I finished Volume 1! And most of the pages you see here aren't even in there, I just trashed them o_o;; anyway it's at angelboy.com if you want to read and I am partway through Volume 2. FYI!
Yay! At last. The manga board has been looking abandoned. I love to read each artist's stories. And thanks Chibi for telling me where to find the rest of your story at. I've been trying to keep up with Angelboy, but you know, being busy now, I don't stop by like I used to. Well, heh, I love being at this website. :D
Natalie 2014/01/16 (Thu) 23:07
Hahah, I don't blame you. I'm the one who neglected Sailor-Games for many years! That was basically because I'm not confident in myself enough, but I'm getting better at it. Thanks for commenting and let me know your thoughts!! :)
chibimars 2014/01/17 (Fri) 14:33
I not at last got to read volume 1 of your manga. Wow. It's much more nicer than your original one. And it's more horrific than the original. Awesome. Are you gonna do a remake of "Cain"? I definitely want to see that.
Natalie 2014/01/25 (Sat) 00:14
Yes that's right, I'm in the middle of drawing Volume 2 right now. I remember you enjoyed it a lot :)... I'd like to stay in touch with you. What websites are you visiting now?
chibimars 2014/01/29 (Wed) 10:59
Facebook, Gaia Online, YouTube, Ancestry, Wikipedia, and sites that teach about natural medicines. I mostly don't watch a lot of tv because there isn't anything good on anymore. When I'm not on the computer, I'm always going out food shopping, visiting family and friends, and basically getting fresh air. With the cold Winter air now, I can't stay outside for too long. My life is simple and clear. Heh. I feel more old than young and I haven't even hit 30.
Natalie 2014/01/30 (Thu) 23:30
Very nice! Can you add me to Facebook (Nicole Beguesse)? I don't watch TV anymore either, but sometimes I download anime. I haven't been very social for the last couple years, but I'm going to try to use Facebook to keep in touch better....