B E C O M E A P A R T O F M Y S I T E ! |
 | Thank you for coming to this page! To submit something to my site, all you have to do is email me! But first, remember the rules: - You will receive credit if your submissions are original - Do not steal from other websites. - Tell me what attachment you are sending in the body of your message, or I will think it is a virus and delete it. | Short Stories: 1. Even though I prefer short stories, there is no specific limit. 2. Please finish the story! I will reject the story if it is incomplete, or are only "part 1". 3. Your story must have proper spelling and grammar for your story to be considered. 4. Your story must give proper considerations to characters, storyline, and plot. Hint: If your story is half a page long, it probably does not have these. 5. You can send your story as an attachment or in the body of your email. 6. You must submit your story exclusively to the Super Senshi Playground. I don't want it if it can be found on another site. Hi-Res Depot: 1. Images should have as high a quality as the ones found within my site. 2. No fan art. Coloring Pages: 1. You may submit a black and white coloring-book image. 2. Please make sure I do not have it already. 3. Must be at least 400 pixels wide and 600 pixels tall. Video Archive: Please don't email me movie files because they are too large. Either give me the URL, or email me and I'll give you my screenname to send it through AOL Instant Messenger.