Sailor Venus / Mina
Birthday: September 22
Zodiac Sign: Libra(ruled by Venus)
Japanese name: Aino MinakoIn Venus' name, ai means love. Venus' later powers "Venus Love Me Chain", and"Venus Love and Beauty Shock" contain the word love. -No shows possession, mina refers to a field(written with the character mifor beauty) and ko means child. Put all together, Venus' name could mean "a beautiful childin a field of love".
Venus was the Italian goddess of The Spring, love, and beauty.In ancient Japanese, the planet Venus was kinsei. However, kin referred notto love but to the metal gold, so Sailor Venus does not quite fit in the exact same patternas the others. However, some of Venus' attacks relate to metal as well. It is said thatVenus' sailor outfit was originally supposed to be gold, but was later simplified to thecolor orange... Venus' day was Friday. The Japanese name for Friday, kinyobi, relates back to the word formetal and the planet Venus. The Spanish and French, viernes and vendredi, are derived from the name "Venus".
Representing the scales of Libra, Minako finds in herself two sides of an eccentricpersonality. Even though Minako is fun-loving, hyper and a bit scatter-brained,she never fails to lead the other senshi in a crisis.