. : A Q U A R I U S : .

Your Sign's Stats...

"I know"
an "Air" sign
Symbol: The Water-Bearer
Birthstone: Blue Sapphire
Compatible signs: Aries, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius
Dates: Jan. 20 - Feb. 18

Your Sign's History...

The ancient Egyptians associated Aquarius with a vital spiritual forcethat nourished and renewed life. Since new life springs up with water, your sign is associated with what is new. You're often first at thinkingand doing things, and then others follow. You're an idealistic, independent,and inventive thinker -- quick-witted, positive, excitable and, when necessary,aggressive and combative. Your vision, purpose, or ideal is to share yourbrilliant ideas with others in an effort to enlighten them for their own good.

Your Personality...

Aquarians are unpredictable and curious.

Normally courteous and realistic, every once in awhile, this nonconformist water sign likes to shock others.

Ruled by Uranus, this free thinking sign cherishes the freedom, friends, and dreams of the future that belong to it.

Interested in everything and often misunderstood, Aquarians love to be surrounded by people.

Considered somewhat eccentric, you posess a knack for understanding others.

You have the same sign as:
Geena Davis
Paul Newman
Oprah Winfrey
Bob Marley
Sheryl Crow
Charles Darwin
Thomas Edison
George Burns
Charles Dickens
Franklin Roosevelt
Abraham Lincoln
Sialor Uranus

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