop. Her eyelids fell over her eyes partially, flittering. The tiny shards came up and flew towards the bat. Stupid bat, how about you shred yourself into little pieces.
Sunlight jumps as Beth and several others run past him. He thinks for a moment, realizing they were a person short. But who? He turned around to see Jafter up in the air, now watching him fall. 'Should I do something?' he asked himself. 'What can I do?'
Quickly running to the end of the bridge, Sunlight stood still, watching silently to see where Jafter would land, if anywhere on the island or bridge. Even if he landed on the bridge, there was a chance that force would cause it to finally fall. So, Sunlight continued to just watch him flying through the air, trying to at least guess where he was heading, or what Jafter would do himself.
Healer ,panting like a little puppy dog in the middle of August, Bent over and put her hands on her knees and was staring at the ground. Then She looks up. "Uh oh!" Healer jumps to hopefully evade the Bat thingy's attack.
The horrific creature has its back turned, when four of Beth's fireballs land in the small of its back all of a sudden. It roars in shock and is nearly pushed over by the force of the blows.
It immediately ignores Sailor Star Healer. It turns around and tries to find its attacker, but it got all dizzy.
It looks up just in time to see your "Silver Sweet Fireball!" barreling at it. Despite its current discombulation, it has enough sense to jump out of the way.
Your attack hits the ground, leaving a small crater. In the next moment, the humongous bat flies towards you, and tries to smack you out of the sky with its wings. Take that!
Silver smirks an repeadtly dodges the bat. She flew in a circle around him. She stopped an pointed her hands at him again. "Silver Sweet Fireball"
Once again, your command phrase is successful. The tiny shards soar in an arc and they embed in the bat's skin. You see large gashes form over its body. You have little time to enjoy your success, however. It turns its glaring red eyes at you, leaps at you, and then picks you up in its feet! It takes to high in the air again, and you feel like a worm trapped in a bird's claws! The rhytmic motion of its flapping wings makes you a little light-headed.
The ugly bat-thingy holds you up in front of him, hoping that any future attacks will hit you instead.
To BETH: Don't worry, it didn't forget about you. With Mirari still in its claws, it twists its deformed head in your direction- and spits a great big bolt of lightning at you and the general area you're standing in.
To MEKO: Luna greets you ^.^
Beth sees the lightning and gulps. *Uh-oh, not good.* Almost automatically, she taps a charm on her bracelet and gabbles the last clause of the shield spell she has pre-prepared. Taking care to stand close enough to Star Healer et. al. that they are also protected, she searches for Mirari. *Very not good. Makes not good look good.* Unable to aim without hitting Mirari, and not entirely convinced of her own ability to maintain more spells, she watches and waits.
"Nani?" Healer landed gently on her feet. She sweatdroped. Then she ran into the castle, and prayed not to be killed.
Sailormoon looked at the bat creature in horror. "Moon princess Halation!!!" She yelled while attacking the creature. *please let it work.* She thought.
Mirari blinked as the bat picked her up in it's talons - if that's what you'll call them. Wonderful. With the attacks coming at it, it could easily use her as a little sailor-shield. Such thoughtful teammates, as she has to call them that, considering everything going on.
Attempting to ignore the heavy flaps of large wings, she looked about from her now, rather stationary position in the bat's feet. There had to be a way to get out of it, the attacks coming towards the bat, holding her as a safeguard between it's being and forces of energy wouldn't stop. It didn't appear that they'd miss either.
Perhaps to use that to advantage...? Although a slight feeling of dizziness began to come over her, you couldn't really tell if she was in any pain as her expression didn't change. If the fiendish bat's grasp wasn't so tenacious, she probably would have wriggled her arms out, but it would use far too much energy to struggle. --But hey, all the movements during an attack weren't needed, were they?
The accuracy of the attacks may be 'okay', but from previous viewings, the swiftness of the bat would be able to use her against atleast one of the attacks. That wouldn't feel fantastic. If she used her aegis, that could also protect the bat and attack the other senshi as well. The latter didn't really matter to her, or so it appeared, but the former did.
'Maybe...just maybe...' Mirari mumbled, "Jaded Mirrors..." - Maybe she could position the mirrors so that one of them was right in front of her and could reflect the attack to the different mirrors to get to the bat? It was a gamble, but it was all that she could think of in her bit of vertiginous phase.
The giant shadow of a bat sweeps over the Sailor Team, who are all gathered in front of the blue gem palace.
It spies a flash of light to its right, when all of a sudden, Sailor Star Silver's "Silver Sweet Fireball!!!" attack flies at it in a spiral. The creature turns its back towards it to absorb the blast. It gets surrounded by the cloud of heat. but it's still there and severely weakened.
"Jaded Mirrors..." At once, the large bat and Mirari are surrounded by a handful of floating mirrors, arranged in a tight circle almost as small as the bat's wingspan. It snarls, widening its glowing crimson eyes in curiosity. It looks like it won't do anything, as long as the mirrors don't attack.
It sees Sailor Moon performing the Halation attack, and quickly, holds Sailor Mirari up in front of the attack. One of the mirrors rotates in front of them and "Moon Princess Halation: strikes it.
To Sailor Star Healer: You run through the gold-embroidered entrance doors into the palace. You can see your friends still battling outside. In front of you is a long, narrow hallway. It's so long, it goes as far as the eye could see, and shadow covers the opposite end of it. The room is also unnecessarily high, but there doesn't seem to be anything upwards.
There is a soft red carpet, and the walls are also red. The ony objects in this room, that you can see, are mirrors. Tons of mirrors line both walls. Each one is six feet tall, and they are all evenly spaced across from one another. If you look into one mirror, you'll probably see infinity reflected from the mirror on the other side.
Iimesu watched the bat and all the trouble and decided it wouldn't be wise to stay out here, especially considering his weakening condition. Thus, Iimesu slowly walked away from everyone else before making a mad dash towards the door. He might as well follow Star Healer, since he was just going to get in the way out there, and Luna was talking to another cat anyway.
"I'd just be useless out there. In fact, I'd probably cause more problems." Iimesu commented, before walking towards Star Healer. If she heard him or didn't, Iimesu didn't really care. He wanted to say that Star Healer was the only person he really knew besides Luna, too, but he kept his mouth shut. The man let out a large sigh and looked down the hallway. "Mirrors and shadows. Fun." Iimesu looked through one of the mirrors and waved. He saw the front and back of himself going on for eternity, all waving as well, and all holding the Nightmare Staff.
Iimesu just sat down on the red carpet and glanced around the long, and very tall, hallway. This felt much better then being outside with the large crowd of people. Of course, they probably all would eventually come in there anyway, but the time away from battle actually felt nice. It wasn't them he disliked, he realized, just the battles. They got tiring, and besides, he was sick of dealing with enemies. If only something interesting would happen.
Of course, without having an enemy follow it, anyway.
"There you are Iimesu. Let's keep going. CP-Baka is waiting and boy do I have a score to settle!" Healer ad a look of confidence across her face, she knew she was going to do her best. Healer looked back at Iimesu. "Let's go." Healer starts walking forward.
Iimesu looked up at Star Healer from his position on the ground and grinned. Maybe he'd get more time away from those other people and the enemies that seemed to follow him then he had previously thought. Besides, Star Healer seemed pretty confident. It was nice to see that the morale of these people, or at least Star Healer, wasn't brought down easily. The man hopped up and quickly walked after Star Healer, so he wouldn't lose her. Then, once he caught up, he slowed down.
"So this is her palace, eh? Seems like she really likes mirrors," Iimesu randomly commented, glancing at everything he could as he walked by. It seemed to be pretty much the same right down the hallway--mirrors and just, more mirrors. Then, straight ahead, was shadow central. Iimesu raised an eyebrow and let out a chuckle.
"I wonder what's in the shadows?" He whispered to Star Healer, before letting out another chuckle. Iimesu just thought of some weird looking monsters hopping out of the shadows, probably with their body parts all in the wrong places. It was making him want to laugh, since it looked so stupid in his imagination. That probably wouldn't happen--stupid monsters hoping out of the shadows--but there might be other enemies that might come out. He seemed to be more cautious after he realized that.
Maybe there was an enemy waiting in the shadows, ordered to strike before the "senshi" could reach Crystal Piranha. Maybe they were to be its first victims. Uh-oh.
Healer chuckled at the curious Iimesu and smiled. "I have not Idea what's in those shadows, but I guess we'll find out soon enough." Healer Smiled at Iimesu.
Sunlight turns to see everyone else fighting, a sweat drop appearing on his head. 'I forgot who I was with for a minute there,' he told himself, walking to join; now on the edge of where all the battling was taking place. His eyes drifted down--away from the creature--and sees Healer go into the building. Moments later he saw Iimesu follow. "That seems much more relaxed then out here," he decided, running as fast as he could past everything.
Stepping inside the palace, Sunlight gives an uncertain look back, holding his bangs out of his eyes. "Hope they'll be okay," he said quietly. "It's kind of like I'm ditching them. If they even notice I'm not there to help."
Bringing his eyes forward, Sunlight gasps, seeing the inside of wherever it was he was. The mirrors sent him a little uneased, knowing mirrors were how they were attacked the first time. Could these all suit for the same purpose? He hoped not.
Continuing forward, with his mouth slightly opened in awe, he tried to keep his curiosity away from his feet, because it seemed to be dragging him towards everything he decided he shouldn't. 'Keep your head straight,' he ordered his mind. 'There aren't really other people around at the moment to help you when you mess up and do something idiotic.'
Up ahead he saw a faint outline of Healer and Iimesu. They seemed too far up for him to want to go rushing for company. "Those two can keep on," he said briskly. "If they want to back track they can, but I'm not going to go running up there."
To SAILOR STAR HEALER: You venture forward down the hallway. When you reach the shadowy area, you realize that it's just more of the same thing. The pattern of mirrors decorating both sides of the walls continues without interruption. Now it looks as though the shadowy area is still just as far ahead of you as it was when you started.
As far as you can tell, the hallway just goes on and on and on. From the size you remembered the palace to be when you first saw it, it seems as though you're simply walking straight through the entire thing.
Beth decides to leave the others to fight. Keeping her shield up, she runs into the palace after the others. *Oh, great, mirrors. Just brilliant. Now where is it?* She hurries along the passage, trying to avoid catching her own eye in the mirrors.
To IIMESU: The same thing as above, and there's no end in sight. Although when you glance in the mirror, just for fun, you realize that you're even more worn out than you thought you were. Your body's so stressed out that you feel sorry for yourself.
You also notice that the Nightmare Staff has also begun to glow slightly.
Iimesu moaned as they continued walking. He saw that he looked weak before, sure, but he didn't realize he'd feel this horrible once he started to move again. "Hey...Healer...Can we stop for a minute?" He asked, giving Star Healer a weak smile. Just a little more walking, apparently, just wore him completely out. Iimesu looked in a mirror to take a closer look, and moaned again. He looked horrible. Yuck. Why did he have to be the weakest person he knew?
The man let out a large sigh, before something caught his eye. The Nightmare Staff usually didn't glow. That wasn't a good sign. It obviously wasn't glowing for the first reason he thought--that annoying sicko wasn't going to bother him--but it meant danger none the less. "Shoot...Not another problem..." Iimesu glanced at Star Healer, breathed in, and started to walk again. Maybe they should keep walking. After all, the Nightmare Staff could have been glowing because of something to do with all of those mirrors.
If anything, he could always reverse his Dark Healing powers back on himself, right? That way he could keep walking and not just collapse. Right. The only thing he would need to do was wait until the Nightmare Staff would stop glowing, so he could clarify why it was glowing. Ack. For all he knew it could have been glowing because he got a power boost from the middle of nowhere.
This could take a while.
"Iimesu, if we need to stop, we can." Healer's voice was full of concern. Healer turns and faces Iimesu. Her face was even more concerned than her voice. 'If Iimesu is in this bad a condition, we're in trouble.' Healer decides to look into a mirror.
Sunlight looks at himself in one of the mirrors, the one mirror showing a reflection of some of the other mirrors behind him and around. He didn't look too bad, considering the only thing he was concerned with was his hair. 'Don't look at that,' he told himself with a small smile. 'That's pulling a Milky, to put it lightly, but I do wish I were home.' Slowly he reached his hand up, just wanting to touch the mirror. It seemed unusually clear, but then again, it was a little dark for him to be able to tell for sure. Just as his fingers would touch, he brought his hand back, giving out a sigh.
Giving a small glimpse to his side, Sunlight quickly noticed there was now a fourth person inside. "It's Beth," he said allowed. "At least I'm not completely alone.' Giving a small "hmph", he straightened his collar and continued on.
As the attack striked the irksome creature, Mirari took her chance and pryed her way out of the bat's grip. The ground seemed to hold spikes, raised against her as she landed - her legs getting scuffed. It didn't matter though, what did matter was getting out of here. Not because she was 'fearing for her life' - rather because she was quite sick of this place. At the moment at least.
Bringing herself to her feet, she started towards everyone else. This senshi had had enough of that bat, and the fact that virtually everyone else had entered the floating palace didn't retorte to it. With that thought she entered as well... eyes running over the mirrored room. Gazing into such a place, it always had a mystic feeling. The reflections never ended, an enigmatic frost comes over oneself when trying to decipher the images.
Luna runs in, too ^.^. The giant bat whirls around just as Mirari escapes through the gilded double-doors. When it's left all alone, it looks around for other targets, but doesn't find any. It smashes the remainder of Mirari's mirrors in frustration.
Its wing-span is larger than the entrance. It could probably follow you in, if it walked along the ground, however, it changes its mind and gives up. Through the doorway you see it exit upwards, returning to its roost... possibly to wait for your return.
To SAILOR STAR HEALER: You smile at the mirror and your reflection smiles back . After that you realize how pathetic your smile is. You always used to joke about people and make fun of them, and it just now occurs to you that it must have been really annoying. You've used your attitude to hide your true self, and the fact that your personality really doesn't have anything noteworthy at all. Before long, your reflection disgusts you.
To IIMESU: The Nightmare Staff stops glowing.
Iimesu gave a weak smile to Healer. He wanted to reject her idea, but since she was so concerned, maybe he should stop. It might relieve her a little bit. With a little nod, Iimesu sat himself back down. This gave him some time to think about the cause of the Nightmare Staff glowing, anyway.
Then he noticed how the Nightmare Staff stopped glowing. "That's odd...It only started when I looked in the mirror," he muttered to himself, before turning back to the mirror behind him. Maybe THAT had something to do with it.
Those mirrors certainly were weird. Iimesu gave the mirror one of his pathetic smiles, just to see what would happen. He wanted to test his theory before he decided if it was correct or not, after all. Iimesu didn't want to see that the mirrors were the cause to Star Healer and have them blow up the mirrors for no reason. And there could be enemies in those mirrors, besides, just waiting for the mirrors to be blown up so they could escape. That wouldn't be too good, now would it?
Silver an Meko follow behind everyone else. Mekos ears twitch as he listens closley to the sounds around them. Silver holds her glavie then gives it a spin. The wings melt black into the the blades that were once there. She smiled to herself an placed the glavie on her shoulder, looking around.
To BETH: You hurry along the passage and come across Iimesu and Healer in no time. Everything in the hallway is all the same, for as far as you can see. You can still sense something of great importance, which you assume is located in the palace. It's straight up!, but far past the current ceiling.
To SUNLIGHT: When you look in the mirror you see yourself, naturally, and you see some of your companions too. You see Sailor Mirari, who's a little scuffled- but more than ready for future challenges, equipped with her iron will. You see Beth pass by, who's practically brimming with magic energy. Then when you look at yourself in comparison, you notice how weak you are, and you realize that you probably wouldn't be able to save them more than they could save themselves. In fact, you haven't done much of anything since you got here.
When you get too close to the mirror, it ripples a little.
Beth stops abruptly directly under the power source and looks around. She sees Sunlight nearby and goes over to talk to him. "I think we're close to the-whatever it is. It's directly above-" Beth breaks off in surprise, seeing an odd expression on Sunlight's face. "What's wrong?"
'What is wrong with me?' Sunlight asked his mind, looking into the mirror. 'I look way more drained then I thought I was feeling...' Slowly weird thoughts began to fill his head, which normally did in times like these. He looked at everyone he could see in the mirror, gradually his breathing becoming unsteady as if he was panicking.
Sunlight notices Beth coming over, and suddenly feels like she would be ashamed of how tired he was; by this time, trying not to make eye contact with her through their reflections. When she asks him what is wrong, it seems to have filled him with unknown surprise. He turns, his eyes, now a little larger than normal, looking straight into Beth's. He licked his lips slowly, taking a step back. "This is unreal," he replied briskly. "I shouldn't be here. There's no reason, and it's not like I can protect anyone, let alone myself." He looks at her for another moment, his eyes going to the floor, with a low-key anger on his face. 'It's a trick,' he told his senses. 'She doesn't care. She just wants you vulnerable so incase there is a battle, you can't save your friends, or at least yourself. But that's what she wants...'
Giving one last look at himself in the mirrors, he once again is given a fresh image of how he appeared. Whenever he closed his eyes he could see it. 'I want to go home,' he cried to his mind.
Sailormoon looked in one of the mirrors and saw herself. *finally a normal mirror.* she tought
then she turned around and looked at others.
*what should we do now. hmm. don't know.* "what are we supposed to do now, Luna?" she asked the cat.
Mirari continued peering about the red walls, mirrors with reflections everlasting. She wasn't too far from other people, Luna close behind her as well. Something seemed to be up with one of them, Sunlight, as well. Oh well, it didn't concern her at all.
Progressing through the area, she resisted from looking into any of the mirrors. As much will as she had, looking into mirrors with one adjacent from it would cause anyone to pause for a moment. Mirrors just had that power it seemed, which is one of the reasons that Mirari actually liked, if that's what you'll call the feeling, her power.
Even if she seemed oblivious to it, Mirari awknowledged the pinpricks of blood seeping through her skin on her left arm, between the arm and criss-cross bands; suggestions of pink flesh through the white scratches on the left leg, void of a cloth protecting the raw skin didn't appear to bother her as the air pinched it.
While the combat boots adorning her feet 'patted' against the carpet matching the walls, Mirari wiped away the dots on her left arm before trails of red appeared, ignoring the tugs and rips in the mesh sleeve laying on the other.
As she looks at Sunlight, Beth begins to be panicked by his expression. Taking him by the shoulders, she shakes him roughly. "Stop that! Wake up, okay, wake up!" Beth turns and shouts to the echoing hallway. "Everyone! Stay away from the mirrors! Don't look at them! They're not real, do you hear me! Not real!"
She glares defiantly at the mirror Sunlight was staring into, then starts virtually draggin him down the hall.
Sunlight coughs when Beth shakes him, hardly even hearing what she is saying. By that point, he had completely began to freak out. She begins to drag him, and it is all too much. 'Oh my God!' he shouts to himself in his mind. 'Get away!' Nervous sweat goes down his forehead, him struggling to get from her grasp. Once he had, he runs forward to get away, tripping on his feet for a moment, but at last getting in control. He turns around panicked, not wanting his back turned to her.
"Don't touch me!" he hisses, his teeth gritting. "That's all you want! Is for me to go with you so you can mess with my mind! Well, I won't let you!" Sunlight slowly begins taking nervous steps back, seeing over his shoulder his mirror from before, which was beginning to ripple from him being too close. So paranoid at the time, he doesn't take it into consideration, and he puts his back flat against the mirror; not thinking of what would happen to him when his body meets with the back of his reflection, but what Beth was going to do next.
"Sunlight, stop it." Beth grits her teeth. "Do you really think I can mess with your mind more than these mirrors have done? Get away from the festering things! NOW. I'm not going to hurt you...unless you decide to start a fight which, let me inform you, you would lose. So." She stays warily in front of him, within arms' reach in case something happens. "I need your help. Or do you want to give Crystal Piranha a good laugh, seeing us fight?"
To SAILOR MOON: Luna joins you. "I'm not sure what we're supposed to do here," she answers, "but we're definitely not going to get anywhere if we just sit around here. We should keep going." Luna swishes her tail and wonders what's wrong with the others who are acting strangely.
You look in the mirror and see a pretty sailor soldier with cute blonde odangos. You're proud at yourself for getting so far without having a klutz attack. Yet. All of a sudden, you find it prudent to keep your distance from the others, just in case you embarrass them and probably hurt yourself in the process. After all, you haven't changed much since junior high.
To IIMESU: You give a cute little smile to the mirror, and the mirror smiles back, just like you expect it to . It's really not anything out of the ordinary. But immediately, you can see why Sailor Star Healer was so concerned about you. Because you're not looking too healthy. The mirror, unfortunately, reaffirms your doubts. You feel as though you would be absolutely helpless if you didn't have the Nightmare Staff.
It was right. He would be almost useless without the Nightmare Staff. With a moan, Iimesu laid back on the ground and grabbed it before weakly sitting back up, and standing up. These mirrors were making him sicker then he already was. Iimesu pointed the blade end of the Nightmare Staff at the mirror, but stumbled and cried out from an overload of memories.
He was useless. Iimesu was always the one kicked around, the one hated. The one that was almost dead but saved by inches. The one that had no power really. His only power was to make life more a burden to other people. Especially to Zoltan. He didn't deserve Zoltan. For that matter, he didn't deserve anyone.
No! His mind started to argue with himself. Iimesu was NOT useless at all! He has saved people, helped people, cheered up people out of depression, served as a person you could trust and lean on, and more. So he wasn't powerful in physical strength--big deal!
With a scream, he thrusted his Nightmare Staff into the mirror. Maybe, just maybe, it would affect the force in there that was trying to torture him from the inside out. It was working horribly well, and he didn't want it to work at all.
The Nightmare Staff starts to glow again- however before you can study this familiar phenomenon, the Staff jumps out of your hand. It falls over and lands on the ground with a clatter.
To BETH: Even a passing glance at the mirror next to Sunlight causes you to hesitate. In an instant, you feel sort of guilty for pulling him around, when he's the one who's naturally gifted with super powers, while you're the one who depends on wands, books, trinkets and whatnot. All those items are the one thing you notice as you go by.
When Beth catches her own eye in the mirror, she blushes guiltily and backs away from Sunlight. *It's just a mirror, just a mirror, remember?* But no matter what she tells herself, all she sees is how foolish she looks, like a silly girl playing at magic she doesn't really deserve. She stares at her feet, unwilling to look at Sunlight. "I'm sorry," she mumbles, "I shouldn't have been ordering you around. But-" Beth almost laughs in surprise as she feels her eyes begin to tear up, "I know-I think I know where we-or you, anyway-should go, only I dont know how to get there, and I know the answers are there, but I don't remember the right questions!" Two tears flop disconsolately from her eyes, and her voice is shaking. "Please-can't you tell me what to do?"
To SUNLIGHT: Putting your back against the mirror is a bad idea, just like you thought. The mirror is actually water, so you fall into it a little bit, and jump when you expected to lean against a solid surface that wasn't there. Luckily your reflexes prevent you from falling into it completely. Your backside is wet with warm water- undoubtedly one of the strangest feelings you've felt in a long time.
"Gah!" Sunlight jumps forward, feeling his back soaking. He stares down at the water dripping to the floor, silently listening to Beth yelling at him. He hardly took it into consideration as new thoughts entered his head. 'She did that on purpose. This is some kind of conspiracy against us, and to think I-- "
Sunlight stops solidly, his eyes now on Beth. All the emotions on his face seemed to vanish instantly, it hard to tell what he was feeling at that moment. Once again, he listened to her speak, this time more intently. "Tears," he said simply, brushing one off her cheek.
It felt more as if he was in control, that he could stop for a moment and let everything he was told sink in. Every time he saw someone who seemed a bit worst off then him, he totally crumbled under their mercy, which wasn't good when he was supposed to be battling them. Most of the time he could separate the enemies from others, but now it seemed as if everything was mixed up. He thought he knew what he was talking about, and he thought he knew what to do, and now... He didn't know what to think. What was he supposed to say or do? What was anyone there supposed to do?
"I'm... so confused," Sunlight moaned, holding his aching head. "I don't understand what I'm doing, what I should do, what I want to be doing... One minute you're trying to make me be sensible; when, now, it seems you are the one who needs to. Or ... am I just imagining you're guilt? If that's what you would want to call how you're feeling." He clears his throat silently, looking away. It suddenly occurred to him how rude that sounded, but now it was too late. Might as well wait it out.
Beth shakes her head, trying not to cry. "It's-it's the mirrors, I think. But I don't know what they're doing, and I should, I know I should. There's something-" She breaks off, shaking slightly. *Darryl, something you heard about Darryl, remember? Remember?* The idea still refuses to come into her head, and Beth flinches at the thought that she's preventing everyone else from doing anything useful. "I-I'm sorry," she says, smiling shakily, "I'm being a nuisance. I'll stop bothering you." She turns and starts to walk away, only to be stopped dead in her tracks by the images of herself, repeating over and over. Her voice is a mere thread of a whisper. "But...I'm scared."
"No, you-- " Sunlight stops again, looking at his reflection in the mirror. The same thoughts are buzzing in his mind; it is enough to make him want to kill himself right there, right then, but he doesn't. He just keep staring at his reflection, feeling as if his energy is growing lower and lower by the second. 'It is a trick after all,' he thought, angry. 'I know it is, because she's pretending she's scared, which I know she never really could be. Not when all you have to do is walk down this hall.'
Sunlight smiles slyly, turning to look at Beth once more. He begins to come closer, to do whatever it was he thought he could do left, when he was stopped dead in his own tracks. With his eyes wide, he stands, looking down the dark hall. 'I can't move,' he thought desperately. 'Something's keeping me back...' Suddenly, he grits his teeth, his eyes sharp with anger. 'Or someone is keeping me back.' Continuing to try to move, he gives his mind reassuring thoughts that he wouldn't do anything, because it was obvious for him to tell, it was Victor who was fighting to control his actions. 'I'll kill him alive,' Sunlight told himself. 'If he thinks he can control me, he's out of his mind.'
But Victor was a harder fighter then he expected. Beginning to cough from lack of air, Sunlight falls to one knee, a horrified look on his face. Victor could control him. "Victor..." he whimpered, holding his throat. "Stop..." he fainted to the floor, as slowly, he was no longer the one laying there but Victor himself.
Victor coughs, crawling to his feet. "Don't look at the mirrors," he ordered himself, going to Beth's side. "It is the mirrors," he said nicely. "Sunlight lives in his own little dream world, but I know better. Just take a few steps at a time."
Beth stares vacantly at Victor. " can I? I-" *Took an oath, in Life's name and for Life's sake.* *...To put aside fear for courage, and death for life...* *When it is right to do so, and if it isn't right now it never will be!* She straightens up, then turns and glares full on into the mirrors. For an instant, she sees the image of herself wink and smile mischeivously from on of them, right on the edge of sight. Then they're gone, and it's just Beth. "I'm-all right now. You should probably go back to being mou hitori no anata, you know."
Silver blinked looked at the others as she looked at them looking in the mirror. She looked in a mirror an smiled at herself. She blew a kiss then started to make her way down the hall, whistling to Meko.
Meko lifted his ears then ran after her. He rubbed against her ankles then trotted ahead a little
"Hmm..." Victor pauses, closing his eyes. Trying to concentrate, he does a quick call back to Star to see how well she had Sunlight now, and when she gave him the heads up, a small grin came to his face. "That was quicker then normal," he said happily, opening his eyes. "Star already has Sunlight back to his senses, and his clothes are dry." He takes a deep breath, still trying not to meet his eyes in any mirror, and mutters, "Sun Power," under his breath.
Sunlight stands still a moment, just looking at the floor silently. He felt sick from all the stuff Star forced him to take, and just tried to push back his nauseous feelings. Swallowing nervously, he takes a deep breath and breathes out, with his eyes closed. "Sorry," he coughs, opening his eyes to see Beth. "Are you all right? I... can't remember if I did anything or not... to you, that is." He gives a small nervous chuckle, afraid to meet eye contact with anyone around him.
Beth smiles and shakes her head. "No, nothing hapened really. Except me being a total-festering-idiot! I just now remembered where I've heard of mirrors like these. We have to get everyone away from them. Okay?" She turns and starts after Star Healer first. "Hey, are you okay?"
"Yeah, i'm fine. It's just my only attack is taking it out of me." Healer smiles weakly. "But my friend here isn't looking too good." She points to Iimesu. "I'm worried about them."
With his Nightmare Staff still inside, or on the mirror, Iimesu glanced slightly over his shoulder. It felt nice to have someone that cared about him here. But, he had to admit, he had been in much worse condition before. They really had nothing to worry about, but they probably didn't know that. Iimesu let out a little sigh.
"I don't want to come off cold, it's just that I've been in worse situtations before. Don't worry. Besides, I can heal myself slightly if it comes right down to that." He whispered to the newly formed group, not really directing it at Star Healer, and wishing that it really wasn't a group. Iimesu liked being around Star Healer alone, with Luna around too. These other people were making him feel weary, and it might have been because the first thought in his head was that trouble was coming along with them.
Iimesu just turned back to the mirror and waited for any sort of reaction from it or the Nightmare Staff.
Sunlight nods, following her up ahead. Blinking from Healer's words, he looks around to find Iimesu a couple feet away. He comes over slowly, looking from him, to his Nightmare Staff in the mirror, and back to Iimesu. Listening silently to Iimesu speaking, a small smile comes to his face. "OK," he said nicely. "You have everything under control; however, it never hurts to have a little company. If you want to be alone, you can be. But I'm not going to leave without you either in front of me or beside me. Nobody can be left behind."
Iimesu seemed to just ignore Sunlight. Talking to the guy would get him in trouble, wouldn't it? Besides, he had the excuse of concentrating too hard. When you concentrate, the whole rest of your world seemed to disappear--at least to Iimesu anyway. Everything else became blurry or unheard. Slowly, he forgot that Sunlight was even next to him. He even forgot what the man had said.
Moments after that, he really was ignoring Sunlight. All he saw was the mirror and the Nightmare Staff. "Wrinkles" developed on his forehead as he continued to concentrate. Inaudible mumblings made it even more obvious that he was oblivious to the world around him. He was determined to find out what would happen to the mirror or Nightmare Staff.
To SILVER: Your reflection blows a kiss at you as well . It seems as though everything is going well, and now you just have to get to the end of this hall which keeps appearing longer and longer and has no end in sight. At length, though, you become bothered by the way you had looked in the reflection... Even though you've come very far riding on your confidence alone, you still look the same as a regular girl. You wonder how soon it will be before the others, and the enemy, all see through your act and it all comes crashing down. For a fleeting moment, you wonder how much longer everyone on Kinmoku is going to put up with you.
Tear drops an stops walking. she crosses her arms an leans against the wall.
Meko stopped an trotted over to her. "Whats wrong?"
How can I do this? I shouldnt be here. I should be in Kinkomu im not a sailor senshi, im just a coward an I live a lie.." She shakes her head.
Meko blinked at her then climbed onto her shoulder. "Tresea..SNAP OUT OF IT!" Slashes her cheek.
Tear drops again. "OWWWWW" she rubbed her cheek but started walking down the hallway again. "That really hurt..."
To IIMESU: When you bash your staff at the mirror, it makes a large splash, and you're sprayed with its water droplets. Holding your staff inside, you see the water's blue ringlets subside around it and finally become still.
Then, you hear a low grumbling sound- so low that at first you think it's your imagination- coming from the mirror. Before you can yank your stick out, a powerful force on the other side of the surface grabs ahold of the Nightmare Staff and pulls you inside!
The next thing you know, you are underwater!
The good news is, you discover that you can breathe just fine(hooray:)). The bad news is, there is a large mass of very large, very mutant EELS in front of you. You would guess about eight or so, although there very well may be more since the foggy water obscures your visibility.
The eel that bit the Nightmare Staff short-circuits and dies (because nobody else can hold it). Unfortunately, there are several more here to compensate. You look behind you for the exit, but there is none!
To EVERYONE: You just saw Iimesu disappear into the mirror. It happened too quickly to figure out exactly what's going on.
'Or maybe he isn't nobody," Sunlight told himself huffily at Iimesu's silent response. 'We can leave him behind.'
"Gah!" Sunlight takes a step back from the mirror, watching as Iimesu disappears. He stares at it for a moment confused, clearing his throat nervously. "I was right there too," he said allowed to himself, and anyone else who just happened to be listening. "Maybe that mirror wasn't so crazy. I might really not have any strength to fight anymore, or at least the will to..."
Iimesu sputtered and groaned. At least he was away from them, but it still seemed like the trouble followed them! They were cursed! He was just FINE without the big group coming over! Well, it was no time to think about how cursed those people were now--he needed to get away from these eels! "I don't have the energy for this!" With a cough, he added, "And plus, I look like a damsel in distress!" Not like he didn't always, he thought.
Today was going to be his death sentence, wasn't it? Good-bye to everything he knew! He couldn't attack these things now with the weakness he was gaining! Then again, he would only get weaker as he continued swimming...
Oh, did he hate attacking. "FLICK!" He exclaimed, doing that flicking motion again. Then he lifted up his Nightmare Staff so it was aiming straight at all of the eels he could see, blade-end of course, "FRAGILE NIGHTMARE! VIRTUAL INVASION!" Oh yes, he was a very dead man. He just announced a whole bunch of his attacks to bother or destroy the big group of eels that was coming at him. Too bad he didn't get the chance to make up his last will.
Deciding that it was better to swim as quickly as he possibly could before he lost it completely and just went unconscious, Iimesu started swimming through the underwater world at a high speed. Who knows--this might as well lead to Crystal Piranha! Then he could get this over with! This Crystal Piranha was being a big enough of a pain to make him want to beat her guts out...Just for all of the trouble she was causing him, of course.
While swimming, he took a brief second to view his deep sea surroundings. "I'd actually enjoy this if it wasn't for the situation," he commented, before speeding up a little more.
Beth curses quietly inside her head. Wizards tend not to swear aloud; words in their business are too close to magic. "And let that be a lesson to you, never get too near magical mirrors." She prepares to clamber through after Iimesu, but pauses in remembrance of what she'd seen in the mirrors before. *Maybe...I'm just a liability.* *Or not! You know more about this stuff than any of them. And maybe you can work a way to get him out.* Beth smirks and starts frantically flipping through her book. "Sunlight, come over here for a second please." She turns the book so he can see the page she's open to. It's part of a section regarding leash and lifeline wizardry. "I think I might be able to make a leash using one of these spells, and basically fish around in the mirror for Iimesu. Do you think it could work?"
Irosis stared at the mirror where Iimsue had dissapeared.
"What the hell?" she murmered softly. She looked at the others, well, they had noticed to but what could they do? "I wonder what's down there?" She shuddered visiby, more fishmen? Ugh, or something else..
With a villian like Crystal Pirahna, who could guess?
Healer freaks when Iimesu goes into the mirror. "Hang on! I'm comin' Iimesu!" Healer decides to jump into the mirror to help out.
Sunlight sighs, coming over to Beth's side. "It might work. I don't think he would want to come back though, but we might as well save him..." He stops a second, watching Healer jump in. He sweat drops, continuing. "And Healer. If she hadn't of rushed, we could have had her bring it in with her and find him. If anyone, she can get him to come back."
Crossing his arms over his chest huffily, Sunlight grunts. "Personally, I think we should just leave them both. Iimesu wanted to be alone, and now he got his wish. We should just move on with who we have left, and see what we can do. Besides, I know I'm not going to miss them."
His words might seem a little harsh, but that was what happened when Sunlight was reminded of Milky. Iimesu acted just as Milky would, and it made Sunlight want to stab him with the closest thing to him. But of course, he didn't. That would be stupid, and there was no time to make a fool of himself in this challenge.
Beth sighs, reaches out, and grabs Healer's hair before she vanishes completely. "Get back here for a minute." She flips to the next page. "Now, let's see, we need to add a variable if she's bringing it in, goes." She starts speaking slowly and clearly in the Speech. Her spell, if anyone understood it, would sound like this:
"This is a level two composition of a lifeline spell, activated by(a long string of characters which are her name). The aim is to locate and retrieve(another string of characters, this time indicating Iimesu) to the location of the activator. Secondary retrieval target is (characters naming Sailor Star Healer). Release."
As she finishes, Beth holds a long, blue rope in her hands, pulsing faintly. She briskly wraps one end around Healer's wrist, then steps back holding the other. "Well, there you go. Don't take it off, whatever you do!"
She turns to Sunlight, looking faintly annoyed. "I see. So you would like to be able to leave him behind because...? Hate to break the news, but we don't leave people behind. I could have left you behind, would you have liked that?"
"Ow! Why'd you have to pull so hard?" Healer was holding her ponytail and looking at Beth. "That hurt!" She turns around and swims towards Iimesu and grabs him. "Pull me in! I got him!" Healer yelled, hoping the water didn't make her message inaudible.
Iimesu jumped, feeling someone's hand on his foot. Well, he "jumped" as much as someone could underneath the water. "Whoa!" Thinking it was another eel, he snapped around and aimed the Nightmare Staff at Star Healer's head, unfortunately getting himself out of her grasp in the meantime.
After realizing who had grabbed onto him, he laughed nervously and lowered his Nightmare Staff. "Whoops...Sorry Healer!" He exclaimed, putting his free hand behind his head before looking around. Iimesu was still waiting for a reaction from the eels. "Healer...I suggest you look out..." He whispered, poking her and then pointing to the eels that were still swimming around. Hopefully his attacks would hit the eels so they were no longer a threat...
"Hey, that's what I told him!" Sunlight replied defensively, waving his hands desperately. "He just reminds me of someone I know, that's all." His arms dropped to his sides, as he stared at the mirror. "Anyway, I wouldn't really want to leave him behind, he just gave me the impression he wanted to be, and you might as well give the guy what he wants. He doesn't seem like the kind of person you would want to be on his bad side anyway." He sighs himself, putting his hands into his pockets. "What do you think he'll do the minute he realizes we're trying to bring him back?"
To IIMESU: As you try to swim frantically away in the underwater aether, you start to feel a little light-headed, and adrift in space. The three dimensionality of the battlefield is really something you have to get adjusted to.
The plethora of eels are bombarded by a flurry of attacks. Immediately, some turn around and run away, twitching frantically. Others explode in a mass of one's and zero's- the water is darkened with mists of blood, and you see body parts float upwards. Still other eels become enclosed in wooden crates, which drop towards the sea floor and are never seen again. Unfortunately, every time you kill a couple eels, more arrive from the distance to try their luck at biting you.
Not cool! I mean seriously! Not cool! Furthermore, the later ones that arrive are slightly larger and have spikes on them. Briefly you wonder where on earth Crystal Piranha got these things, I mean, does she have stock in an aquatic-mutant farm, or what.
At any rate, just as you're about to begin worrying about the new danger, you see a purple ball of light, appearing from the depths. Before you can do anything it surrounds you and Sailor Star Healer! However the feeling you get from it is good instead of sinister. It protects you from the overgrown whale-snot that was getting in your way.
You see a silhouette in the purple light.
The first thing Iimesu did when seeing the blood and body parts was make a girlish, "EWW!" noise. Then he shook his head lightly, knowing that he had to try and ignore the gore, no matter how disgusting it looked. Besides, hadn't he seen this stuff enough times to get used to it by now?
The crazy mutant eels then came at him and Star Healer. When he was just about to shove Star Healer out of the way, they were surrounded by a purple light. A smirky-smile formed on Iimesu's face and he made a witchy sounding, "Eheh," noise. Then he proceeded to tease the mutant eels!
"Nah-nah, you can't get us! LOSERS!" Iimesu stuck out his tongue and made a raspberry noise. With a confident look on his face, he semi-crossed his arms, so he could keep the Nightmare Staff's blade out of his face, and grinned. That's when he cared to even notice his light-headed feeling. Yuck. All he needed right now was a headache coming on, or a sickness forming.
As he held his head with his right hand, the figure dosed in purple caught his eyes. A weak, "Huh?" escaped his lips. He looked slightly upwards at the figure. What was it doing here? Was it really here to help them, or was this a big trick? Hmmmm...All of this thinking was making his head hurt.
To Everyone in the hall: Luna's eyes bug out when she sees Iimesu and Star Healer go into the mirror. She immediately gets very worried. "Go quickly," she tells Beth and Sunlight. "They might be drowning!"
"Go... In there?" Sunlight asked, hesitant. He laughed, shaking his head. "I don't want to go in there! Who knows what's going on?! Besides, we have Healer in our grasp. If she was drowning, she would have came back, right?"
Thinking about it for a moment more, Sunlight just takes a deep breath, going towards the mirror. He looks at it, still nervous, and suddenly turns to Beth. "Ladies first, right?" he said, in more of a --I will do anything to keep from going in there straight away-- type voice.
Beth sighs theatrically. "Why would we be going in there again? Just a small adjustment-" She fiddles with the lifeline, "And I think it should attach itself to the wall in here and let us all out." As if it heard her, the spell-rope curls around a pillar. "All right. But please, you first, I insist." She smiles sharkily at Sunlight, using her Oh-no-you-don't expression.
Sunlight laughs nervously, once again looking at the mirror. He looks back to Beth, speaking as smoothly as he could. "OK, if you feel you need to have a big strong man to go in first and make sure you're safe to go..." He pauses, swallowing nervously. "So, where is that big strong man to go first anyway?" he mutters under his breath and goes inside, but not before telling Beth, though secretly to himself, to hurry.
Beth smirks. "Nice try. But since you're so scaaared.." She loops the spell-rop around her wrist and jumps through the window, grabbing Sunlight be the arm and draggin him after her.
Sailor Saturn opened her eyes..her whole body was numb and she felt disoriented. She also felt light weighted as if she were floating in the air. She can see her bangs in front of her floating in a wavy, non-directional way. The place that she was in was cold and damp.......suddenly she came back to her conscious self and realized that she was underwater.
How strange, she thought. I can breath did I get her in the first place??
She slowly remembered what happened. ....One of the fishman jumped on top of her, pinning her body to the ground. She desperately fought it, trying to force the fishman off her but he was just too strong. The fishman then open its mouth, revealing 4 rows of serrated, polished teeth. Inch by inch, its wretched face moves closer to her..Before it could do anything..a mirror appears under sailor saturn and she falls into it. The was the last thing she remembered.
Sailor Saturn slowly motioned her head around and the saw the mirror she came out. It slowy faded..then was gone.
Sunlight looks around, once inside the mirror, and begins working on seeing if he can sense Healer and Iimesu's power. Coming up empty, he just sighs, and begins heading towards any direction he felt. "I hope being able to breathe down here stays around," he comments dryly. "I'd hate to drown somewhere where nobody can find me... And I wasn't scared... Just being careful in a very hesitant matter."
with all the memories of what had happened..sailor saturn felt alittle more composed. She then looks around, surveying the entire area. Nothing but emptiness, but then a figures appear..its too dark to tell who. Saturn swims towards them, keeping a reasonable distance between her and the two figure. " Can it be?", Saturn says.
She squints real hard..and quicky realize it was Iimesu because she recognized his staff. Swimming closer to him, she sees Sailor Star Healer right beisde Iimesu. Sailor Saturn can see that they have trouble defending themselves from the eels that dwell within the swamp..
" Silent Wall", Saturn shouts. A purple light appears and surrounds her entire body, shieding it from any danger that might come her way.
" Grab my hand", she offers her hand to Iimesu. You too, Healer."
"S-saturn! I thought you were..." "Oh well, Welcome back." She grabs Saturn's hand. ^.^
Beth laughs, a strange sound underwater. "I'm sure. And just for the record, someone would probably find you eventually. Of course, your corpse might not be very charmng by then..."
Iimesu blinked, moving his free hand away from instead of towards Saturn. "What the-?!" His eyes shined of the fear he felt. What was this? Wasn't this Saturn girl dead? With a deep sigh, he closed his eyes and concentrated for a minute. No, she wasn't dead. He should have known--the nightmares of her were still dwelling right where they were supposed to be.
The boy with long hair was actually very weary of trusting her. That was before Star Healer took him aback because she did grab onto Saturn's hand. If Star Healer trusted her, he could probably trust Saturn as well. Sighing deeply, Iimesu reached up and grasped onto Saturn's hand. Suddenly a thought dawned on him and his eyes narrowed. Now he was furious!
"Wait a minute!" Iimesu exclaimed, not letting go of Saturn's hand but gripping onto it tighter, "THEN CRYSTAL PIRANHA MADE US SEE THAT BLOOD AND GORE AND THINK SHE WAS DEAD TO FIND OUT THAT SATURN WAS ALIVE!?!" Let's just say that, if looks and thoughts would kill, Crystal Piranha would have never been born in the first place. Either that or, even her ashes wouldn't exist right now.
Sunlight's eyes widen, him thinking if he were to be found much later after he died. The thought of what he might look like sent a chill up him. That wasn't a comforting thought. But he had a plan so that would never happen. "If I never die, my body can't become that way," he said matter-of-factly. "So, I'll just stay alive forever. Shouldn't be too difficult. I'll just... stay away from stuff that can kill me."
To Everyone:
Sailor Saturn's "Silence Wall!" goes up and protects the group from the eels. However, just as the shield goes up, the eels turn around and start to flee the area. You feel a subtle change in the current.
For a moment, it looks you're free from all danger- maybe even free to attempt to return to the hall of mirrors. But all too soon, you hear a cracking sound. And its enormous. Its reverb fills the area ominously,and makes the water tremble.
All of a sudden, upon looking downwards, you see a cloud of white. Not a cloud exactly- But a crystallization of the water. Before your eyes you see the glass formation getting bigger and bigger- the water itself is turning into solid glass! You see some of the wayward eels and other sea creatures, that were too slow, get caught in the crystal- they become frozen in place, unable to move another muscle.
This doesn't bode well. At a distance behind the glass you see a shadow among the shadows. It's huge, and so extremely huge that at first you don't believe it. But in a moment, it's gone, obscured by the facets of the glass wall that is eating up the water and coming towards you.
To Beth: Your psychic line to the outside seems pretty intact, but unfortunately, the area from which it came from is also the area which has been crystallized. You bet that CP did that on purpose^_^.
Beth glares at the crystallizing water. She doesn't swear, but her silence indicates that she would if she could. Deciding to make the best of it, she brings up her shield again, doubling the air content because anyone who was within a few feet of her when she activated it is now inside.
" Holy crap! We gotta get outta here, fast!" Healer looks at the rope Beth put around her wrist and looks at the place that it was origionated from. " No, no no! We'll never get out in time, we'll be senshi in glass!"
"Or just people in glass." Iimesu commented to Star Healer, calming down a little from his earlier outburst, while pointing out that not everyone there was a senshi. It was certain that Beth and he weren't senshi, that was for sure. He noticed the extremely huge thing and got wide eyes. Uh-oh. They had better work fast, because it seemed like they were getting surrounded on both sides.
While Beth, and hopefully still Saturn, were holding up shields, Iimesu swam downwards a little bit. Then he threw his Nightmare Staff upwards, making sure that it didn't come near anyone so that they wouldn't try to grab it. "Alright...Let's try this...Rare attack here...Or maybe it won't be rare to them." Iimesu muttered, remembering how common a group of people he met thought a simple fireball was.
Iimesu smacked his wrists together and pointed his hands outwards. A glowing black ball of fire appeared in it. "Black fire can sort of resist water...So I'll give this a try." With that, he put his hands behind his head, with the black fireball still in them, and then threw it downwards. Maybe it would help break up the glass so the process slowed down a little...
Without warning, the water started to crystallized..
"ughh", Saturn gasped. Quickly, she sprung her hand out and her gaive appeared. She waved her hand to get Iimesu and Healer's attention. Wanting them to hold on to her, she executed a series of sign language hoping they would understand.
Sunlight watches the water, sudden confusion over him. What was he suppose to do? He decided to do what he had been doing, waiting everything out. Like before, tons of attacks were flying through the area, and his two attacks were beginning to bore him. He was sure one of these should trigger something, or else he was going to be a glass statue. Then again, he had that weird feeling the minute he came in here that he was going to be in here for a while. This wasn't the while he had in mind, rest assured. He would rather be brought down that way then by death. He still had his whole, "I'm never going to die," plan in mind, and this was giving him a good start. Now all he had to do was not be shattered.
Iimesu, since he was trying to attack the glass, didn't really notice the start of Saturn's strange movements. Actually, he didn't notice what she was doing until he started swimming upwards, towards his Nightmare Staff. Now he could get that thing again. AND he had to stop muttering things. Iimesu spat out some water before continuing upwards.
Got it. His fingers curved around the Nightmare Staff, grasping it. Iimesu gave off a cheesy smile before he turned up to Saturn. There she was, trying to make some odd motions towards whoever she was making those motions too. He got confused by this. Then it dawned on him. He had let go of Saturn's hand. That was a big oops.
Iimesu swam back towards Saturn. He nodded his head in apology, before grabbing onto one of Saturn's two hands with his free hand. Iimesu held the Nightmare Staff at his side.
Mirari, of course, really didn't have much of a choice whether she wanted to stay in the red hallway or enter the liquid-ness of the mirror. Well, she did have a choice, but what good would it do to just stand there when everyone else went in to save another one of them, or that's what it seemed? None. She would just rot there, waiting for their return. This palace must be here for a reason, why couldn't she progress? It wasn't that she felt she wasn't strong enough, no. Just the fact that everyone else was on the other side of the mirror tugged at her. Why? Who knows.
She entered the area in time to see Saturn's return. The girl wasn't dead; yip? The cracking sound reverbing around the area almost made Mirari cringe, worse than the sickening tear of velcro, that it was. Maybe it would have been better to stay in the mirror-adorn hall and have none to do for a bit. Take some time to properly cover her minor wounds with something, but not easily possible to go back and undo a decision like that.
Speaking of the wounds... The pressure of the water, and the fact that it was water that had other substances in it, felt as if piercing against the scratches, fissures of skin on her body. Again, if the sting did cause her pain, there's no way you could really tell. Oh yeah, she could breathe underwater - yey.
Wonderful, a glass wall that would possibly swallow them up. It would be like they were frozen in an ice cube! Mirari wasn't within the area of which Beth's shield formed, but it didn't matter to her. Although, the thought of what would happen if the crystallizating water came to the shield tugged at her slightly; form around it, freeze it?
What to do, what to do? At the moment, nothing seemed to be coming to her mind, damn. Need to think harder, now don't we?
Beth catches the gist of Saturn's gestures, and decides to follow here. She thought-whispers to Sunlight, **The shield's about to move, so either start swimming or prepare to be glassified.** Then starts swimming strongly towards Saturn.
Healer hangs onto Saturn's hand. "I hope you have an Idea Saturn, I don't want to be encased in glass." Healer's face had a worried look upon it. 'I can't die here, Kakyuu-hime and Seiya and Taki... and Tresea. I have to get out of here alive!' Healer's confidence was restored.
Irosis watches as the group in the hallway begins to grow small as everyone jumps in. She rolls he r eye's irratably,"What the hell?" She mutters and jumps in.
Bubbles form as she shreiks at the scene infront of her. The water's turning to glass and everyone else is behind the sheilds. "Oh this is great, we'll all become cristilized humans, erm, well sorta," she says to herself. "And it's all because we jumped into here. "
She swims to in the direction of the others, watching the glass waryly. "Should I even attempt to use my Firewall? I mean, I don't think it would work since I'm underwater. But it might be helpful to try it, since it could come in handy." She continues her conversation to herself, no one else wanted to listen, and she doubt words were easily formed underwater.
With Iimesu and Healer holding onto her, Saturn begins the operation that will decide if they live or become crystallized in water. She nods, reassuring them to hold on tight. On the other hand, was her gaive in which she tightly held.
Saturn rotates her arm, bringing the gaive pointing towards the bottom of the water and then starts absorbing power in her gaive. From what she learned in Science class about the gravity of water and buoyancy, if she had enough pressure pushing down, she can blast them out of the water.
The tip of the gaive suddenly emitted a purple hue signalling its maximum power, with that accomplished, she chants out......Saturn...Gaive......SUPRISE!!!
Iimesu's black fireball plunges into the approaching barrier. You see the crystal's facets become suffused with black energy- Its growth, and the cracking noise, is in fact arrested for a short period of time. Unfortunately, the glass is too huge to be stopped for long.
The next thing you feel is a terribly strong jolt- Black lightning thunders out of Saturn's Glaive and you blast upwards like a rocket-ship. You feel torrents of water rushing you past you, and before you know it, you reach the surface. You gasp for air (even though you weren't drowning in the first place- still, it's a psychological thing).
You arrive in a room that is cylindrical in shape. At the bottom is the pool you have just emerged from. The top of the cylindrical room is open to the air. Everything is large. In fact, you suspect that the entire palace has very little outside of this incredibly large room. It's so big, it's like a poorly designed video-game.
The edge of the pool is nearby, and you are able to get out without any trouble.
Beth senses that the item of importance is in this room somewhere. Above the center of the pool, and about fifty feet up, seems like the right location... but you don't SEE anything there at all.
To your horror, the approaching glass catches up with you, and begins to solidify around you. It just moves too quickly to escape from it. Within a couple moments, you find your swimming abilities impaired. And then, you are not able to move.
While you're thinking about what to do next, your hear a loud crash, like a thunder, but even louder and sharper, it seems, since it's coming from all around you. After that you feel a crunching sensation and everything goes black for a second.
Crystal Piranha's mecha rises out of the pool in front of Iimesu, Sailor Star Healer, Beth, and Saturn. It's painted in dark blue camoflauge. Only its top half is sticking out of the water, but you guess that it must be about sixty feet tall altogether.
Created from a combination of curved and rectilinear shapes, your first impression is that is looks more like an organism than a robot.

It has two arms that are shaped like crab claws. It's clenching Sailor Mirari and Sailor Irosis in its left arm, and Sunlight in its right arm. You can't see Crystal Piranha anywhere, but you hear her deep and sinister voice coming from the robot.
"I'll admit it. I've been playing with you all this time."
A door in the mecha's chest opens up, and a large CANNON emerges from it, pointing down at Sailor Saturn and the others around her. You can see straight into the gun's barrel.
"I'll finish you off now. Have you any last requests?"
Iimesu let go of Saturn's hand, so he could point his Nightmare Staff right at the mecha without hurting anyone. "Last wishes, eh? I wish that you would dissolve..." He mumbled, with a little smirk on his face. "Apparently that isn't happening, though, so we'll make you dissolve the hard way..." He coughed to get rid of a frog in his throat before taking a step forward.
Maybe they should try to clog up the cannon, so the Crystal Piranha mecha thing couldn't shoot anything with it. If only there was some way he could get up there...Then he could slam his Nightmare Staff inside the cannon. Iimesu would get it back in the end anyway.
After taking a cautious look around, Iimesu turned around and leaned forward. Then he looked around once more before whipsering a plan. "We can try and clog up the cannon, then shoot at the robotic giant...How's that for an idea?" He asked, just to see if anyone had some other plan to get rid of the mecha, and maybe even Crystal Piranha.
Whatever the plan was, there was one thing for sure! Iimesu wanted this over as quickly as it could be over. Hopefully this would be the final battle with her and she wouldn't just disappear again so they'd have to chase her around again.
Healer like Iimesu's Idea. "Let's go for it. I'll distract the Mech and you two clog up that cannon!" Healer turns to the mech. "I got a final request, why don't you go and eletricute yourself then die." Healer had a big grin on her face.
Sunlight panicks for a moment when he begins to harden, but he doesn't have a lot of time to think about anything. He only wished he had done more. Now, it's too late. He wasn't sure what would happen, but he did notice that he wasn't alone, and everyone had to come back for them eventually. The loud bang he heard was less then assuring that he would be fine. But he found that that wouldn't even matter, for everything went black, and before he knew it, he was in the claw of a large robot. Not much he could even do now. Boy was he stupid to think he could rely on them, or himself, for that matter. He should had been paying attention when Beth left, and she even told him she was leaving, but he hardly heard what she said. He was too busy watching Saturn in a confused, yet half-happy, manner. Sunlight should have realized you don't normally have breaks long enough to let you stare off into space.
Sailor Saturn sighs a relief. " It worked!" , she says cheerfully. She then places her gaive leaning against a wall and began squeezing her hair to get the water out. (she gets a cold really fast) Suddenly, a sound roared out across the room that left a million sounded like it came from the pool she just came out of. Suddenly, some strange figures started to rise from the pool. "What ugly things" , Saturn cried out. That was her first impression of the weird figures. She then quicky notices the other soldiers caught between the figure's crab-like pinchers. " Oh no" , Saturn cried out. Saturn ran her hands down her waist and felt an peculiar garment tied around her waist. She glanced down at it and recognizes the coat. It was Sunlight's coat. She remembers it when he placed it over her supposedly dead corpse. " But that was only an illusion". Weird she thought. Anyways, she wasn't going to surrender to CP minions that easily. She was determined to give Sunlight's coat back to him personally.
Beth smirks. "Iimesu, I love your ideas. I'll be distracting her if I can manage it." She strolls languidly over to stand directly in front of the cannon. "You know what would be really fun, Crystal Piranha? To see which of us is stronger, really. I bet I could take that pretty little Lego toy of yours to bits. Wouldn't that be a pity? Of course, if you've left the water crystallizing, I won't even have to bother. It would be funny if your own spell destroyed it, don't you agree?" She fumbles with something behind her back as she speaks.
Iimesu grinned at the fact that once again, he had a good idea. Thank goodness he had his brain, since otherwise he would be just about nothing. With a sigh, he sneaked off as Beth and Star Healer tried to distract her. It wasn't like they needed two people to distract her, but at the same time, that might distract her even more, and even confuse her! That would be fortunate.
For now he needed to find some way to execute his little plan. Once a reasonable distance from all of the action, he squatted down and looked up at the mecha. Even though he wasn't good at sports, he knew how to aim, since he did play video games, arcade games, and that sort of thing. With a smirk, he lined up the Nightmare Staff with the cannon.
"Alright...This is it..." With a long sigh, he waited until all attention was off him, and then chucked the Nightmare Staff straight at the cannon.
Looking down at everyone below, Sunlight feels a chill go up him. He was a little high, and wasn't there a chance the cannon being backed up could cause this thing could blow up? At the time, he was pretending it didn't. Peering over to see who else had suffered his fate, he saw Mirari and Irosis, though he didn't exactly know them by name. He did hope they would get away, even if he didn't.
Sunlight wasn't sure what he could do, since being able to use his hands was a little scarce, but he could see the others had plans, so he should be fine for the time being. Unless the robot decided to smashed him into the ground, or crush him, or hit him with the cannon, or try to crystallize him again, or... OK, he didn't need to go on. 'Please let their plan work,' he thought desperately.
Mirari was a bit disoriented as the glass froze and the pincer-like claws of Crystal Piranha's mecha closed around her, as well as Sunlight and Irosis. Great, the second time she was in a, if you will, tight spot.
Mind you, she did not like being grasped by this mecha, who would? She looked over at those who didn't get stuck being held by Crystal Piranha's toy.
._. Isn't that nice? They were trying to distract her. She sweatdropped when Iimesu chucked that staff of his, the Nightmare Staff, at the canon. Wouldn't a canon ball be able to blast through that measly staff? Wait. It wouldn't be a canon ball though, that was too expectable and normal for this lowly woman. What else -could- emerge from such a thing? Energy? Torturing eels? Would it be forced to back-fire upon itself with the Nightmare Staff at it's opening? Mirari could only wonder...
It didn't matter, at the moment at least, because she was going to get herself down from her point of position in the mecha's hold. Her idea didn't seem to have any substantial backfire to the group, and hopefully wouldn't have anything unfortunate occur like have the canon go off at the same time. After going through all of this briskly in her thoughts, Mirari's mind was set. She would try to use 'Mirari Smite' and fire at the base of the pincers, both of them. Perhaps it would let them go...?
"Mirari Smite..."
Silvers eye twitchs as she continues to walk. "You know im starting to think that this hall ways going no where....."
"Moronic Sailor Senshi," CP says derisively in response to Beth, as her mecha rises out of the water- That is, the pool crystallizes just underneath its feet, and it steps onto it. Now the machine has reached its full height, and the pool of water is the same as solid ground. "You can try and fight if you like. But I have control over everything here, so I don't see how you could defeat me, really," she adds with a tone of boredom.
At the corner of her vision, Crystal Piranha sees Iimesu throw something at her. She shoots it with the cannon. A deluge of blue flames erupt from the spout and completely engulf the Nightmare Staff. It flies off course and lands elsewhere on the battlefield- about forty feet from Iimesu.
CP shoots a stream of fire at Beth. Then she turns it and shoots fire at Iimesu. Then she swings around and shoots in a circle around her. She sets everything on fire, basically. The glare of hot blue light is so intense, that it's difficult to tell what's on fire and what's not- Just assume that it's everywhere.
Crystal Piranha laughs a deep and blissful laugh over the mecha's intercom. At least her laugh isn't as annoying as many others you've heard.
As Crystal Piranha's laugh trails off, a crystal-clear and bell-like voice reaches her inside the cockpit. "What's going on?" asks the female voice.
"Sit tight, this will all be over quickly." Replies CP emotionlessly.
"Don't hurt anyone," says the soft voice with a tremble.
To BETH and IIMESU: Liquid fire is raining down towards you. Think of the way a hose spews water, only it's not water, it's fire. Additionally, blue flames all around impair your ability to run.
Iimesu looked frustrated. Without that staff, he couldn't do anything! Groaning, he put his hands forward and let the Nightmare Staff float back to him...Thank goodness that it did that naturally.
With a sigh, he noticed the fire coming at him. He couldn't run from it, nor could he really fight it with powers. There was only one thing he could do, and that seemed to be stand there and wait for it to hit him. There had to be some way around this, but he was too weak to attempt firing at it.
"Dam--Darn. What are we going to do now?" He whispered to Beth, who was obviously nearby. Iimesu flipped the Nightmare Staff around, in a pretty vain attempt to try and block the fire from hitting the front of himself. A deep and long sigh escaped his lips. "Got any ideas? I don't feel like being a crisp, buring potato chip." He muttered, pausing that Nightmare Staff turning thing he was doing for a moment before starting it up again.
Plus, that glare of light was bothering him. He put his hand over his eyes so that it was acting like the front of a baseball cap, blocking out, at least somewhat, the bright hot blue light.
The only thing Iimesu thought of doing in this moment of danger was to antagonize Crystal Piranha. "YOU?! Beat US?! Whoa you are pathetic! Like some annoying egotist like you could ever defeat us! All you've got is some weird looking robot and blue fire! What's that going to do? Give us a BURN?! HAH!" He laughed a little, hoping that Beth would come up with something in the meatime...or hopefully at least someone would, because he was starting to run out of ideas.
"Bingo,"Beth whispers under her breath. Then, "Damn!" as the fire heads for her and Iimesu. She puts her hand on Iimesu's shoulder and quickly babbles the few phrases necessary to extend her shield over Iimesu. "Okay. Now don't let go of me, whatever you do, or you'll learn what charcoal feels like. Follow me." She heads around to the rear of the mecha, bringing Iimesu with her. "Can you climb?"
To SAILOR SATURN: You see CP shoot at the flames at Beth and Ii-kun. Then you see her swing around in a circle, blasting everything in sight. You feel the incredible heat race just past your head. You want to help Beth and Ii-kun, and even Sailor Star Healer, but flames are surrounding you.
Sailor Saturn watches in horror as CP burns everything in sight with the Mecha. She wants to help her teammates but was trapped outside of the ring of fire CP had just released from her Mecha. All Saturn can do is just stand there while her teammates frantically defend themselves..
To SAILOR STAR HEALER: The sixty foot mecha stomps towards you. You crane your neck up to see it, just in time to see Crystal Piranha's robot lift up her leg and try to step on you (electrocute and die THIS)! You're seconds away from being crushed by a weight you can't even begin to imagine, much less support.
"It wasn't a request...." Healer rolls out from under the foot. "It was an order!" Healer then Uses the Star Sensitive inferno and aims it at an arm.
To Sailor MIRARI: Mirrors swarm around you. The mecha starts in surprise. Thanks to Crystal Piranha's knee-jerk reflexes, she drops you and Irosis, and starts swatting the mirrors. She destroys most of them quickly.
You fall thirty feet, but luckily, it doesn't injure you as much as you thought it would. Your immediate concern is not to get stepped on.
To SUNLIGHT: You get the impression that Crystal Piranha doesn't like you. For no reason at all, she slams you down into the ground. Now that isn't so bad in itself- in fact, you expected her to do something violent... What makes it worse is that she pushed you down into fire. Major ouch! You discover first hand that the blue plasma is actually hot, and not cold, which you may have thought from afar.
"No! Sto--Dude!" Sunlight yells in pain as he is hit into the ground then surrounded by the blue fire. He moans, by now trying to breathe. 'I need to get free before she kills me,' he told himself. 'But I can't use any of my powers without being able to move! Unless...'
It seems pretty stupid, his thought, or maybe it wasn't. If he got his powers from his necklace, and his necklace was apart of him, maybe he could control where his attacks went with his mind. Star did it that one time, but that was only because she used Ka Lo's spirit power that was left in her. Of course, he did have Jazzy's and Jazzy was more powerful then Ka Lo... He shook his head, hearing his ears ringing. He didn't know how to control that power like Star did. He just wasn't trained for it.
"Curse the day Star was sent to Earth!" Sunlight shouted to himself, then tried to calm down. "It's my energy, and I'll decide where it goes and doesn't. If I only have my powers because of my necklace, then as long as the necklace is connected with my wavelengths I can choose what happens to it. Jazzy has nothing to do with it! But now, where do I attack?"
Trying to get his mind back together in the limited time before something happens again, Sunlight figures his biggest goal would be the damage the robot, rather then getting free. If something happen to it then it might help everyone down below. The other two were already free, so if he really needed to he might be able to, as well.
Closing his eyes, Sunlight thought hard about his powers. Opening them once more, he looked fixed on the cannon. Maybe if he attacked that, his attack could go inside and maybe fill the entire robot? Or at least stop it from shooting people. It might even warm it up a bit. So, concentrating as hard as he could, so hard that eventually the sounds around him were gone, and it seemed like the only ones there were him and CP, he muttered, "Heat Explosion," under his breath.
Sunlight tried to make sure it would go through the cannon, even if shot at, the cannon would most likely go through or be stopped, hopefully. 'Please do something,' he begged in his mind.
Mirari felt a slight shock and numbing go through her body as she fell thirty feet from her anterior position - affixed between the claws of Crystal Piranha's mecha with the semblance of that of a rather mutated reptile.
Without much of a response to hitting the ground, once again, she impulsively rolled to the side; away from the mecha, as being squished is never fun.
Unfortunately, as Crystal Piranha had spouted her blue flames in nearly all crevices of the relatively large room. (Yes, that's it, the room was large because the bitch was planning to bring her sixty-feet tall mecha in here to squish them all and then some.) Because of that, her back came in contact with the raging blaze, singeing it. She would have very much liked it if the flames were cold rather than hot.
Bringing herself to her feet she regained her fulll composure, not without pain that was sending stinging pinpricks through her back - of which that she showed an indifference to although it was there. Perhaps it would be more helpful to herself to put up an aegis, but the sooner this thing was over, the better.
Upon viewing Sunlight sending an attack towards the mecha, Mirari murmured, "Mirari Smite..."Maybe it would work, if the two attacks joined together, it would have to do something if it didn't end it all - which it probably wouldn't. 'Work...?
To STAR SILVER: Luna, who is walking beside you, at length becomes tired and jumps up onto your shoulder. "I agree. I think this hallway might go on forever. Do you think the mirrors here all lead to different places, or all to the same place?" ^.^
Silver sighs an shrugs, a very difficult thing to do with a cat on each shoulder. "I have no idea..." She stopped an looked at a random mirror.
" might break the mirror by looking at it." Meko hadnt really been acting himself, he was bored an complaing a lot
Silver glared at her cat then grabbed him by the scruff of his neck. "Then why dont you try it out." She through him at the mirror
Iimesu's antagonizing was suddenly brought to a halt by Beth grabbing onto his shoulder and extending the shield and then telling him what to do. He turned and followed Beth as she headed towards the mecha. Then she asked if he could climb. Uh-oh...He wasn't that good at climbing. "Uhhh...Sort of." Iimesu mumbled, with a nervous laugh, hoping that him climbing wasn't an requirement of the plan Beth was building up. Of course, it probably was if she asked him, and if he wanted his life, he'd better try it.
"Do I have to climb?" He asked in a whispery tone, not sounding nervous but rather serious. "Climb what? ...The leg?" He asked, lowering his tone of voice even more so only Beth could possibly hear it.
...Hopefully this plan worked...
Irosis gasped as the air whooshed around her as she plummeted to the ground. She gasped painfully as she landed on her feet, then sat down and rubbed at her ankle's which were stinging from the sudden shock they had recieved, and her ribs, which felt like they had been crushed. She slowly pulled herself to her feet then dropped down again to avoid any spouts of flames that might pour down. Suddnely a grin flickered across her face and she began crawling on her hands and feet to Beth and Iimsue.
She grinned wickedly "I'v got an idea," she said, "But, I was woundering if anyone of you guys have the ability to find weak spots? Like, get a reading on that mecha, and tell me where it's weak spot is?"
Beth shakes her head. "I was thinking more of one of those tendrils. I just wondered, since I can't climb very well. Drat!" She looks grimly at the monster. Whispering to Iimesu, "See, there's some power source in the air just about level with that mecha's head. So I figure we could get to it if we climbed up the mecha, plus the thing might hit itself if it tries to attack us." She gulps and looks at the height of the thing. "Oh, well. Can't be helped. You game?"
Sailormoon looks at the mecha. *How can we possibly(don't know if I spelled it right.) destroy this thing.*
She runs to the mecha and grabs her cutie moon rod. She aims on the mecha's right arm. "Moon princess halation!!!".
The flat sky is slate-gray, with diamond-white clouds dappled through it like paint swirls. Against the backdrop of gray and white, a giant steps, a giant which spreads lethal blue fire all around it. Surrounding it, a few heroes have gathered.
"STAR SENSITIVE... INFERNO!!" Sailor Star Healer attacks the giant with a burning missile. The mecha looks towards her, and turns the armor on its arm towards the attack. It absorbs the blow easily.!!
From the other side of the monster, a teenage girl shouts, "MOON PRINCESS HALATION!" Light surrounds her and shoots at the robot. Though it's huge, the robot is agile enough to duck underneath the attack, which flies up into the sky. That was close, Crystal Piranha thinks.
The machine loses sight of Beth, Iimesu, and Sailor Irosis, who run behind it. CP pursues the remaining poor souls who haven't been consumed by flames.
A startlingly powerful attack from Sunlight. It connects right at the base of the cannon. There's a large explosion, and the giant reels backwards. The cannon sticking out of its chest tips, and then breaks off like a rusted tailpipe. It falls to the ground with a thunk. An instant later, Sailor Mirari's "...Mirari Smite..." pummels into the robot, into a weak area which Sunlight had just exposed. Her attack at the base of the cannon strikes an area of internal machinery. You see a static explosion, and some wires and crap discharged.
"That really wasn't supposed to happen yet," Crystal Piranha curses. Her robot retracts what's left of the cannon, and the mechanical doors in its chest close up. It takes a few steps backwards.
To BETH, SAILOR IROSIS, and IIMESU: When the giant comes hopping backwards, it nearly kills all of you! Luckily it seems that you were positioned just out of its way. Unfortunately, the robot is still swiping its nasty tail around. The giant tail swings around with the force of a battering ram, and who should be in its way but Iimesu! He's about to get hit by a giant tail.
Iimesu started to whine. "Ooohhh...I'm sick of this!!!" Both of his hands clenched as he continued to whine. Then he noticed a very large wind right in his face. Iimesu moaned, realizing that this wasn't time to whine, despite all of the pain and all the chances of being dead within the next half-an-hour.
He was too weak to blast the tail off, or was he? He could always use his second-weakest attack, right? It might render him from using all attacks for a while, but he wasn't fast enough to get out of the way of this stupid tail.
The first thing he did was plop himself on the ground and then gently lay down. Then he pointed the Nightmare Staff slightly diagonal, so it was over his head but aiming at the tail that was coming his way. With a cough, he weakly managed to say, "Fragile...Nightmare!" If anything, it would capture the tail. Since he was feeling so weak, and such little power was emitted, it was obvious that the attack wouldn't do much at all.
"Beth and whoever you are! MOVE!" He exclaimed, before rolling out of the way of the tail, just incase his attack didn't do anything at all.
Beth takes Iimesu's advice and jumps out of the way of the tail, figuring it's moving too fast to grab. "Come on," she mutters, "Slow down...Just a nice little ladder, that's all I need..."
To SAILOR STAR HEALER: CP still has a score to settle with you and your big mouth. Its two claws are now free. The mech leans forwards and plunges them towards you, trying to snap you up.
"Darn it.." Healer looks up as the Mech tries to grab her. "Aiee!" Healer runs as fast as a fox with it's tail on fire. ^.^ 'THe Star Sensitive Inferno was absorbed! Darn it all. Now, to make that mech into a pile of machine parts. "That wasn't very nice, Cp-Baka. I'll teach you to play nice!"
To SAILOR SATURN, SUNLIGHT and SAILOR MIRARI: You watch the robot stomp on the floor. When it hits the ground, there is a splash of water at its foot. Out of the water comes humanoid amphibious creatures. You don't have the time to worry about the logisitics of it at the moment.
One of those watery bastards appears behind Sailor Saturn and holds her arms in place! A second hydra-demon appears in front of Sailor Saturn, and runs at her, trying to skewer her on its nose.
Another swordfish-creature splashes himself on Sailor Mirari. Mirari gets wet. The creature then starts to form glass crystals at your feet to restain your movement. Talk about annoying. This is really not the time for this.
Two more amphibians head towards Sunlight.
Sailor Saturn steps a few pace back to keep her distance from the raging fire.. Suddenly, without warning, one of the hydra-demon appears behind her and grabs her arms, preventing her from moving them.. If that wasn't bad enough, another one of those water bastards appears in front of her and charges towards her with a killing fury in its eye. Responding to her instints, Saturn jumps up and kicks the hydra demon n front of her. With her arms still tied, she swings her head back as hard as she can...hoping the attack will knock it out cold, releasing her from its grip.
Instinctively, Mirari brought her left arm up to about eye-level, and turned her her head to the right as the water splashed up from the stomping of the mecha. Without getting the chance to do anything about the damn swordfish creatures, the glass crystals began to grow on her combat boots and legs.
Great. With the flames and this, not being able to move her legs; this was just the ideal situation.
Her right hand, almost impulsively, dropped down to her side, touching the pouch full of spherical surprise flavors gingerly. 'No, explosives at my feet; that's no fun. Although, it wouldn't hurt that much - still, no. Just no.' Mirari almost sighed at that thought, almost.
Releasing the bag, her fingers danced upon the belt on her fuku, in a manner that could be described as impatiently. 'Wait...' this was interesting. Why hadn't she been thinking of it before? If diamonds, the hardest solid known, number 10 on the Moh's scale, could break eachother -- why couldn't mirrors do the same to those on her feet?
With that thought, Mirari put her hands down, infront of her, palms facing towards the ground. Maybe she could create some mirrors that would fly against the glass and create enough cracks so that she could break it. Why she didn't think of something like that first, before going to the explosives? Perhaps she was simply irked at the fact that she couldn't move. Whatever, at the moment the girl with glass crystals forming on her feet, was trying to break the solid meld.
To SAILOR STAR SILVER: Meko disappears. Luna sweatdrops and all her fur stands on end. "Aa! I can't believe you just threw your cat into a mirror!!" She starts eyeing Star Silver suspiciously as if she might do the same to her.
"Now it's just the two of us.... maybe we should hop into a different one if this hall goes on forever, and I think it does..."
To MEKO: You arrive at a random location at the current battlefield. You find yourself on top of a giant mecha (on its shoulder). You look around, and there's all sorts of stuff happening everywhere you look. Everywhere is surrounded in blue flames. The Sailor Team is throwing attacks at the mecha, which is trying to dodge them.
Sunlight takes a deep breath, not only for being free of the claw, but for being able to actually control his attack. 'I was sure I'd end up hitting everyone below me,' he tells himself.
Two amphibians comes towards him, and his first reaction is to attack, which, of course, he does. He runs back a little towards the robot, and turns to see what room he has between himself and the amphibians. Deciding it was good enough, he aims, and says calmly, "Sun Break."
With his attack in motion, he takes a moment to see what else is going on. He can see Saturn and Mirari fighting the same thing he was, a swinging tail behind the robot, though not seeing the people, and a small outline of something up on top the robot. "Is that... a cat?" he asked himself aloud. It didn't seem to be the right color for Luna, so who else had a cat? "Oh, that Silver chick has a cat," he realized. "I hope it isn't afraid of heights."
Meko tear drops. "I am sooo telling her father..." He just then notices that hes standing on a really large object that senshi were throwing attacks at. "Ohh....this is so not goood...."
He looks down to see how far of jump it would be then desides against it. He sighs an tries to find another way down
Silver sighs. "He'll be ok..." She looks around an walks to the mirror across from the one she threw Meko in an walked over to.
She walked over to the mirror an paused then steped through it
Sunlight looks over his shoulder, everything happening in seconds. He wasn't sure what to do. Try and help others, or just wait.
Deciding waiting would be quite a bore, Sunlight steps closer to the mecha, right along its side, and looks up at Meko interested.
"Hey!" he shouted up. "If you jump I'll catch you! It's better then flying off by a sudden jerk of this thing!" He peers over his shoulder nervously, seeing if anything was coming near him, or if the blue fire was approaching anywhere. "But make it quick!"
Meko sighed. "Ok...." He leaps from the mecha, at sunlight. "Please dont miss..."
To Sailor Saturn: Ouch! You really showed those fish-faces who's boss! You knock both of them out cold. Falling backwards, they return into water again. You stumble a little, suddenly freed .
To Mirari: Your plan to break free works just as well as you expected it to, although you must admit that's it's a very crunchy feeling- splitting glass with glass so close to your body. Luckily, the splits that form are long and effective- before too long, the glass is loose enough so that you could kick yourself free. Stupid fish monsters.
To Iimesu: A large wooden crate forms around the mecha's lizard-like tail. The tail was already monstrously large, and why you would want to make it bigger by forming a box around it, is beyond me, but fortunately, you rolled out of its way just in time.
The crate, labelled 'TNT', detonates. When the burst of fire dies down, you see the tail broken. It's still attached to the robot, by a thread, although its mobility is severely impaired. It's stopped moving for the most part, and is twitching a little.
"What was that? I'm scared," says the young girl's voice.
"I'm concentrating," Crystal Piranha replies levelly.
"I don't like what you're doing! I hate you!"
CP advises her to shut up. However, the girl starts shrieking at the top of her lungs. "Stop it! Let me out!!" A banging sound is heard.
The arena fills water. "God, you're so annoying," CP hisses angrily through clenched teeth. "You're going to pay for that."
Of all the things you had expected to happen, you didn't expect this to happen. For about two seconds you feel a pressure change- and then the entire arena is submerged in water! It takes your eyes a second to adjust to the greenish-blue tint. You feel the reduced effects of gravity.
Apparently, the instant changes catches Crystal Piranha off-guard too. She pauses her barrage of attacks while getting a grip on her new surroundings.
To Meko:
Halfway through your flight you switch from sailing through the air to shifting through water. You don't reach Sunlight. You're suspended right in front of giant robot.
To Silver: You wind up on the current battlefield. Luna freaks out and starts pawing every which way. You suppose that she doesn't like getting wet. Luna tries to tell you something, but you can't hear her.
To Sunlight: Your "Sun... Break!" attack, aimed in between the two fish-monsters, broadsides both of them. The blast of light demolishes the two losers and they turn into pitiful little puddles.
You couldn't catch Meko because you became distracted when the arena filled with water. And then, it only takes you a moment to realize that Meko doesn't need saving . Unfortunately, it looks like you're in an area of those humanoid sea-mutants. You see them moving through the water, just as easily through the water as they had on the ground. You see three of them swimming around you in a circle, stalking you like sharks. They partially camoflauge with the water, making it difficult for you to track them. Then, right in front of you, one of the swordfish-heads makes a sharp turn towards you, and comes at you with its wide jaws of razor-sharp teeth!
Sunlight looks around him alarmed, then tries to settle down. Water was better because he could move more. Wait, no, water sucked because it made it difficult for him to attack. He was just glad he had powers based off light, and light could pass through water. Then again, Heat Explosion might just boil the water around Sunlight and kill him.
'That cat should be fine now,' he told himself. 'Unless it can't swim, but then it'll just float to the bottom.' He studies his surroundings, noticing small glimspes of the sea-mutants. He wasn't exactly sure what to do. But before he had to worry about being circled, he had to worry about the one right in his face trying to get him. He gives a small whimper, moving back as well as he could in the water, and decides permission was for chumps. "Violet Raze!" he says in the water, though it came out more as bubbles.
His main hope was to have the sea-mutant bounce off it, get hurt, and run away with its little friends . He might even push some water away, but he was skeptical about that. The most Sunlight hoped for was protection from the sea-mutants.
To Sailor Irosis: A couple seconds after you started floating, you felt yourself pushed away from Beth and Iimesu. In front of you is one of CP's humanoid sea-creatures- they almost look like spirits blending in with the water. It grapples with you and tries to hold you in place.
Irosis gasped as the place filled with water.
"who could be in there I wonder? what? Oh crap, I'm drifting away from the others."
She attempted to swim to them but found herself clenched in the humanoids grasp.
"What IS this THING??'' She struggled,attempting to pull away. "This isn't going to work..." She growled quitly, moving her slightly to her side.
A small dagger forms in her palm. The hilt is black, decorated here and the with red gemstones, almost like a normal dagger. But the blade is entirly diffrent. It appears to be solid, but looks like it has flames dancing about in it.
She grinned, twisting around she swiped at the thing with her dagger, hoping to catch it off guard and slice it in half.
"Bah...Stupid water..." There was on advantage to this, though. At least he knew how to swim better then he knew how to run! Thank goodness for that. With a sigh, he swam closer to Beth.
"Would your old plan still work?" Then he thought of something. If Beth's plan didn't, or just couldn't work anymore, he also had a back-up idea. "Wait, don't electronics and computers mix horribly with water?" Iimesu looked over to the mecha and got a little smirk on his face. If the mecha was electric, and computerized, there was no doubt that if water got into the system, it would be in trouble.
It was like how you didn't put hair-dryers near the water. It was obvious that sticking a robot near the water might be somewhat disasterous, too. Maybe the mecha would short-circut and in a way, die out. Or it might just explode, which would be very useful. Either way, he needed a way to get water in the system. And that way was through the hole the tail had caused.
Iimesu gave himself a mental pat on the back for thinking up such a useful back-up plan. Then he looked at the robot and narrowed his eyes. It didn't seem to be short-circutting yet, so maybe they needed to help it a little...
Beth smirks at Iimesu. "I think you might want to it along a little. And no, my plan doesn't work anymore, but we no longer need it to. Gravity was the problem, am I right?" She puts her book into a pocket and looks up contemplatively. "So now, gravity is irrelevant. We can now move freely in three dimensions. You go ahead and bother the mecha. I think I'll go for a swim." She starts stroking expertly towards the source of power, slightly hampered by her outfit, but helped by not needing to come up for air.
Saturn's body was half-submerged under water.. " Great...I just out of the water, " she uttered, but that was the least of her problems. She noticed more of the fish mutants now.. they were more angry and agile than ever. To avoid being fish food to these monsters, Saturn swims over to Beth and the others by paddling herself with her gaive.
Meko turns into a tiger an tries to slash the robot. He was an unussal cat because he didnt mind water.
Tresea grabbed her glavie an pointed it at the robot. She wasnt sure if she could talk under water so she consentrated. Star..Constellation...Magic... her glavie glittered brightly an fired at it, taking the shape of a dragon.
Crystal Piranha gets her act together. The giant robot folds in its arms and legs, becoming more dolphin-shaped. It moves around using its powerful tail, although, since the tail is broken, CP tries to maneuver it using the flagella on its back instead.
To SAILOR IROSIS, and SUNLIGHT: The sea monster next to Sailor Irosis has only a second to wobble in fear when she pulls out her fire dagger. Irosis slices across it. The monster falls back into two pieces, and little black creatures like sea anemone spill out of it. Groaning, it's body sinks into the sea-fog and is never seen again.
Sunlight attempts "Violet Raze!" against the amphibian-mutant in front of him. A protective shield forms around him. The first monster drives into it and bounces off with a blast of energy. Instead of leaving, the well-trained sea-creature attacks the bubble again and again with determination- getting shocked each time.
The mech turns towards Irosis and Sunlight, and yells- "...Metal JAWS!!"
The area is suddenly criss-crossed with metal wires. They surround you on every side and make it impossible to swim. Furthermore, the wires have tiny barbs on them which catch onto your clothing. You get caught in place.
The devilish amphibians coming after Sunlight also get caught on it. They try to fight against the net of wires, but only become more entangled in it, slicing their flesh open.
As the wire comes around him, the first thought Sunlight has is: 'I hope my clothes don't get ripped...' but then his thoughts were put into their right place. How was he suppose to get free from this? He already broke the rule of taking Victor's powers without asking, so he was banned of using them for months, and if he were to break the ban he would be out of here and to probation straight away. 'Not a bad idea...' Sunlight thinks, then tries to pull that from his thought. This was better then being stuck in probation with Guy.
Sunlight's attacks were pretty much useless, because all they would do was either heat up the water too much, or just not do anything at all. Well, at least the sea-mutants were trapped too. Sunlight soon found himself laughing at them, despite his own position, and the water around him. Them repeatedly ramming themselves into his dome was enough to make him want to die from laughter. Still, he needed to get free.
*Help...* he called telepathically to anyone listening. *I can't exactly move...*
To MEKO, STAR SILVER, STAR HEALER: Meko slashes the robot, and gashes appear in the armor. CP gets angry with Meko.
Star Silver's Dragon-shaped Constellation attack slams into the robot. It hits its right shoulder, in an area that wasn't protected by armor. The machine rears from the blow. CP didn't like that. The robot turns around so that you are facing its tail. Underneath it's tail is a spinning rudder. Crystal Piranha turns it on high power and you start to be pulled towards it! The force creates an underwater tornado, trying to pull you into the rudder.
Meko swims away from the mech an fast as he can
Silver kicks her feat as hard as she can, trying to swim away. She thought about sticking her glavie through the rudder an stoping it. But then she remember the pole is made of wood an probably break an then shed be in trouble.
To MIRARI: You are still standing on the floor. You look up and see almost everyone else in perilous situations.
To SAILOR SATURN and IIMESU: You are over the robot's head. .
To BETH: You swim closer and closer to the foreign object. You run into something that is a)bigger than you are, and b)made out of metal. Luckily, when you crash into it, the illusion of invisibility is dispelled.
You see a large metal cage- like a bird-cage- and inside of it is a young mermaid. She has gorgeous long, blonde hair that splays out behind her. She is sitting down, and her lustrous green tail is set off to one side. She started looking around fearfully when you knocked into the cage. However, she hasn't noticed your presence yet.
Beth stares frankly at the mermaid. *Well, whatever I was expecting, she's not it.* Suddenly, an idea occurs to her. *However, if Piranha is keeping her locked up, there's a reason why.* She therefore smiles nicely at the mermaid. "Who are you?" she asks.
Iimesu took this chance to look down and stick his tongue out at the robot, before quickly withdrawing it back into his mouth. There was no way he wanted to get water in his mouth because he was taunting a mecha, but he probably had water in his mouth ANYWAY. Oh well.
He took a quick second to think about what Beth said, and then nodded. He needed to bother that stupid mecha...That was all that he could do anyway. Well, that was until he heard, "Help...I can't exactly move...," in his head. Iimesu flinched at Sunlight's mental call for help and just to acknowledge that he heard, he turned his head torwards Sunlight. Robot, or Sunlight? Ugh. With a deep sigh, he took a closer look at the situation. There was that other girl, whatever her name was, and a bunch of mutant sea-monsters getting torn up by the wires. Maybe he should help Sunlight, before he and that girl were torn up as well. Then he could get to the robot.
Iimesu turned downwards and swam towards the wires, making sure to keep his distance at the same time. He didn't want to get stuck too, afterall. Besides, those wires looked pretty darn sharp... "Well, what could anyone possibly do to help?"
Darn. All he could think of was another attack. If he used "Virtual Invasion" on the wires, that would destroy them. However, he just didn't have the strength to push himself that far anymore. That attack was still fairly new to him. Fragile Nightmare would do nothing but trap Sunlight and the girl. Flick would do absolutely nothing at all! That left him with only one choice--since healing powers were obviously out of the question.
He probably wouldn't be able to attack again, and he'd probably be more fragile then he already was, but oh well. This looked like a pretty tight situation. Groaning lightly, he put his hands forward and let a black-colored fireball develop in them. Then he chucked it at the wires that Sunlight and that girl were stuck in, so it wouldn't free the monsters. Not like he had the power to produce that much energy anyway, and if he did, he didn't want to use it.
Without looking back to see if it worked, he turned around once again and started towards the huge mecha, at a much slower pace then before.
Sunlight sighs, beginning to doubt anyone would want to help, until, at last, he could see Iimesu higher up. Though he was helping, Sunlight couldn't help but feel a little irritated. Not only did Iimesu's earlier remarks remind him of one of his loathed friends, he was now doing exatle what that same friend would do. The finishing off with turning without seeing what the outcome was sealed the deal. If Milky had gotten into strange ordeals, close death experiences, and not to mention girl after girl back at the palace, he wondered with great interest what kind of adventures Iimesu had gotten himself into.
With a small laugh inside his head, he decided to use some of his thought to hoping the attack worked.
Iimesu suddenly froze in place. A sly smirk formed on his face. His eyes went towards the jewel on his Nightmare Staff. Just because HE couldn't perform powers, didn't mean the jewel couldn't. A victorious, "Now you're paying attention to me!" came into his head, as Iimesu reached towards the jewel. "Hey, what are you DOING?!"
"Finding a way to see if I can actually do two things at once, idiot!..." With that, he grabbed it off. The jewel started to glow, as if something was trying to break out of it. Iimesu laughed at him. "Let me take it from a movie. Resistance is futile." With that, he threw it at the mecha as if he was the pitcher in a ball game. The jewel continued to glow.
"There...Now to see if my attack actually worked..." Iimesu turned around, to look at Sunlight and that girl. Apparently he wasn't ignoring them just because he wanted to. "Sorry about earlier, Sunlight." He mumbled, putting his hand behind his head, and wondering if he heard.
Saturn frantically twist and turn, looking for something high or anything that will keep her off the water because if that big machine short circuited or blew up..the whole floor would be electrified and that's the last thing she wants. Towards her right was a pillar where a statue once stood but it was shattered broken to pieces when CP burnt the whole place with the mecha. Saturn swam to the pillar and pulled her wet body up on it. She questioned in her mind if this was safe because she had a limited space to move around but in the other hand..she wouldn't be electrified if something happened to the robot. Saturn stood up and hold her gaive out. She points it at the robot and summons her powers again...a purple aura surrounds the gaive, then her entire body is of a purple glow, almost like a purple firefly. The gaive reached its maximum peak......." Hiyahhhh" ...Saturn screams out. The bolt of energy was so powerful it sent her backwards a few steps.
Mirari muttered something inaudible under her breath; though in the manner of which it sounded it could possibly resemble a grumble as water filled the crevices of the room. In the water, again. She stood on the ground, still, watching as the rest of the lot swim about, ride through the water. All while she was just standing there, somehow managing to say on the floor even with the water around her.
What the hell was she just standing (floating?) about for?! True - she tends to have a bit, a lot, of nonchalance about her, but it was completely wuss-like to just stay there idly and watch.
With that thought that jolted to her mind almost as a reflex, Mirari gave herself a boost, extending her arms into the liquid surroundings as a combat boot kicked off the floor. Legs moving swiftly 'up and down' -if you would like to use those directions while in water and floating- in a kicking motion to propel her body; arms moving water away from her immediate forward path, pushing it in the opposite direction.
Perhaps to attack the mecha, get this over with? --But the metal vines twisting and grinding against eachother caught her attention, she wasn't so terribly aloof so as not to notice it. Something had to be done about that, even if it didn't really matter to Mirari that Sunlight and Irosis were encaged within, it really was a matter of besting Crystal Piranha and breaking her attack-toy.
Metal... A tough substance, no doubt, any idiot could figure that out. Although magic is also a very strong force, regardless of the fact that glass, mirrors, would, and does, break when clashed against the might of metal.
Honestly, if it was a different situation, Mirari probably wouldn't help out the two caught in the the cage, she was, after all, a rather shrouded character that didn't do the whole enjoying of all this gleeful 'save-the-world' work. The world could go to hell. These however was different, she was bored, and for some reason or another determined to piss off Crystal Piranha. >}
Whatever, this was worth a try. 'This' didn't refer to mirrors or glass though. Mirari was just itching to use some of her weapons. Namely, her ball-bearing-sized explosives. 'They need some kind of name...' Now wasn't that time for that though.
Positioning herself upright, her legs moved back and forth in the water just enough so that she could stay level. A silver-gloved hand fell to a pouch, it's itch relieved as it pulled half a handful of tiny orbs with the texture of a bullet; throwing them as best she could within the water to make sure to hit her target within the metal vines.
Sunlight feels relief seeing that more then one person will help, even if it isn't exactly for him personally.
Though, he couldn't help but feel oddly when Iimesu apologized... An apology? AN APOLOGY?! Oh, okay, that's fine, and accepted. It included with his relief, knowing he had one less person to add to his enemy list, not that he would; but it could had been a thought.
To SUNLIGHT: Iimesu's black fireball punches into the metal wires holding you back- The black energy gets absorbed into the twisted wires, which start to snap, and fall away as though eaten by an invisible force.
Any inconvenience you might have suffered is erased when you feel an explosion behind you. The metal vines get disintegrated.
To Everyone: Iimesu chucks a thing at the robot- a little gem that's almost too small to be seen. It hits the robot in the chest, burns a large through it and comes out the other side. Nasty little bugger.
"Ah!" Crystal Piranha grunts as though it was herself who was hit. Iron from the front of the robot's chest flakes off in burnt cinders. You see it twitch spasmodically. Something's definitely wrong.
Immediately afterwards, a bolt of purple lightning blasts through the heavens and shakes the gizmo to its core, like a toy truck. You don't think that this robot could feel pain, but whatever's going on, it doesn't look fun.
* * *
The blonde mermaid looks up when she hears Beth. But she looks in the wrong direction... "Eeee! No! No!" she yells in response to some undescribable fear. She backs up against the side of the cage in despearation.
Suddenly, all of the water that was in the arena vanishes. It's just gone. No longer buoyed by the water, everything falls.
The huge robot (which stupidly folded its legs in under it) plummets like a meteor, and thunders into the ground with an almighty crash. Innumerable parts fly off it and clatter across the floor. "Argh!" You hear CP yell in pain from inside the cockpit, as you hear a thump, and a crack forms in the windshield.
Everyone else falls except for Sailor Saturn and Sailor Mirari.
...The cage with the mermaid in it crashes into the ground. Immediately, the girl transforms into a human, slips out of the cage (she could get out at any time?!!) and starts running away, her sky-blue summer-dress billowing out behind her.
You are SO glad that Sailor Mirari disintegrated those wires or you would be falling through them and gutting yourself to death.
After smiling at Sunlight because he had a feeling that he was forgiven, Iimesu caught the dark, black gem, in his right hand. The jewel just kept on glowing. "You know, I could just break this." The glowing stopped. Iimesu grinned in victory as he put the jewel back on the end of the Nightmare Staff. Finally, he had made the guy shut his little mouth.
The man looked down at the very un-inviting ground before falling on two feet. Iimesu tried to maintain his balance, but he ended up falling on his butt anyway. "Owww..." After whining for a few seconds, he shook his head and stopped. Now wasn't the time for that, although the mecha was probably useless now. Iimesu felt pretty useful for once. His gem did most of the work destroying the mecha, it seemed, but then again, it probably wouldn't have broken up so easily if it wasn't for the others.
"Now what, Crystal Piranha?" He taunted, sticking out his tongue. "Try to destroy us with little FISH?!" A goofy little sly smirk formed on his face as he eyed the rubble that used the be that big, oh so scary mecha.
Sunlight runs as far away as he can from where the wires were and brushes just beside Iimesu. He hears him taunt and can't help but laugh, putting his hands in his pockets. "Thanks," he says quickly during a small break in voice, and just sort of strolls away towards wherever. He wasn't sure where he was walking, he was just so happy he could, and not have it be swimming, and best of all, it seemed Victor would be seeing Sara much sooner then he thought when coming along to get a "break" from "those" friends.
Beth lands hard on her knees and struggles to her feet, feeling rather as though her kneecaps are on fire. Disregarding this, she turns to follow the ex-mermaid. "Wait! Come back!" She finds herself unable to run fast enough to keep up, and settles for calling after the mer-girl, "I want to help you!"
Healer looked down before she fell, big mistake. Then, she fell. "Aieee!" Healer fell on her back. "Owww! That was smart." Healer had swirly eyes for a couple of minutes before she decided to get up. "Oww...."
"BOOM"..Saturn hears a large object hit the ground.. Its sounded like something metallic..she knew in fact it was CP's mecha that have crashed onto the ground. Still trying to recover her balance on top of the pilliar, she accidently looked down.
"ahhh", Saturn screams. The pilliar she was standing must of been 30 ft in the air. Now, she wished she never got on the damn thing in the first place. Saturn squats there, trying to figure a way how to get down.
Should I just test my fate, and take a leap? she thought.
Using the brick lines on the walls as a ruler, she estimated how far up in the air she was actually about 20 ft high...
"That's not so high" , she mumbles..its just like jumping off a slide..yea..a slide at a park..
Here goes nothing......." ahhhhhhh......", Saturn screams at the top of her lungs.
Damn, Mirari was glad that she wasn't at such an elevation as the others when the water was drained from the area. Watching nearly all of the rest fall from their former points, not a bit of sympathy appeared on her face. It was getting quite tiring, wet, then dry, then wet, then dry... Why couldn't Crystal Piranha just pick one or the other to die in?
Her crimson eyes become riveted on the once-mer-girl. The hell...? Crossing her arms over her chest, Mirari had an almost irritated air about her, walking slowly towards the hunk of junk that is Crystal Piranha's mecha.
No response from Crystal Piranha.
Across the arena, the blonde-haired girls suddenly trips over something and falls flat on her face. Instead of getting up again, she sits on her knees and cries. "No, please don't take me away... " she says in between dainty sobs. "I miss Jafter.... where is he??"
Iimesu gave Sunlight a small smile. "Anytime..." He whispered, as the man walked away from him. After hearing Star Healer's moan, because she fell on her back, Iimesu ran over to her. There was a slightly worried look in his eyes. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked, tilting his head slightly.
Turning around, he noticed that Crystal Piranha didn't respond. Iimesu smirked. Was she dead? He then looked over to the blonde-haired girl and chuckled slightly, before blinking. Jafter? This girl knew that Jafter person from the beginning of this whole dilemma? Well, he certainly didn't know where Jafter went, that's for sure.
Ending his thoughts with that, he turned back to Star Healer.
Sunlight looks towards the girl and listens to her cries. He goes through his thoughts and remembers the last time he saw Jafter he was flying through the air. He had a feeling she was never going to see Jafter ever. Though he should most likely feel sorry for her, he actually begins laughing at her and turns away, trying to hide his big smile.
'Stop laughing!' he ordered himself, and takes a deep breath. Sunlight still has to escape back a little further so she can't here his chuckles at her sobs. One of the girls would handle it. It was their job to worry about feelings anyway. Guys usually just made it worse, and after this, he could see why. 'One step further to getting out of here,' he thought merrily.
Irosis lands painfully on her side. Pain seared through her elbow. Sitting up she looked at it asblood seeped through the small cuts. "Oww, that doesn't feel so good." She wiped it away and looked around. "Who is that girl? Jafter? Wasn't he the one who started out with us and then dissapeared?" she questioned herself.
She glanced around at the others, before realizing CP wasn't responding. "I hope she's dead. WE all need to go home, so without her, nothings stopping us."
"owww," Saturn let out a teary cry. She began rubbing her elbows and knees. Surprisingly, she wasn't serious injured nor bleeding. Her small, skinny body frame must of lighten the fall. Saturn stands up clumsily and sees the other soldiers also rubbing and curing their injuries but what caught her attention was the mysterious blonde hair girl. Who is she? and why was she held captured in the cage? What could CP possibly want with her? These questions ran through Saturn's mind as she brush the dust off her suit.
Healer looks at Iimesu. "I'm okay, Just hurts a bit." Healer smiles weakly, trying to hide the fact that it hurts a whole lot. ^.^
Beth quietly goes over to the girl and kneels down beside her. She puts her arm around the girl's shoulder comfortingly and smiles, a bit stiffly. *Crap. I'm no good at this comforting stuff.* "It's okay," she says to the former mer-girl, "We're not taking you anywhere. Jafter will be here soon." *Where is he? If he's in earshot, maybe I can call him.* She utilizes her quite impressive lung capacity to yell. "Jafter! You get in here right this minute, or I'll turn you into a dung beetle!"
Mirari glanced over to the sobbing girl. Seeing Beth there was a relief, she wouldn't have to deal with her... maybe. She wasn't exactly the most 'caring' person after all. Oh well.
Something was bugging her though, why no response from Crystal Piranha? Surely, that little drop, as graceful as it was, it couldn't have killed her or even hurt her seriously. Could it? 'Maybe...' With a though lingering in her mind, the girl quickened her pace towards the mecha.
If Crystal Piranha was still in there, Mirari wasn't just about to let her just stay there. What if she was just sitting there... waiting for a moment that they were vunerable? Hah. She wasn't just going to turn a blind eye to her simply because there was no response. That would be quite foolish, no?
The girl turns to face Beth. Her eyes are totally white. You are chilled when you realize that she is blind.
"...Soon? What's happened to him? I can't do anything without Jafter." She rests her head in her hands and continues to sob. A strange things happens- The very walls of the chamber change texture and start to drip fluid like her tears.
You're glad that this girl is too timid to fly into a murderous rage, or something, cause who would know what would happen in those circumstances.
A click comes from the giant android. Next to Mirari, you look and see the windshield of the mecha detach and open. Moments later Crystal Piranha steps out. At first you brace yourself- however, she's no longer belligerent, as you can tell from her weak and injured movements.
CP turns to face Beth and the girl. She speaks very quietly. "Lila, what the intruder says is correct.... I lied when I told you I had Jafter held captive." she adds, hissing through clenched fangs. "It was all a plot to get you to make the traps for me." Lila looks up, with an expression of what may have been relief, had not her anxiety and blindness almost fully paralyzed her.
Suddenly Crystal Piranha turns to face Sunlight, Sailor Irosis, and the others. She's as scary as ever, despite the wounds on her head and arms. Moreover, you gather that she doesn't take losing very well.
"So you've bested me at my game. And a game it was. You'll find the portal to the 30th century in the Dead Sea. Go." She holds her hand out towards everyone. Before you can even respond or do anything else, you feel a jolting sensation.
For a second everything goes black, and you are disoriented, and then you wake up very close to the spot where you had teleported from. Everyone is lying on or around a bench near the Shibuya train station.
It's late at night, so there aren't a bunch of pedestrians wandering around- only enough to occassionally glance in curiosity at the throng of strangers sleeping right in front of the train station. You notice that Jafter, Crystal Piranha, and the Lila are missing...
Beth dusts herself off and picks up a few items she'd left behind, such as her schoolbag. "Well, glad that's over." She looks around, taking stock of everyone. "I'll see you all around some time or another. Probably not for a while, though. Bye!" She turns and walks off through the station, mingling with the few pedestrians until even her scarlet hair is no longer visible.
Iimesu looked over and briefly smiled at Star Healer. "I doubt that it only was only hurting a little if not at all..." He mumbled, before looking up at the night sky. It put a smile on his face, it being his favorite time of the day--nighttime. He then glanced at everyone else, his eyes lingering on Saturn and Sunlight for a few moments. With a sigh, he looked to the ground and shook his head.
"So this is it, eh?" Iimesu asked himself, not really knowing how high the chances of ever seeing them again were. He reached up to one of his white side pieces and started to play around with it. Iimesu might be able to see them again, somehow, though. If he just kept that in mind, it would be easier for him to get the guts to leave.
Iimesu breathed in and whispered, "Well...Good-bye." With that, he turned around and ran in the opposite direction of the train, before seeming to be not there at all. It almost seemed like he was running away before he had any regrets or second thoughts.
Healer watches as Beth and Iimesu go off. "I best go too.. Seiya, Taki and Kakyuu are probably wondering what's taken me to get home...." Healer looks up at the sky. "And what a tale to tell.." Healer smiles and walks towards the Train station, but glances back and looks at the rest of the senshi. "I should make sure Treasa gets home. Seiya'd kill me if I didn't!" Healer sits down next to her.
Adreian blinks. "That's it? It was only a game?" She rubs at her elbow. "Well, whatever. I have to go home. I'm tired. Besides, I don't feel like sitting around with people gawking at me like I'm a wierdo. Well," she says, standing up,"It was fun being with you guys. I hope I get to meet up with again, one day." She turns and walk away, dissapearing into the night.
Sunlight looks around at everyone and sighs. "What a waste of time..." he mutters angry and gets to his feet. For a moment he felt like someone had their eyes on him, but when he looked nothing. He sighs again, and thinks about how much energy he used. Gea was gonna kill him.
Turning back into Victor, he looks at everyone and turns around, taking out his cell phone and sort of stumbling off. By the looks of it it was his girlfriend he was speaking to, but then again, it could had been Allie. Just Allie...
"This was a waste of time," was the last thing anyone, if paying attention, heard Victor say as he vanished around some corner.
Hotaru was awoken by a small squeak from a rodent not too far away from where she was laying. She got up and noticed that she wasn't in CP's dream world anymore.. she, along witth rest of the group were back in the train station...The last thing Hotaru remembered was CP telling them that the portal was in the dead sea or some place... well, she'll deal with that later..right now, she just want to go some place warm and rest. The others got up one by one and bid farewell to one another. Hotaru stood there..observing her teammates exchanging small chit chats and handshakes and then departed their own seperate ways.
"Where do I go now?", she says. Oh Trista..where are you?". Hotaru holds herself while she waits for someone to pick her up.
Mirari found herself laying on the white concrete near the bench which they had passed by earlier. As she regained full consciousness, from her 'sleep', her fuku faded and regular clothes appearing -- detransforming.
She got herself off the ground, her bare hands pushing off the ground to quickly hold on her two feet. Before shades - yes, shades at night - obscured her eyes, she glanced around at those leaving and those who were still there. Standing there, it felt almost surreal in the air after all of what occured.
With a fleeting thought, Malise walked into the crowd; the various metal objects in her pockets making a familiar jingle and the breeze, however strong it was, pressing against her making small flaps in her wind braker. The night whispered with murmurs, embracing Malise as she disappeared into the crowd; her eyes of a red gradient shimmered in the moonlight which reached them from behind tinted lenses.
...I can see a frozen frame in the night where an outline traced in flames still awaits...